




積分: 9595

發表於 10-4-29 14:39 |顯示全部帖子
We will be going to Shanghai in May. We have booked the package (hotel + air tickets). I booked it online via CX package.


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-13 09:52 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 39# baldheadcat 的文章

Wish you have a good trip.

We will go to Shanghai on 21/5 and plan to stay in Expo for two days. Can you share with me later on when you come back? Thanks.


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-25 12:45 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 41# cherubic 的文章

I just come back.

It is extremely difficult to get to the China pavilion. You need to queue up very early to get the reservation ticket.

For England pavilion or similar popular ones, the queue up time is 2 hours.

For Hong Kong pavilion, the queue up time is 1 hour.

For Australian pavilion or similar popular ones, the queue up time is more than 2 hours.

However, after 6:00pm, many people gone, and I did not need to queue for Poland and New Zealand pavilions.


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-25 22:11 |顯示全部帖子
We took the metro line 9 to Madang
road station. Then we entered the venue through Entrance No. 13. It was very easy and did not take too much time. We brought the tickets in Hong Kong.

If you have kids which are too small, they may complain during the queuing time since people were pushing all the time. My son (7 yr old) is a very tough boy, but he said no more after queuing for 3-4 pavilions.

原帖由 daisy17772 於 10-5-25 16:36 發表
cherubic and calculator:

Thanks for updating us. Could you please share with us what kind of transportation you took and which entrance that you entered into the expo? Furthermore, did you buy the ...


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-26 09:24 |顯示全部帖子
After arrival to 马当路站, we needed to walk about 5 minutes to arrive at Entrance No. 13. Then, we needed to show the tickets. After that, we needed to go through the security check. They then allowed us to enter the expo venue. We could then take the expo line. There are only 3 stations in this line. You may get off at any stations.

I don't know whether you have the most updated information. Please check the relevant website.

原帖由 daisy17772 於 10-5-26 02:14 發表

May I ask in more details. Did you mean you changed train at 马当路站 then you interchanged to the expo line and left the train at another station? And which zone that you arrived after the security ...


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-26 09:26 |顯示全部帖子
Yes, some pavilions have priority queue for those with baby below 3.

原帖由 daisy17772 於 10-5-26 01:59 發表

Many thanks for your reply.

I knew someone who stays in Shanghai, he has asked the expo staff that if we have small child sitting in baby stroller, we could use the quick access to enter into pa ...


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-26 12:55 |顯示全部帖子
We took taxi since we are lazy. I heard that there is now a metro line going directly from Putong airport to downtown, but please check.

原帖由 bbrma 於 10-5-26 09:31 發表
cherubic and calculator:

May I know what kind of transportation you took from airport to downtown, 磁浮, MTR, air bus or taxi?

Thanks very much.


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-26 12:57 |顯示全部帖子
Outside Austrialian pavilion, I saw that the waiting time for the priority queue was about 1 hour. That is supposed for people sitting on wheelchair and child below 3. I wonder some people abuse this system by renting a wheelchair even though they don't need it.

原帖由 Book_Lover 於 10-5-26 12:03 發表
我前天剛由世博回來,個人認為不要帶小朋友去(起碼現階段不要),因為排隊太長時間了,大部份館排隊的位置係無瓦遮頭的,好天晒,落雨淋。最受歡迎的沙特館是要排4-6小時,其他國家館平均也要1-3小時,那些直入直出5分鐘看完的小國 ...


積分: 9595

發表於 10-5-27 22:32 |顯示全部帖子
(1) You are not allowed to bring water or other liquid, food is allowed. You can easily buy food in the venue. There are many restaurants in the venue, don't worry.

(2) No idea.

(3) Toilet is sufficient. Map is ok and sufficient.

(4) In May, the temperature varies, from 17 to 30 degree. People say it will be very hot in summer.

I will go to expo in early July again, let you know then.

原帖由 fionwong2707 於 10-5-27 14:38 發表


(1) 園內吃飯/飲水機的情況又如何? 可否帶小食進內?
(2) 是否有充/义電設施?
(3) 園內派發的地圖及洗手間充足嗎?
(4) 天氣和香港差不多嗎?




