




積分: 324

發表於 08-5-26 19:54 |顯示全部帖子
Dear bobee,

I am beginning to pay more attention to my husband sperm quality. I have the same experience like you. All western doctor said that he is OK. But my Chinese doctor said that he is marginal. She then gave him some Chinese medicine. Actually today is the first time he saw the Chinese doctor.

What did your Chinese doctor said about him? And does Yu Yan Sang pill help?

I also chat in the U.S. chat room. A lady who got pregnant with twins at the age of 42.5 told me that her husband took a lot of supplements when she was trying to get pregnant. After she got pregnant, he stopped taking the vitamins for 3 months and then checked his sperm again. His sperm count went down 80% and only 20% of the original count. It is quite an amazing figure.

I will insist that my husband takes all the vitamins and stuff. Does your husband also take vitamins?


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-27 19:25 |顯示全部帖子
Dear friends,

My husband is really not young and his sperm quality is not super but acceptable based on the western doctors' standard. He has been taking multivitamin, fish oil, B-complex, and folic acid for years. After I got the information from the U.S. chat room, I started giving him CoQ10 a week ago.

When I asked the lady who got pregnant with twins at aged 42.5, she wrote me the following combination:

Multivitamin (Solgar V2000)
CoQ10 100mg
Vitamin E 200mg + Selenium
L-carnitine 500mg
Fish oil or flax seed oil 2g/day
Vitamin C 1000mg (double it if he had a cold coming on)
Zinc before bed.

I do not know how much this combination will help but I think it will not harm because they are just vitamins. My husband has been taking some of them.

Two things I will point out though:

1. Ask your husband to wear loose pants and open up his legs when sitting. When men close their thighs or wear tight pants, it makes the genital area hotter. A slight increase in temperature can kill lots of sperms. This is why men's scrotums are outside of their bodies while women's ovaries are inside their bodies.

2. Frequent sex or ejaculation can help to get rid of the old sperm. When I did my IVF, the sperms are only 2 days old. Each time they can fertilize my eggs with no problem at all.

When I did my IUI at Dr. Leong’s office, he put in sperms 2 days in a row. I compare the reports of my husband’s analysis, the most rapid (best level) swimming sperms % rises from 15% to 29% in only one day!!! This shows that young sperm has better quality. You should look at the report, there are four levels of sperm motility.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-27 20:02 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Yim Yee,

My last IVF cycle costed me $80,000 (including everything).
He will ask you your history. Just tell him what medication you used and what were the results. Also tell him your husband's problems. He will do a thorough u/s for you and check the blood flow to your uterine.

Do not expect him to be warm, kind, nice, or comfort you. Just ask him medical questions. He does better with that. You can ask Dr. Leong what kind of protocol can help you with more follicle growth. Given both of your problems, how he can maximize the chance.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-28 23:32 |顯示全部帖子
Dear steplovebb,

Don't worry about your FSH. You are perfectly fine. FSH fluctuates month by month and is not static. As long as it is <10, it is OK. If your FSH is over 10, it indicates aging of the ovaries. Also, more stimulation does not mean bad to your eggs. As long as the follicles grow well, low or high stimulation does not matter that much.

My guess is that Dr. Leong will start you with low to medium stimulation because you are young and your FSH is low. Too much stimulation will just hyperstimulate you. Even with my advanced age, he uses medium stimulation. There are many variations of the protocol, not just long and short. I used a "micro flare protocol" when I did my IVF in the U.S. Also for older women, the U.S. doctors often use "estrogen priming protocol" to get better results. Some even changes from day to day depending of the blood results and u/s each day because the U.S. doctors often do u/s every single day.

Good doctor has to see how you respond to stimulation. It is not a straight forward decision.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-29 20:36 |顯示全部帖子
Dear steplovebb,

I agree with babybaby. Dr. Doo is a very nice person and a good doctor. When Dr. Leong was out of town, he helped me to have the egg retrieval and the procedure was very quick and smooth. No pain or bleeding at all. He also prescribed me the same kind of support medication that Dr. Leong prescribed after ER. (I did 2 cycles).

Since you are so young and just have male problem, I think that Dr. Doo can handle your case. You do not really need Dr. Leong. Dr. Doo can communicate much better and he can answer your questions without making you anxious.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-30 19:36 |顯示全部帖子
Dear bbconiv,

Did you see Dr. Philip Ho or other Dr. Ho? My Chinese doctor helps me to improve my IVF results even though I am not successful yet. You need to first change Chinese doctor and prepare your body for further IVF treatment.

What is your highest FSH? How were the results of your previous IVF, i.e., no of embryos, cell dividion.

Do not worry too much. Just find out what are your problems and deal with each of them.


積分: 324

發表於 08-5-31 21:58 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Agnes,

After ET, you used hot ginger water to soak your feet. Can you tell me how to prepare the ginger water and how much ginger you used? Soak for how long?

When are you due? I am happy for you that your baby is coming soon.


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發表於 08-5-31 23:58 |顯示全部帖子
Thanks Agnes.


