



積分: 1529

發表於 08-5-22 16:47 |顯示全部帖子
我有一編英文作文 (給小學二年級朗讀用), 有無人可以幫我修改英文文法, 謝謝!!!

Topic: When I hold a party
I hold a party at home last Sunday since it was mother's day. There were me, my father and some family members. My father and I prepared a lot of thing on that night, such as decorating the house, prepared the dinner. We also bought a present for my mum.
When my mum finished work and went back home, she was surprised by all the thing we did. We chatted for a little wide and had our plentiful dinner. Afterwards, we had a big dinner which was cooked by father and me. It was my first time to cook the meal. We cooked a lot of dishes such as sweet and sour pork, stir-fried vegetables, shark fin soup, steamed fish and curry beef. There were all of her favorite dishes. During the meal, they tasted a bottle of red wine and I drank a toast to my mum. After the dinner, I gave her a handbag and my father gave her a diamond ring. She was very touched and we were very happy to have a nice party.

[ 本文章最後由 tracy59c 於 08-5-25 11:01 編輯 ]


積分: 1529

發表於 08-5-22 19:47 |顯示全部帖子


積分: 1529

發表於 08-5-24 09:40 |顯示全部帖子
thank you !!!
但我作錯了題目, 正確題目為If I hold a party!!! 又要再作過, 出煙囉!!


積分: 1529

發表於 08-5-25 11:07 |顯示全部帖子
我都係幫我同事個仔作, 因為我返工的英文並不是正宗英文, 所以我怕誤人子弟至人改囉, 佢阿爸英文仲嚇人, 唯有幫佢喇!!!

點之作錯了題目, 正確題目為If I hold a party! 又要re-do!!!


積分: 1529

發表於 08-5-26 00:09 |顯示全部帖子
請各位多多指教, 指示錯誤之處!!!

If I hold a party

I would like to hold a surprise party after two weeks time. It is my father’s birthday. He won’t know that. There will be some family members and his friends. The party will start at 5pm and finish at 10pm and will have different range of food. My mother and I will prepare a lot of things on that day, such as birthday cake, champagne, candles, decorating the house and prepare the dinner. We also buy a present for my father. They will chat for a little wide and had our plentiful dinner. Afterwards, we had a big dinner which was cooked by mother and me. It was my first time to cook the meal. We cooked a lot of dishes such as sweet and sour pork, stir-fried mixed vegetables, shark fin soup, steamed fish and chicken curry. There were all of his favorite dishes. During the meal, they will taste a bottle of red wine and I will drink a toast to my father. I hope it will be a great party also hopes will enjoy it.


