



積分: 1760

發表於 08-3-24 14:39 |只看該作者
i heard about the schools in Dallas are really good, so i'm thinking to move over there. my first concern is the weather over there.

any comments?


積分: 171772

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發表於 08-3-25 00:10 |只看該作者
My godmother lives in Houston with her son's family. They always said that the weather is so hot, no time for them to wear winter clothes. Life there's quite slow and simple. My godfather always goes fishing. Price index there is lower than that in CA but recently, I heard that the house price raised because more Asian moved there and the house price jetted up. Not sure if Dallas is also the same case.


積分: 11500

發表於 08-3-25 00:58 |只看該作者
Off topic....A colleague of mine moved to Austin a couple years ago (she has 3 kids + family there). I suppose the school system is great and homes are relatively inexpensive compared to the bay area's. Not sure about the weather (hurricanes, tornados...) but I guess the pros probably outweigh the cons.

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-3-24 08:10 發表
My godmother lives in Houston with her son's family. They always said that the weather is so hot, no time for them to wear winter clothes. Life there's quite slow and simple. My godfather always go ...


積分: 288

發表於 08-4-21 00:20 |只看該作者

I'm from houston. I have friends in Dallas. Most asians live in Plano, Allen, or Richardson (cities around dallas). friends told me that Plano has more good schools. the chinese grocery stores and restuarants are not located in one area (china town).

it's very hot in the summer (July and August) and not very cold in the winter. it may have freezing rain or snow once a year. don't worry about the hurricane in dallas because it's very far away from the ocean. for tornados, no one can predict the path of tornado.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-3-24 00:39 發表
i heard about the schools in Dallas are really good, so i'm thinking to move over there. my first concern is the weather over there.

any comments?


積分: 1760

發表於 08-4-21 13:39 |只看該作者

thanks for yr info. and nice to "meet" u here. how long have you been in TX?

actually i'd been to austin in august years ago. i had to go to the shopping mall to get a pair of shorts. also, there was another time that i got "trapped" at the airport for hours when i tried to connect at the dallas airport due to the bad weather. that's why the weather is really a big concern to me, while the chinese grocery stores and restaurants are not my concerns at all.

well ... i hv a friend who's moved to sugar land abt 3 yrs ago. they've already bought at least 5 houses in TX. when they bought them, it was about $200k+ each but the price has gone up to $300k+ each now.

my hubby's company has office in austin and several of his coworkers already relocated over there but still got the same pay as in the bay area CA. they were talking about the lot size of their houses in acres.

i heard that the schools in sugar land, houston, austin, dallas, and planos are all good. however, per my own researches, the schools in dallas and planos are the best in TX. and overall, the public school cirriculum in TX seems to be better than that in CA.

原文章由 MrsBee 於 08-4-21 00:20 發表

I'm from houston. I have friends in Dallas. Most asians live in Plano, Allen, or Richardson (cities around dallas). friends told me that Plano has more good schools. the chinese grocery ...


積分: 288

發表於 08-4-23 13:58 |只看該作者
原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-4-20 23:39 發表

thanks for yr info. and nice to "meet" u here. how long have you been in TX?

actually i'd been to austin in august years ago. i had to go to the shopping mall to get a pair of shorts. al ...


I have been in TX almost 15yr!!!

For the weather, texas is HOT!!! If u live in Austin or Dallas, u won't have any hurricane problem. it's a higher chance for the tornado. if u live in Houston, u need to check for the flood zone. if your house is in the 100yr flood zone, the mortgage company require to the flood insurance.

Housing price in houston is okay. It's very depends the area. The house (50yr old, 2,100ft on a 11K ft lot) next next to me is sold for $350K due to the school zone and close to the downtown & medical center. In my school zone, Bellaire High is a top 100 public high school in the nation. A lot of asian kids go to this high school. Almost all asian kids get the honor in the graduation ceremony. High schools in sugarland are good. Sugarland is a very good place to live.

Austin is a more liberal city than houston. There're more outdoor activities choice, such as hiking, fresh water fishing.

if u need more information about texas, i try my best to answer. :)



積分: 10239

發表於 08-4-24 01:09 |只看該作者
hi mrsbee,
我都剛由香港來了houston一個月了, 我過兩天會搬去西北部叫eldridge既地方. 你住houston那兒? 你有小孩嗎? 我有兩個, 大囡四歲了, 細仔七個月. 剛來時, 又病又時差, 搞到我人奶不夠呢~ 現在跟他轉了一餐ready to feed, 好一點了.
我是第一次來houston, 什么都不曉啦, 請你多多指教呀~


積分: 288

發表於 08-4-24 14:01 |只看該作者
原文章由 Jolly 於 08-4-23 11:09 發表
hi mrsbee,
我都剛由香港來了houston一個月了, 我過兩天會搬去西北部叫eldridge既地方. 你住houston那兒? 你有小孩嗎? 我有兩個, 大囡四歲了, 細仔七個月. 剛來時, 又病又時差, 搞到我人奶不夠呢~ 現在跟他轉了一餐r ...


Welcome to Houston!!! You feel the texas heat now. I believe that you love texas size.

Is your new place close to I-10 or westpark tollway? do you feel better? Is your/your husband family/relatives here???

I live in Meyerland area (corner of 610, 10min from galleria). I have one 19months old monster at home.

Please feel free to let me know what you want to know. I try my best to tell you.


