



積分: 1760

發表於 09-1-10 02:36 |只看該作者
We're planning to apply for another private school for our kid's 1st grade next year. However, the application procedure requires parents interview.

If any of you had that experience, would you mind to share what kind of questions the principal or admissions team asked?

For the parents' background info such as education, profession and current marital status, it's been filled out on the application form. So, I wonder what else they want to know.

Any clues?


積分: 171740

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發表於 09-1-10 02:57 |只看該作者
I don't have the experience for private school interview yet since my 2 little ones are not there yet. But, I have a coworker who has applied for 7 private schools last year for her daughter and she's so "generous" to share her experience to me "everyday". Here're some ideas and hope that's useful to you (BTW, all the schools she applied are in SF).
1) Almost every school required her daughter to go for 1-2 playdays, 1-to-1 with the teacher(s) and/or a group play with other kids. The teachers sort of observed how her daughter response to instruction and how well she can socialize with the others.
2) For parent interviews, there're so many different formats; a panels including principals and teachers; parents and principals only; group discussions with other parents...My coworker had one distinctive interview with a school principal - the principal greeted her and asked her what my coworker wanted to say or ask. My coworker just opened her mouth and stucked there for at least 10 seconds.
3) Some schools asked my coworker for an essay writing about her visions and plans for her daughter's education.
4) Information about the kid's and family activities should be shared if suitable such as photos taken during family trips (my coworker goes for at least 2 family trips every year), drawings of the kid, etc.
I cannot remember all the details as there're just too much for me to hear what she said. But, I believe that every school is different. Maybe you can take a look of the school's mission statements and you can find some hints. Good luck.


積分: 1760

發表於 09-1-10 04:09 |只看該作者

thanks for your detailed info.

corresponding to your points:

1) it's pretty common in almost all private schools and parents are not allowed to be there.

2) wow ... your coworker just spoke for 10 seconds for the parents interview. that was super quick!

3) essay writing - I hope u didn't mean that she was asked to write it right at the parents interview (like giving the parents a writing exam?)!
I also did that but it's part of the application form, so I did that at home.

4) we haven't been asked to bring anything such as family photos or the kid's master-pieces to the parents interview.
but it was asked to clip a family photo onto the application form.

The whole application process does involve a lot of works. So I just apply for one school only

BTW, what grade your coworker was applying her kid into? preschool or grade school?


積分: 171740

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 09-1-10 15:40 |只看該作者
2) My coworker did not expect the principal to ask that question. Usually, the principal would say a lot of the school and requirements and so first. But, this one just ask my coworker what she wanted to say.

3) No, it's my coworker's "homework". She told me it's somewhat a 2000 words essay.

4) Well, my coworker was told by her other friends that it would give a better impression to the school and shows how healthy her family is.

Yes, application process involves a lot of work. My coworker said there's one school that required her to do 7 things for the whole process. I also cannot imagine that she has applied for 7 schools. She really took a lot of day offs to attend different school interviews.

My coworker's daughter is now in kindergarten, a Christian girl school, costs $22k per year, not include the different donation and raffle ticket sales. I think that it's crazy but she has only one daughter and she and her husband want to give her the best. More important thing is that they can afford it.



積分: 1760

發表於 09-1-12 09:35 |只看該作者

wow ... sounds like your coworker is almost like an expert applying for the private schools.
you're lucky to get the tips from her, and we're also lucky to have you to share the tips with us.

yup, i got a headache from the essay questions part of the application form. seems like all the pricey schools (annual tuition of $22k to $32k) are all like that. but people still "fighting" to get in.
actually i was thinking about to give up, but I'd already asked our current school's teachers to fill out the recommendation forms. so, i guess i should get it going ... although chance is slight (only 4 openings for 1st grade next year; 2 for boys and 2 for girls).
wish me luck ... !


積分: 171740

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發表於 09-1-13 05:02 |只看該作者

Yes, my coworker is so proud and happy to share all these with everyone in my workplace. We always got update from her every week last year. I don't understand either why so many people fight to go to private schools and some of them are not even that good. Some of them are even racial discriminating non-white kids. I was told that some schools would only accept White (of course, the schools won't tell you). Some schools require the kids to be super intelligent and active.

I don't know if I want to send my 2 little ones to private schools (I still have a little bit of time to make my decision). My hubby is also puzzled as he went to public school when he's a kid but the whole school system and environments changed. With 2 kids, it's not easy for us to afford them to go to pricey schools. We really cannot retire early, not mention about that we're planning to buy a house somewhere.

Wow, 4 openings? It's really a hot school. But, who knows? You lose if you don't try. Maybe you get it if you do. Good luck to you and your son. Share with us later.


積分: 1760

發表於 09-1-14 01:56 |只看該作者

there's a talk at a private elementary school in Saratoga tomorrow (1/14) at 7:00PM:
"Affording a private school education".

if u're interested, i can pm u the exact location.
however, most likely i might not be going.

a lot of parents are still debating about public vs. private schools. recently i heard from the older parents said that u wanna avoid sending your kids to the top-notch high school if you would like your kids going to ivy-league college but your kids are not in the top 1% of the class. however, if the kid is not well-prepared for the top colleges, s/he might not be able to survive even though s/he is lucky to get in there becoz s/he is the top 1% of the class in a so-so high school.
isn't it confusing?!

same for elementary schools. some parents said it's good for the kids to get a solid foundation at elementary school with strong academics; then the kids will be well-prepared for going to middle-school. (i heard that there's a big jump from elementary to middle school and from middle to high school.). some said that kids should be in a more creative learning environment at elementary school.

i think the key is that only the parents know which school is more suitable for their kid. that school is good for your kid doesn't necessarily mean that it's good for mine.


積分: 171740

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 09-1-15 04:26 |只看該作者
Thanks SY_Mom for the info of the talk. But, 7pm is not really work for me today. I have a plan for tonight already. Thanks anyway.

Agree. There're so many confusing comments and contradicting ideas on sending kid to public or private school. Since I have 2 kids, it's even harder to decide either sending them to private school or use the money to buy a house for our own. Especially in the current market situation, finding a good deal on buying a house seems a good idea. But, on the other hand, I am sort of worry on both my and my hubby's jobs. Who knows what would happen next.

I totally agree that only parents know what should be the best for their own kids. A so called strong academic school may not be suitable for kid who needs a lot of space for creativity. Just like my son, I know that Cornerstone is not for him but those Montessori schools are not his type too. He needs a school which can facilitate to give him enough attention/guidance and allow him to explore at the same time. I know that it's hard to find a perfect school but hopefully I can find a suitable one for my son and my daughter.


