



積分: 78

發表於 07-4-26 00:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

don't worry about to be a full time mom and take care of your baby alone.
i will say that it's fun but busy, something you will worry a bit b'cos you are a new mom and lack of experience of taking care of a baby.
but don't worry, you will be okay and just ask us if you have any questions.

i enjoy taking care of my baby, she is now very active. i just play with her and put eyes on her all time since she is almost crawling now. i have no time to clean up the house, only wait until my husband got home after work.
you know later... :lol:

yes, there is ultrasound for the baby at the pre-natal check ups.


積分: 78

發表於 07-5-30 02:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: any mother-to-be's from Chicago?

hi garfield0923,

welcome to US.
for your case, i guess you can see the 婦科醫生 directly, no need to see the family doctor. just bring all your check up record and test results.
ask your husband to check for any 婦科醫生 under your insurance network.

i highly recommand you to sign up a pregnancy calendar at wedMD (www.wedmd.com). this pregnancy calendar provide some very useful info. of your pregnancy, such as when you need to do the test, what will the doctor check on you on next visit, and your baby's growth...very useful.

which area are you going to stay in Chicago? see if any 婦科醫生 recommondation.


積分: 78

發表於 08-5-1 08:50 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 garfield0923 於 07-8-30 23:00 發表
Hello.. Rubytang , Cjmama

我就係剛剛來chicago 住. 有2個月la..現在等生bb. 係到真係好好悶ka... 而且我現在又大肚, 邊度有人會找我工作ar..其實我有少少後悔來美國ka..因為我係香港都有份好工作. 但因為我老公係 ...

hi garfield0923,

how are you and your baby? long time no talk.
where are you live now?


