




積分: 570

發表於 08-7-15 00:39 |顯示全部帖子
as a man, you are good, you concern both your parents and your wife.

As one said''因為產婦情緒容易波動, 又容易胡思亂想, 休息得唔好仲衰多二錢重,
以小為大, 你老婆好即係個孫好...
let her to choose what is suitable for her to do if your wife's request is acceptable. you can say and do something to your parents to explain. you should "eat" this wok!!

you said her mother's food is terrible but how can your wife eat and recover if she doesn't feel comfortable to stay with your parents. from my bad experience, 99 stay at my house whole day to do all the work but i didn't feel good and the man just tell me to see the doctor when i have emotional problem(he didn't like me to cause him troubles and didn't want/know to handle, he should let his mother to look after the baby otherwise he should do all the work so he prefer his mother rather than me to look after the baby). his mother is one of the crucial reason we seperate so you should handle it properly. the baby is yours not your parents!

face to the reality, mother and wife are diffiult to stay together. the baby doesn't have grandparents is not a big deal! but you still the son of your parents. 而家裂痕已經有, 反正都反左面, don't make it worse, take the baby to see the grandparents later. however, don't expect too much, the relationship may not recover.

good luck to you. it is a long long way. don't give up!