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發表於 08-6-2 21:32 |顯示全部帖子
Dear bbconvic,

As long as you are still producing eggs, there is still chance. Ithink that you should first stop your Chinese doctor. It seemsthat he/she is not able to help you to regulate your period. I saw a lot of ladies use Sit ec as their Chinese doctor and it is reported that they have good successes.

Acupuncture can also help blood flow to the uterus and implantation.

It is better that you can have more eggs. You may want to consider taking DHEA to improve the egg number and egg quality. For myself, after taking the DHEA, my egg number increased from 4 to 11 during my last IVF.

My U.S. IVF doctor suggested me to use donor's egg before given my advanced age and high FSH. I rejected the idea. I also did 4 IVF. Before I took the DHEA and saw the Chinese doctor, the results got worse each time. I was down to 1 egg in one cycle and that was turned into IUI. Before you go on with another IVF, you need to prime your body to a better condition.

I read Agnes' story. She also has thyroid problem. Dr. Milton Leong insisted to freeze her embryo and helped her to fix the thyroid problem before putting back her eggs.

Just deal with your problem step by step. Don't give up.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-3 19:17 |顯示全部帖子
Dear bbconiv,

I can understand that you are confused. Since there are so many factors that affect the outcome and you do not know which one is affecting what. Therefore you need to approach the problem in a more scientific way by elimination.

Dr. Tay suggested you to stop Chinese medicine and acupuncture. It is a good suggestion. If you situation improves, then you know your conditions MAY be affected by these interventions. Non interference is important because it gives a chance of your body to balance itself out.

If you conditions do not improve, then there MAY be other interference. At that point, you may try the birth control pill. If conditions change, then it is caused by the birth control pill. If the conditions do not change, then birth control cannot help. At that point, we need to think about other alternatives.

When we do so many things at the same time. We do not really know what is affecting. When the results are positive, the cocktail approach is fine. But when the results are negative, then you need to do elimination.

The unfortunate thing about medical science is that we MAY not be able to single out a factor unless we carry out a clinical trial with many many patients and control many factors. But our experiment has only one subject, ourselves.

I hope that can help you to clear your thoughts.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-4 07:39 |顯示全部帖子
Dear Yim Yee,

Good to hear that he was not too cool to you. I hope he can find out more about your case by monitoring you closely. Actually you still have good chance because you got 8 eggs before. When I had only 4 eggs in my previous IVFs, Dr. Leong and the U.S. IVF doctor told me that the chance is fair, not great though.

Did he say anything about the sperm problem?

Keep us posted when you get more information.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-4 21:09 |顯示全部帖子
Dear bbconiv,

Ruby is right, you can see both doctors and compare who works better with you. Since they both use Sanitorium lab, you have one less factor to worry.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-4 21:15 |顯示全部帖子
Dear YimYee,

Great to hear that you have such a positive results. Your follicle number is wonder on Day 12. Because some follicles are already reabsorbed back into the body in a cycle without stimulation.

Before I took the DHEA, when I saw Dr. Leong in one cycle on Day 11, I had only 1 follicle. I was so shocked and scared that I was that bad. The nurse just tried to calm me down.

You can ask him about the DHEA but he completely disbelieves in it because I asked him before. I just take DHEA in my own faith.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-6 08:01 |顯示全部帖子
Dear steplovebb,

Not all the sperm can swim well. You look at the report and you should find the there are 4 levels of sperm motility. You can ask Dr. Leong, in natural conception, what are TOTAL number of moving sperm is needed. Just do the calculation based on the density of the good level and volume of the sperm.


積分: 324

發表於 08-6-7 07:43 |顯示全部帖子
If you are young and does not have difficulty in getting enough eggs or your eggs are in good quality, I think that you do not necessarily have to see doctor Leong. However, how much the doctor pushes to maximize your chance is important. I had a total of 4 IVF doctors. All of them are different in terms of the stimulation protocol and support after embryo transfer.

I found that Dr. Leong is the one who is close to the one I had in the U.S. The one I used in the U.S. is internationally famous and extremely expensive. All the medication Dr. Leong uses is in good quality. One IVF doctor I used before always uses low quality medicine and charged me high price.

Actually, Dr. Leong is more expensive but everything he uses is in good quality. Again, if you do not need that push, other doctors are OK.


積分: 324

發表於 08-9-17 23:52 |顯示全部帖子
Dr. Leong suggested that to me before. He asked me to bank the embryo in different cycles until I have 4 for the transfer.



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發表於 08-9-18 22:45 |顯示全部帖子
Dear kuku,

I had an IVF cycle cancelled in March because I only got 1 follicle after stimulation. Dr. Leong asked me to convert it to IUI. He later suggested me to bank up my follicles if I continued to be not responsive to stimulation.

However, after I took the DHEA, Royal Jelly, and Chinese medicine, my embryo number then increased to 4, 9 and 6 in the next three cycles. Therefore, I had frozen embryos instead.



積分: 324

發表於 08-9-22 08:21 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 #1 kuku2881 的文章

Dear kuku,

Have you been taking different vitamins, Chinese medicine to improve the follicle numbers? I also take DHEA and it helps me alot in producing more and better eggs.



