




積分: 293

發表於 04-11-24 11:29 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello FXPC,

Good morning and thanks for your information.

May I know if there are books accompanying the VCDs or it's just a learning programme on VCD?

Thanks again.


積分: 293

發表於 04-11-24 13:00 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Thanks FXPC,

Do you think that it is a must to buy the books cos buying the whole set is pretty expensive ?

Sorry for asking so many questions...


積分: 293

發表於 04-11-24 23:26 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Thanks Evelyn317 and FXPC.

BTW, do you have any good suggestion for books that would train up logic and maths skills? My son is 3.5 years old now.

Thanks again.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-6 23:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello FXPC and evelyn,

Thanks for your suggestion on books that introduces maths concept.

Last Friday, I went to Ixxx and bought a set of Maths exercise books. They teach counting concept and simple addition and subtraction.

I also took a look at OUP books. I guess they just arrived at that time. I saw Rainbow series and found that it's quite difficult even at level 1. It's quite expensive too. Recall that it is $180 for level 1 with only four books.

For the Magic key series, it's too expensive to me and difficult for my son. I let him watch VCD first.

Hello kittylock,

I read books with my son every night. For English books, I just sit beside him and let him follow CD to read the books aloud. His focus is in words rather than pictures. I always need to arouse his attention on the pictures.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-9 11:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello evelyn317

This set of books is available in CW. I saw it in its Causeway Bay Branch late last month. I understand that CW is on Christmas sale and is now offering 20% off to all items. You may call CW to confirm.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-11 09:36 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello FXPC,

You may go to this official website for math matters.


Yesterday, I went to Dymocks and read a Mathstart book, Just enough carrots. The book teaches the concept of more, few and the same and is pretty interesting. It sells $40.

I will go to Dymocks again to see if there is any book for math matters series and share with you all here.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-11 10:30 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello Kittylock and 小樹熊,

There are Dymocks in Central (StarFerry, IFC and Prince Building), Causeway Bay (Windsor House) and Wanchai (Hopewell Centre and Harbour Centre). The one I visited yesterday is in Prince Building.

You're great that you buy the set of mathstart books. I am still 1516 as they are quite expensive.

I was once willing to spend hundreds of dollars to buy ORT, 我自己會讀 series. Once I adhere to Chinese version books. I become much more conservative in buying US or HK editions as I am waiting / dreaming that these books will offer Chinese version soon... :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-13 14:48 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

The Commercial Press also offers the same promotion up to 31 Dec 2004.

kittylock 寫道:
For someone who has interest on [size=medium]"Reading Rainbow", I found Jointpublishing (三聯書店) is the cheapest I've ever seen:-

[size=medium]Level 1 to Level 3 : $130 less 10% = $117
Level 4 to Level 6 : $140 less 10% = $126

Only few stock left, have to act now if you wanna buy!!

[size=medium]Reading Rainbow Series Level 1-6

This is a new series of story books published by Oxford University Press.

Reading Rainbow aims to create well-written and relevant stories with an authentic context that will encourage students to enjoy reading, as well as teaching them general skills, good behaviour, health/social/environmental awareness. The teacher's books and parent's guides give guidance on the teaching strategies and suggestions for extra activities.

* Carefully graded stories set in real-life contexts
* Ideas for stories come from children themselves
* A variety of text types and language arts materials such as songs and rhymes
* Develops students' critical thinking through pre-reading and while-reading activities
* Cultivates positive values by exploring areas such as pet care, road safety, the changing seasons, healthy diets, the joy of sharing and helping others

Click here for details of Reading Rainbow


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-14 11:13 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Thanks Kittylock for your information.

Yes, the Mathstart is pretty attractive but it's still too expensive to me after discount. I have tried to source from Commercial Press but it does not offer.

Anyway, I have ordered 未來精編啟蒙數學. I will wait and see this set of books before I further consider buying Mathstart.

I have seen Mathsmatter webpage and I have different opinion with you that they are easier than Mathstart. Rather they look more difficult. Anyway, please share with us after you receive the books.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-14 11:51 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello kittylock,

I just have placed an order from Ixxx and haven't received the books yet...

Actually for maths books, I bought a few sticker books from Ixxx two weeks ago teaching addition and subtraction. The whole exercise books uses stickers to answer and my son like them. (Perhaps he enjoys playing with stickers!!)

I consider them as supplement as the books are really exercise books for addition and subtraction and do not teach maths concept. But I think my son can learn the concepts of counting, addition and subtraction through playing with stickers.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-14 12:32 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello kittylock,

My son is 3.5 years old. Your son is really great.

When my son takes a bus, I always let him sit in front and his interest is mainly in different types of vehicles. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

I am also planning to let my son memorise 乘數表.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-14 17:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello kittylock,

Have you ordered the series?

I saw a book of this series in Bookazine and was interested too.


積分: 293

發表於 04-12-24 11:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Yes, I bought many value-for-money books from this topic and obtained a lot of valuable comments from you all.

Thanks and cheers!! Merry Christmas!!


積分: 293

發表於 05-1-10 16:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello all,

I talked to Ms Fong this morning and she said a new lot of books will arrive this afternoon. But she did not tell me what they would be as she was not sure.

If you are interested, you may call her later today or take a look there.


積分: 293

發表於 05-1-10 17:31 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello Evelyn317,

You're welcome. Just called Ms Fong and she said the first batch of new lot includes Cambridge 少兒English, 大山叔叔講故事 and some others. But they are all introduced before.

She said the second batch would arrive later today...


積分: 293

發表於 05-1-25 11:06 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫


作者:(英)艾利斯(Ellis P)
出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
原 价:¥11.9元 @ (国家一级), ¥13.9元 @ (国家二级)

Just would like to know whether the English in the cassette is spoken by nature speakers.

I went to Ixxx last Saturday and Ms Lam said that the set of books is very popular. A mum bought all the remaining. For those mums who are interested, Ms Lam said the new lot would arrive this week.


積分: 293

發表於 05-1-25 14:49 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Hello xellos,

They were a few sets available in Idxx last Saturday.


積分: 293

發表於 05-1-28 12:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 分享旺角的大陸童書書店收穫

Agree. The books were published in 1998. May be that's the reason for that.

Actually, the same happens to New Reading 360 even though they are wrapped in plastic.

kittylock 寫道:

Yes, the books are really look old and dirty.

I need to clean it carefully after buying, and the cleaning towel turns black and need to throw away thereafter ........

FXPC 寫道:
Hi kittylock,

I found "未来精编启蒙数学" at "IXXX" yesterday, I didn't buy them because the books were quite dirty and 殘!!!!

kittylock 寫道:


