




積分: 1140

發表於 08-5-15 09:22 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 vancouver 於 08-5-14 20:51 發表
雖然我成日起度踩d印印,但查實我個姐姐幾好... 請佢的原因係佢個妹幫我表哥湊bb,超錫個bb,隻bb唔係好鍾意食野,但佢就每日唔同的有益粥仔。另外佢仲有個妹晌元朗打左6年工(一張約),所以我諗住好似買馬咁睇血統囉。

佢好勤 ...

you are so luck la!! my maid is so lazy... and start to lie la... she has been here almost 5 mths... recently, my baby got 腸胃炎, doctor said because my bb ate "dirty" things.

from that time on, i have enforced her to do cleaning... (in the past, even I asked to clean her bb's high chair after each meal; she only did it probably once per day; why i knew this because I could find some left-over congee/veg/bread on the table)

last week, i found that she did not mashed the carrot for my baby's congee. as my bb still does not have any teeth yet... it's very danger... i have reminded her so many times... but still she acts like this... to do cleaning... never do it right (use a wet towel to go through it once; and never use cleanser; everthing's surface, e.g. rice-cooker, cabinet are still very sticker) guess what, I only asked her to do cleaning once a week when I have a day off. so that I could take care of the baby and she will do the cleaning. I think that sounds fair.

she is 29 but she never acts like her own age. we try to treat her as one of our family member. talk to her each month and see if she could handle the job together with the baby. and make sure she is working happy in my home...

start panic now as her performance is going down. any suggestions.


積分: 1140

發表於 08-5-15 14:41 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 YYB 於 08-5-15 10:58 發表

見到呢個TOPIC,我都想講下我屋企個印印,佢同我已經做咗兩年,我同佢續咗約,我記得佢剛來的時候我唔太鐘意佢,佢之前己在HK工作了八年,係一佢OLD PATPAT,可能佢之前啲僱主太寛鬆,我有係新手,初來我家大家都唔習慣,如私自用洗衣機 ...

if you were me, what will you do?? any advise??
thanks, 妙妙媽


積分: 1140

發表於 08-5-16 14:12 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 YYB 於 08-5-15 17:33 發表

Hello goldenmouse,

我覺得要睇下你個工人有無心機繼續晌你屋企做﹑睇佢係咪好錫bb及有無耐性湊bb,其他嘢可以慢慢教。如果佢係有心機﹑有愛心,咁大家要亙相適應,你有咩要求都要同佢講清楚,你知啦炒一個換一個都要用好多$ ...


we tried to treat her like our family members (I never yell at her before even though she broken my stuff, did anything wrong). she did not eat meat & pork. i specially made some veg wonton for her (ours using pork)...

we talk to her every month on the pay date. make sure she is happy and could handle my BB and the daily work (simple cleaning on as consider she needs to take care of my bb-sweep floor, clean dust, wash baby clothes during the day.. that's all) and my mom will come and help to take bath for my bb.

honestly, she has no much to do during the day. she is kind of lazy - aware that she will leave the pan and dishes till 5 or 6 on the sink-that she used to cook for her own lunch.

because my bb was sick for 3 weeks-& my doctor taught her how to clean the bottles/asked her to wash hands...before prepare food for baby... I and my husband talked to her and emphasize that cleaning is very important as my bb nearly needs to go to hospital (her weight was back to 3 months ago) She has keep up her performance for a week only....

since then, i have checked her work from time to time. i will insist her to finish the work. but seems like she keeps the same level of performance. last week , the congee was burnt and she let my baby ate it without letting me know. the 2nd day, she did not mash the carrot (she did in the past as my bb does not have teeth yet).

after all these, I asked her why? what happened to her? she did not say a word. this week, she did not carry a happy face.

she also lie to me that her dad was in hospital for 2 months and that's the reason why she has no money to buy ticket to Indonesia (she has been here for 4 mths; she finished contract in hk and she request to go back on the first year; i have also promised to let her go; but i don't know why she lie; she also asked me to pay her 2 days earlier to send $ home)

however, within half an hour, my husband talk to him. she said she will buy a ticket this weekend when she has day off....

if you were me, will you still tolerate?
i think we were being good to her all ways...


