




積分: 56

發表於 08-6-20 13:01 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ChanSee9 於 08-6-19 22:36 發表

幾好成績wor! 休息多d la!
我今日抽左9粒, 後日會放, 唔知會有幾多成功分裂呢?

好彩過程唔係好痛, 但我隔離床的姊妹就辛苦d, 手術後嘔過不停, 希望佢無事啦, 祝大家都bingo!


Hi Chansee9,

Thank you!!Yes.. my Doctor said the embryos are exceptionally good in quality and quantity...
Your result is great too.. Will the nurse report the embroy's develoment to you everyday?

Me too.. I'm totally fine after the egg retrieval process..but my stomach didn't feel well after it.. I need to eat alot of egg white.

remember to rest more too!!

I wish we will all get BINGO!!


積分: 56

發表於 08-6-20 13:56 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 wilber_ariya 於 08-6-19 22:43 發表

Dear JoeC and ChanSee,

Wish you luck and pls do keep us post. Would you use ginger-water to soak your legs? Would you use the hot-water bag as well?

JoeC, was the egg retrieval process painful? I ...

Dear wilber-ariya,

Thank you! I only use warm water to sock my feets...

The egg retrieval wasn't painful at all.. you dont need to worry about it

I couldn't stand Sum EC.. he is too painful.. I quit his acupuncture...

You need to position your body the best before having the egg retrieval.. remember to rest more!

Good luck and Bingo soon!


積分: 56

發表於 08-6-20 17:12 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 CKChan 於 08-6-20 15:54 發表

Below is the message I posted in another thread. Share with you. Really feel sad ah! But I'll keep on ga...
Any news from you, just up date ah! Take more rest!

各位,我今朝見完董醫生,照到我D旦旦 ...

Hi CKChan,

I'm very sorry to hear that...and I understand you want your mom to see your baby..

But your situation isn't that bad.. at least you know that after you take away that chocolate cyst... rest for a while, then you can have the IVF in great condition... and your egg reserve will totally be different! You will have a great chance of getting pregnant! Did Dr. Tung tell you how long do you have to rest after the surgery before doing IVF?

Be positive! You will surely have babies... don't be discouraged because of the chocolate cyst!

Be well-prepared for your next IVF, a better health!.. You will succeed!

Of course I will keep you posted!



積分: 56

發表於 08-6-21 22:45 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ChanSee9 於 08-6-21 22:07 發表
Hi JoeC,

我有7粒受精, 今日放左2個, 1個grade 1, 另個grade 2.
成績尚算唔錯. 可能係我係公家, 醫生同姑娘只係問一句答一句, 唔會好似私家咁講得咁詳細.
大家咁話, 休息多d, 齊齊bingo!

Hi Wilber_ariya,

Don' ...

Hi ChanSee9,

Congrats! That's a good result! It's good to have frozen eggs.

Which hospital did you go to? I went to Sanatorium and Dr. Tay told me that their grading system is the strictest among all hospitals; they haven't given a grade 1 for many many years (only 5 patients got grade 1 in the last 20+ years), so I think the grading system is varies from hospital to hospital. Their grade 2 is excellent already...

I did my egg retrieval in Sanatorium and they put me to sleep.. so I couldn't feel any discomfort at all.. I've to wait 12 days for the result.

Hope we'll all Bingo!


積分: 56

發表於 08-6-22 11:23 |顯示全部帖子
Hi wilber-ariya,
I am not working.. waiting for BB only..


原文章由 wilber_ariya 於 08-6-22 11:18 發表

Hi JoeC,

Did you take any sick leave?



積分: 56

發表於 08-6-22 17:23 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 CKChan 於 08-6-22 17:18 發表
Dear mk55, JoeC, wilber-ariya and ChanSee9,

Thank you so much for all your sharing and encouragment. I feel much much better after reading you guys' messages.
I won't give up ga, and I really hope t ...

Dear CKChan,

I'm so happy to hear from you! Have you scheduled your surgery yet? You better get rid of it early and start the IVF early..

Of course I will let you know

Take care!!



積分: 56

發表於 08-6-23 08:15 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ChanSee9 於 08-6-19 22:36 發表

幾好成績wor! 休息多d la!
我今日抽左9粒, 後日會放, 唔知會有幾多成功分裂呢?

好彩過程唔係好痛, 但我隔離床的姊妹就辛苦d, 手術後嘔過不停, 希望佢無事啦, 祝大家都bingo!


Hi ChanSee9,

How are you feeling? You're done with the Egg Transfer already, right?

I'm back to normal..waiting for the result.. I can check next week..

Hope we'll both Bingo!



積分: 56

發表於 08-6-24 09:19 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 ChanSee9 於 08-6-23 22:13 發表
Hi JoeC,

我係QM做, 唔知點解要等成16日, 可能隔左個星期六日掛.
touchwood, 今次手術無咩痛楚, 只係幾下特別痛, 而家反而無咩特別感覺, 同平時差唔多, 只係自己有d忌住忌住, 我都有返工, 不過自己會就住唔好跑同行 ...

Hi ChanSee9,

Do you have any feeling so far? For me, I don't... but I think it's normal since even the embryo has implanted.. it will takes sometime for it to release signal to the body..

I still go out but very careful and no running too.
I can check by the end of this month.. If I'm not Bingo, I will do it again very soon..



