




積分: 805

發表於 08-5-21 17:02 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-5-20 23:19 發表
not yet, I'm now waiting for M come, after that, will start stimilation 谷旦

Hi Steplovebb, I failed my 3rd IUI and I will go for IVF this year end. I think I will go for Dr. Milton Leung but need more info from you, Frisbe and Agnes.

All 2 doctors I have visited can't tell what's my main problem. I think age is my main pproblem as I will be turning 37 and my FSH is over 8.

Just wondering how much did you spend in your IVF?



積分: 805

發表於 08-5-21 17:09 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-19 18:28 發表
I did not see Clement Leung. Now seeing Milton Leong.

Hi Frisbe, do you mind telling me how much you have spent so far with Dr. Leong? I am planning to have my IVF at year end.

BTW, did Dr. Leong tell you what's your main problem? So far, the 2 infertility doctors can't pinpoint my real problem-just saying age, less egg reserves, and slightly high FSH (over 8)-quite 行貨explanation. I really need a doctor to follow up during the 著床期 as I have cold sweat only and during 著床期 and my 黃体期 is around 12 days. But no doctor seems really care. Chinese doc told me that this is a real problem as it looks like some problems with my progesterone.



積分: 805

發表於 08-5-22 11:26 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-21 19:10 發表
Dear bobee,

How old are you and what is your highest FSH? FSH fluctuate month by month. If you have one time high, >10, that indicates a diminished ovarian reserve. That means you have lower follicle ...

Hi Frisbe,

My FSH was 8.3 and this was taken after an over-stimulated IUI. Chinese doc told me that if I were over-stimulated in an IUI, the FSH level will be elevated for several months. Not sure about right now as I don't want to do anything until year end. I am approaching 37 years old.

As I am taking Chinese medicine, can I take DHEA?

Thanks again.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-22 11:35 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #49 Frisbe 的文章

After seeing so many western and chinese doctors, I guess I don't really care whether that doctor smiles at me or talk with me. I just want to find a doctor who can get me pregnant. I have met some doctors who are nice but they aren't firm with their diagnosis. If Dr. Leong is so confident of his diagnosis and I guess as a patient, we should trust him. Sometimes it is better not to know too much. This time for IVF, I will just go with what the doc tells me and will not think so much. It's too tiring already.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-22 14:45 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-5-22 12:03 發表
Hi Bobee,
I failed 3 IUI and 1 IVF (with 3 embyro transfer). I learnt in this forum that Dr. Leong is different, so I go to see him this time. I'm now on some medication and will have stimulation medi ...

Hi Steplovebb, 3 IUI-similar to me. No follow up after the IUIs and I really think there is a problem with my luteal phase (the 2 weeks waiting after ovulation). I'm pretty much confirmed to go with Dr. Leong even though you all said he is not too friendly. My family doc is the same type of ddoc but he always cures me when I am sick. So I am fine with that. I am not young so I have to get the top doc who can provide me follow up service.

Thanks and I will keep in contact with you all when I start my IVF journey.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-22 14:49 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #54 agnescheng 的文章

Hi Agnescheng, definitely I will stop the Chinese med. Between now and year end, I will take Chinese med for 調理. But I guess i can keep the acupuncture, right?

Thanks Agnes for your advice and help. By the way, take care of your little baby and I'm sure you will be a very loving mother. Welcome to the world of motherhood. Tough but you will enjoy.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-23 09:19 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks Frisbe and will check out the DHEA website. I am thinking of getting the GNC DHEA if I need that. But everytime my response to IUI were quite good. Just the minimum medication I could produce several eggs. I think it's the quality of my eggs, sad!!

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-22 17:59 發表
Dear bobee,

If you are thinking about taking the DHEA, I will suggest you to look at the following DHEA link from the beginning. It has a lot of information on the DHEA. If you can produce enough egg ...


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-26 12:29 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-5-23 18:57 發表
Dear bobee,

Egg quality and egg number are somehow related. When women do not produce that many eggs (usually because of age), the quality tends to be poor. I have that problem. If your eggs grew qui ...

