




積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-7 15:04 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 大家有沒有興趣出席集體哺乳活動?

i will join!!! as i proposed to Health center and HK breastfeeding association last year, but finally was not sucessed.


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-13 13:22 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 大家有沒有興趣出席集體哺乳活動?

suggest we do this in the park or indoor .. but have to apply for " group activities" from police , i believe.

2. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

2. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

2. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

2. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

2. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

1. 譚媽媽(9個月大女兒)
2. gigi (ryan - 21mths)
3. yuengooluk (5 months old boy)
4. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)

2.冰極 (囝囝21個月大)
4. Rabbi (7.5 month Girl)
5. Rabbitpiggy (囝囝16個月大) + 老公 (得唔得呢)?
6. 師奶仔 (38個月囡囡)
7. gigi (ryan - 21mths)
8.irischanpl (旻旻20.5個月大)+旻旻daddy
9. vivienmak (marie - 20 mths) (可唔可以用被肩? 我怕羞 )
10. yuengooluk (5 months old boy) (guess we're going to use canopy/scarf?)
11. Seiko (Ema - 5.5 mths)
12. monmantong ( Moses- 22 months)


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-17 10:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 大家有沒有興趣出席集體哺乳活動?【日期將會是8月13或14日】已表示參加者請重新安排報名, 謝!

Glad 寫道:


能夠得到愛嬰醫院香港協會認同我們的構思, 讓我們能參與該會在推動母乳餵哺文化的事工, 實是我們的榮幸. 在此致以感謝! 有了該會的支持和協助或主辦, 我對於大家的參與, 感到更為安心!

在日期和時間方面, 譚媽媽會在星期一確認. 待確認後再跟大家公佈.

多日來的反應, 以8月7日(星期日)的參與人數為最多, 為了更早了解大家在變動日期後的安排, 請在如下重新表示大家能出席的時間:

1. 欣欣軒軒媽 (欣欣3歲10個月 + 軒軒11個月大)
2. louder (Rachel - 1 yr old in Aug)

1. 欣欣軒軒媽 (欣欣3歲10個月 + 軒軒11個月大)
2. louder (Rachel - 1 yr old in Aug)

1. 欣欣軒軒媽 (欣欣3歲10個月 + 軒軒11個月大)

1. 欣欣軒軒媽 (欣欣3歲10個月 + 軒軒11個月大)
2. louder (Rachel - 1 yr old in Aug)
3.yuengooluk (6.5 month old boy)
4. 冰極 (俊曦21months)
5.monmantong (MOses- will be 23 months

此外, 母協欣然接納了我們的建議, 會於8月6日(星期六)的講座安排公眾場所餵哺示範, 現需要10位母乳媽媽和寶寶幫忙, 如果有媽媽能抽空協助, 請跟我聯絡, PM或到以下的題目報名, 謝謝!



積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-19 13:05 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

Tam ma ma,
i would like to join 7/30 gathering, please let me know more.


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-21 13:21 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

Tam ma ma,

i think if inside the 旺角新世紀廣場, i believe there are so crowded, a lot of people especially now it is summer holiday... concern if there are some negative comments from the oustide people, which finally may hurt our breastfeeding moms...
may be i concern too much... but just want to know if there is the counter which labels " baby friendly", as the outside people don't know what we are doing.
will there be some chairs for the mothers sit together and breastfed? how about the run down which i also concern, because記者 will come, which i also want to know which newspaper will report this, because some may finally post some " negative wordings".. which we must know more and should treat it carefully.

but when i saw this kind of group breastfeeding promotion in other countries, most of them are in the park, . i know the weather now is very hot, but i think it is better than in the mall.

** above is my own opinion.

由 譚媽媽 於 2005-07-20 22:25:13


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-21 14:15 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動


but 東涌 is too far away ..


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-22 11:54 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

hello! Tam Ma Ma,

may be i am a type of woman with " too much worries", that's why i cannot go ahead with everything when i want to do. I appreciate your enthusiasm. remember last year, i also wanted to raise this kind of group breastfeeding for breastfeeding week, so i called La Leche League International for discussion, as i know the HK leader long time ago, but the concerns i mentioned were raised from this leader. she has a lot of experiences handling this and finally it was not approved by La Leche League US side as time was too rush for such gathering at that time .

you are correct that if no 1st time, we will not have a good start, however, this time it will not be only a gathering, what my concern is that there will be a lot of 記者, and we will be posted on public, newspapers or TV, or else, so we also have to concern the family members of the breastfeeding moms, the content of the reports of the newspaper, magazine & the rundown, details are very important. as i heard from HK breastfeeding association, there was a unhappy case happend so many years ago, which a 記者 took a photo that a breastfeeding mom exposed her important part. .

sorrry for so many questions, but for a participant, we really want to know more.. hope you can understand.


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-23 13:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

Dear Tam Ma ma,

maybe what i heard is different to what you know,
also, a lot of cases happened so many years before after i heard from other breastfeeding association,
but i don't want to bring out here.

sorry that maybe my comment made you uncomfortable, i really want to be supportive for this gathering, in my point of views,, a lot of points need to be considered carefully when it involves people, so though i didn't raise here, a lot of questions and concerns will be in everyone's mind, so i believe it is not too much to discuss here & have more brainstormings, as we are from the breastfeeding family.

i also regret about the news from baby friendly,
actually last year, i did have a lot of ideas about group breastfeeding to differen association, like HK breastfeeding association, international breastfeeding association and also health dept, all of them turned down my ideas because of a lot of issues need to be considered, otherwise it may incur the negative effect in the society, to protect a group of breastfeeding moms and their family member, so i just want to treat it carefully to avoid
unhappy things happened.

I really hope you can understand my situations, i am not going to challenge this arrangment, maybe the problem is my unclear presentation. sorry for any inconvenience caused.



積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-23 20:16 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

new mum and dad,

actually, i have been crazy on breatsfeeding after baby born, so i really want to promote bf everywhere, my past experiences discussing with
those assoications made me understand that it is uneasier to do what we want in this society, which
made me disappointed.

I remember almost 2 years ago, you also appeared in www.baxx.hk, and you were very brave and expressed your views, i am much appreciate your understanding.

anyway, i really hope the past messages from all parties will not affect the warmest atmosphere of this breastfeeding forum, and the enthusiasm of all moms, & all of us here are not intending to hurt each others.

我好欣賞你! 原來你為大家奔走過不同的母乳機關, 萬分感謝你! 你的坦率才敢說人想但又不敢說的. 7月30日記招, 我希望在報紙上有機會見到你.


積分: 7995

發表於 05-7-24 14:23 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 7月30日(六)記者會上班母乳媽媽經驗分享/8月集體哺乳活動

Dear Tam Ma Ma,

thanks for your invitiation. frankly speaking, recently i have a lot of personal issues which made me unhappy and worried, eg: my father has been staying in hospital for almost 3 months,.. .. that's why now i seldom raise or attend any gathering here..
i cannot commit this and assist for organisation, as concern any unexpected situation, i cannot attend. sorry about this. However, i hope after my father is more stable, i believe i can give you hands about this.
ps: hope this small bubbles in the past few days have been past, and don't affect the good relationship in this breastfeeding family, and do not mind it ... take care of yourself and your two babies, as you still have to be strong to face with the house moving. & your company issues.




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