




積分: 1593

發表於 15-11-23 14:48 |顯示全部帖子
Its a good discussion topic.

i am 37 now and have a kid at kindergarden. i truly believe having a sibling for my kid is good for both of them. i tried 3 IUI but all failed. I am thinking whether to have IVF.

i prayed very hard in the last few months, seems no answer from Him. i asked for indication as to whether to go for IVF, but again, no answer.

On the one hand, I know i am old, if i don't do now, i can't do it later. i am thinking whether i should try my very best and let Him control the final result.

On the other hand, i feel like, after 3 failures, the indication is that i won't have a second one. i should accept it and treasure what i have.

there are a lot of ?? in my head. why me? both my husband and i are healthy, i don't know why is it so difficult for us to have baby, even for our first one, it was a painful process. but others even at my age, can have so many babies so easily.

do need some positive energy from you sisters. my husband is neutral, he is happy to have one. if i really want a second one, he supports.

thanks so much. can't really talk to my friends, they won't understand.