Hi Frisbe,

My husband's sperms are okay according to the doctors but when I showed that to my Chin doc., he said it's marginal. Anyway, my husband will definitely not take any Chinese medicine so I just got him those Eu Yan Shan pills. I will make sure he sleeps early and cut away all those bad habits.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-26 12:39 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #60 steplovebb 的文章

I'm trying to relax and relax but it's very very hard. The chinese medicine is helping me to sleep better at nite. Hopefully my eggs number and quality will be better at year end.


積分: 805

發表於 08-5-26 12:46 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #65 agnescheng 的文章

As for me, my reaction to the Gonal-F is very different. My 1st one, I have 3 Gonal-F at 150 units and I can only have 1 egg (guess I started the shots only on day 8). My 2nd one, I have 3 Gonal-F at 300 units and I have 6 eggs but overstimulated.

Then I switched to another doc with a very low dosage traditional therapy-Day 2-8 Clomid, and then 3 shots of Menophur each 75 units instead of Gonal-F. I have 3 good sized eggs and a number of smaller eggs. Guess Gonal-F didn't work for me at all. My second doc said I need a medication with both Lutenizing hormone and FSH instead of pure FSh Gonal-F.

So you all are right, each cycle reacts differently to the medication. We really need to 調理to get the best response.


積分: 805

發表於 08-6-13 15:39 |顯示全部帖子
Steplovebb, I'll pray for you and you will bingo this time. just relax and relax. 18 eggs are great number indeed. Hooray!!!

原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-6-13 14:19 發表
百分百cow thank you !

IVF center called me and told me 18 eggs are fertilized. But my experience was that not all the eggs could be used even fertilized. Last time i have 15 eggs but end up with only ...


積分: 805

發表於 08-7-7 13:53 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 agnescheng 於 08-7-6 18:49 發表
各位, 我生左la.阿b 早左十幾日出世, 穿水,然後入明德. (因為,杜醫生係明德on duty) 阿囡重 8.5磅.

congrats Agnescheng!!! take good care ah!


積分: 805

發表於 08-9-8 16:02 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Steplovebb,

Don't be sad la. I failed 3 IUIs too. Cried everytime. I still haven't decided whether to go for IVF or not as I am 37 already. All doctors can't find the reason why I can't get pregnant.

我有1個問題. 你放胎後, Dr.Leung 有沒有同你驗血check下你的黄体+其它hormone? I think most Doctors will just give you HCG shot and 窒藥 but not 驗血. AgnesCheng last time told us that Dr. Leung will still monitor us after 放胎?

At the same time, don't worry, I think you can bingo next time. Add Oil!

原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-9-3 23:34 發表
未呀, 8月放胎衰左啦 ....唔開心左幾日, 已家好d啦...或者 有d野真係冇得強求, 個天要比你就比你, 係冇就係冇......我會休息1 or 2 個月, 再放雪胎囉.....



積分: 805

發表於 08-9-9 10:49 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks SteploveBB and take very good care. Happy Mid-Autumn festival.

原文章由 steplovebb 於 08-9-8 20:16 發表
係呀, 呢個係clinic 的practice, both dr. leung & dr. doo also do this.

for example, if your ET day is 10/9. Then you will have blood test on 8/9 (2days before ET ) and 12/9 (2 days after ET). Several ...


積分: 805

發表於 09-1-16 16:08 |顯示全部帖子
Hi Liliana, I totally agreed with you. I saw several other infertility doctors before but their ages are similar to me. So, I really have doubts in their treatments and experiences. Until I see my present infertility doctor (although not Dr. Leong), I never questioned his prescription. For others, like you, I had to go to the internet to check this and that, and of course the side effects of the medications. But personally I think Dr. Doo charges extremely high.

原帖由 liliana 於 09-1-15 17:08 發表
好耐無黎'想生bb'呢度, 曾幾可時我都係呢度既常客. 今次入黎, 咁arm比我見到關於梁醫生既post, 又令我唸番起, 我由不育到生育既經歷, 我引唔住想分享下.

我初時係睇dr. doo既, 不過做左4次iui, 兩次ivf加一次fet都 ...


