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發表於 08-11-2 16:12 |顯示全部帖子
May I ask more information before I can proceed or start the research from the Bible with a Bible Concordance?
What is the English term for 煉獄?
Where the Bible verses support for this 煉獄 concept such as which Book: Chapter and verse?

Please understand my intention and pardon me if I offense you any. I do not mean to make it hard to discuss any spiritual topic.
I am just really a Bible base Christian and a non denominational Christian. I just believe the Bible as what apostle Paul claimed:
“...,这圣经能使你因信基督耶稣有得救的智慧,圣经都是神所默示的,于教训、督责、使人归正、教导人学义,都是有益的,叫属神的人得以完全,预备行各样的善事。” (提后三:15-17)

And I just believe what Jesus claimed:
主耶稣在约翰 福第五章第三十九节说:“你们查考圣经(小字或作应当查考圣经),因你们以为内中有永生,给我作见证的就是这经。”

This mean that I do not directly take in what others or denominations think about the Bible said regardless if he/she is a 神學家、傳道人, Bible Scholar, "Raven" or "Father".
If anyone raise a thought that is without any Bible Verse as a back up or support, I don't jump to any true/false conclusion at all.
If anyone raise a thought with Bible Verse, I need to do research myself.
Any spiritual concept, I need to
check it out (compare it) with the Bible Like what the Bible talk about the brothers and sisters in Berea.
使 徒 行 傳 17
10 弟 兄 們 隨 即 在 夜 間 打 發 保 羅 和 西 拉 往 庇 哩 亞 去 。 二 人 到 了 , 就 進 入 猶 太 人 的 會 堂 。

11 這 地 方 的 人 賢 於 帖 撒 羅 尼 迦 的 人 , 甘 心 領 受 這 道 , 天 天 考 查 聖 經 , 要 曉 得 這 道 是 與 不 是 。

The Bible teach me how to study it's scriptures and how to use it to differentiate between true and false teaching.

I only tust few Bible versions such as
King James Version,
New American Standard Bible,
Chinese Union Version....
may be NIV.

May God Bless you.


