



積分: 616

發表於 08-1-22 05:58 |顯示全部帖子
so nice you could have a productive talk with fat bear =) amanda is like andrew smart and active. i am kinda regretting for taking him out of catholic school. but too bad he's taken to see principal for so many times and gettting sad notes from catholic school and i am afraid that might lower his self esteem too much. that's why i am taking him out.. going to public school is like getting out of jail for him..haha ...he's happy cuz he has more freedom but on the other hand he's not getting discipline as much as i like him to and i think he could learn alot more if someone could make him behaved..austin on the other hand is too quiet and he is happier in catholic school cuz public school might be too wild for him. but might be he would be more outgoing if he stays in public school...we r putting them into the enviornment that t makes them happy but not sure if it's really the right decision still.. .

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-1-19 12:31 發表
alisonli, muimui, rose-mag, sy-mom, mrs.chao..and all moms..
thanks for replying me..
after me and my fat bear.. had a very calm and productive discussion (after we read your messages here)..
we will ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 07:39 |顯示全部帖子
sy mom,
no, you can prepared for IQ test, generally they will do an OLSAT test, buy "building thinking skills" book by Sandra Parks (Author), Howard Black (Author), it's out of stock in bn and amazon. u have to get it from critical thinking website. hope it helps www.criticalthinking.com/

thanx for the compliment, however i believe all moms here all best mom, look at how everyone of us r so involved about our kids' education...haha.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-23 03:12 發表
nille & muimui,

good that at least u know what will be tested.
i've been worrying abt the IQ test coz really u can't prepare for that. also, in case he's lucky to get in, i kinda got the pressure ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 23:25 |顯示全部帖子
SY mom,
oh....i guess private schools gives out different test.. olsat is used in public schools for nys to evaluate IQ for the g & t.
hmm...so is that private school for gifted only? i would think they would take any applicants who could afford 30k tuition..i guess not..30k net a year is alot woh..if u want ur son to go all the way, have you set a budget on how much money u need to save ......
or do you rather buy a house ??

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-1-23 08:51 發表

their IQ test is called WPPSI. the tested areas are in many different areas. also, we won't have time to prepare for that, coz the school will notify u to take the test in abt a week afte ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-23 23:27 |顯示全部帖子
so how much is the private school in HI ?

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-23 14:25 發表
SY MOM,嘩!成百幾蚊做IQ TEST,真係搶$呀, 真係未見官先打三百.
有時我都想俾歷仔讀PUBLIC SCHOOL, 會慳唔少, 慳埋俾佢做COLLEGE FUND 或去旅得仲好, 好可惜, 我係住係舊區中既新屋苑, 個舊區出名DRUGS 同HOMELESS.. ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-1-25 23:51 |顯示全部帖子
9,000 for preschool? that's quite alot. how much is for elementary school? no wonder your mom wants 歷仔 to study in hk. hk international school is about 10,000 us a year.

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-1-25 15:21 發表
HI ALISONLI, 而家歷仔仲請呢間PRESCHOOL 就九千幾一年. 中價學校, 平價既有四千幾一年都見過, 啲貴價就貴過大學. 最勁果間叫PUNAHOU. 不過我無CHECK 過佢EXACTLY收幾多, 因為我知我一定俾唔起.



積分: 616

發表於 08-2-10 04:08 |顯示全部帖子
wow. since sean got a high IQ score it's alot easier to get accepted to the private schools la. congratulations !! =)

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-2-9 15:24 發表

yes, sean will be going to k. the coming fall. however, we're still waiting for the admission result from our #1 choice private school. they won't send out the decision til mid march.
the ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-2-10 12:53 |顯示全部帖子
i really could share your pain seriously. my kids especially the 8 year old one is driving me nuts every single day..wait till your son goes to school. your pain just doesnt go away haha...let's put it this way, i'd rather do his hw and take the test for him. cuz I am almost like begging him to do every single thing...he has no self control at all..back to your school situation. you are right. the public school gifted class do pick ppl that r well behaved. cuz the gifted class r only for those who r really studying...they dont allow a kid who fools around in class to distract the other kids.

原文章由 SY_Mom 於 08-2-10 07:05 發表

actually that's the only private school that requires the IQ test. also, as i said, they also look at the kid's behavior and teachers' recommendations. i'm still not sure if he'll get in. ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-3-11 03:25 |顯示全部帖子
i've heard about this in nyc too. but the chance of going to another zone is quite slim...u could definitely try though..
it might be easier if you could get someone's address or renting an appt for a couple of months in order to get into that school zone...

原文章由 muimui313 於 08-3-11 03:12 發表
歷仔面完第二次試, 今次佢表現麻麻, 所以我估機會唔大. 向好既方面諗就係, 我唔駛日日走出town接送.

有個媽咪同我講, 如果我住果區既學校唔好, 係no child left behind入面, 被評為不及格, 咁我就可以 ...


