




積分: 372

發表於 03-10-8 19:03 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Dear all moms,

I am quite new to your topic but I am definitely a fans of fiction. I have a no. of favourite writers (spelling may be wrong): -

John Grisham
Michael Crichton
Sidney Sheldon
Stephen King

I also want to read Agatha Christine's series such as Dealth on the Nile. But, stupidly I bought the Chinese translation version (because cheaper) and found it extremely difficult to read as compare with original Eng version.

As for other books mentioned in this topic like the Le Mis, I watched the opera but never read the book. Is the original version in French? How do you find about the translation version. If it's good, I may try to have a look.

Any other good suggestions on other authors that I can try.

BTW, do you have any info about 2nd hand book store in HK that sells these kind of fictions? It's comment in UK and Canada, but I can't find any in HK.




積分: 372

發表於 03-10-23 12:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Hi Amigo and Imfg,

Just pop-in and interestingl8 you are talking about Grisham and Sheldon, both are my favorite writers.
(as you may recall in my earlier message).

I read quite a lot of Grisham, but not Pelican Brief, may try later. Now, I am reading the Sands of time of Sheldon.

In fact, my feeling for these 2 writers are that, the more you read their books, the more you can follow their way of writing and thinking and thus becomes less interesting. Thus, from time to time, I have to find new writers to stimulate my reading interest.

With the recommendations of the friends in this topic, I took up Christie's Murder on the Oriental Express. It's quite interesting and I finished the book within 2 nites. The ending of the story is totally un-expected to me (i.e. the murdering plan by 12 pax).
Will try to borrow the Dealth on the Nile in library later.

To be frank, the English style used by Christie is rather old-fashions and is not really easy to follow, especially, when it comes to the logical deduction part by the dectective (forget the name).



積分: 372

發表於 03-10-23 12:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Hi Amigo and 小米米,

I did not read the new issues of M. Crichton yet. Before being a full-time mom, I travelled a lot and thus can read a lot of books. But, after being a full-time mom, 80% of the time goes to my BB and 10% to my hubby, thus lesser and lesser time can spend on ready.

However, for Amigo, if you would like to try M.C.'s book, I would recommend Airframe, especially if you also need to travel (that meaning flying on the flight).

I read the book when I was on the plane to Phil. It is really scarey and I totally agreed with the comment of the Fin Times on the book as "complusive page-turner".



積分: 372

發表於 03-10-23 12:38 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Hi dear,

Would like to raise another author for discussion: Patricia Cornwell. I read around 3 of her books and found it rather interesting, especially if you are interested in the crime trillers. The books that I read are as follows: -

All That Remains;
Body of Evidence;
Black Notice.

The main body of each book is to talk about the how the Chief Medical Examiner, Dr. Kay Scarpetta, tried to get the clues and evidence from the dead people in order to find out the truth behind the crime.

In fact, if you remmeber and love the TV comedy uincy", you will like these books.



積分: 372

發表於 03-10-27 00:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Hi 小米米,

Kindly provide the Eng name of 小王子. I want to borrow from public library, but don't know how to type Chinese. Thks :-P



積分: 372

發表於 04-3-3 21:50 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 英文小說

Dear all,
Didn't show up for long time, how are you all?
These days, I didn't spend much time in reading as I am busy in searching for the the right nursery and playgroup for my bb.

If you are expecting your first bb, I strongly recomend 1 book "Dr Spock's baby and Child Care". I usually refer to this book when my bb has any problem, both health and behavioural. This book not only can provide basic knowledge to the parent about the babies, but at the same time, teach the parents how to handle the situation. In fact, most of my friends, mainly foreigners, use this book and refer it as "the dictionary for baby care".
Hope it is useful to you.


