




積分: 2590

發表於 08-10-16 17:55 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 b9lingling 於 08-10-16 11:26 發表

I guess different places have different names. I'm just so not used to these procedures here.
So you've been in Sydney for many years?

I have been here for almost 9 year, this is my first baby, I have tried 2 years but not success, the reason is unexplained infertility. Then I tried 2 iui, both fail. Finally in Aug, I did ivf then bingo! I am so happy. But now one thing I am a bit worry about is I have a cat, I always play with her, don't know if I may have toxoplasmosis which is very common to cat. Once you pregnant but you are infected with this toxoplasmosis, you can't hold your baby thus need to be aborted. Just have blood test today, will have result a week later.


積分: 2590

發表於 08-10-28 08:32 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mrschui 於 08-10-28 06:39 發表
醫生話BB性別要等18week scan...

我問醫生有冇需要儲存臍帶血。佢話用到的機會非常低。他個人覺得冇需要。Private hospital 又冇 donation servi ...

Hi mrschui,
I am living in Sydney too, will have NT scan this Thu. I am expecting to know baby's sex during NT scan, but my sister-in-law told me we wouldn't know until 18 weeks, while I know many mama can know the sex during oscar scan in HK. Your doctor told you need to wait until 18 weeks, it is because your baby's position can't see clearly or he won't let you know until 18 weeks?
BTW, are you having private doctor / hospital or public ? I just chat with another BK sister, she is also in sydney just pregnant, any good doctor you can introduce ? My doctor is in Hurstville, a bit far for her (she is in Burwood), where is your doctor ?


積分: 2590

發表於 08-10-28 10:08 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mrschui 於 08-10-28 08:44 發表

He didn't explained. He only said we will know by then. I'm going private. My dr is at St Leondards. I only know good GP at Burwood. Sorry

Hi mrschui,
My friend is working at North Sydney, which is very close to ST Leonards, maybe she can go to see him. Is he a chinese doctor ?
Will you give birth at North Shore private hospital ?


積分: 2590

發表於 08-10-28 10:52 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mrschui 於 08-10-28 10:37 發表

Mine's aussie. He's very experienced but a bit expensive. I wouldn't recommend. I used him because my dr referred me to him. I was going to change but too lazy to call other dr... M ...

Yes, I am going to private hospital. I am living in Campsie, my doctor is Phillip Lau in Hurstville, he is also from HK. He only goes to : Canterbury Hospital (public ) or St George Hospital (private). Canterbury is very close to me, but I have health fund, pefer go to private one. He charges me $3000 for natural birth, first consultant fee $150, then afterwards $70, I think it is fair fee.

For the doctor you have just recomended, can you give me more of his contact details, thanks.


積分: 2590

發表於 08-10-28 14:31 |顯示全部帖子
原文章由 mrschui 於 08-10-28 13:41 發表



咩係清宮圖? ...

Hi mrschui,
清宮圖is use to predict your unborn baby's gender, if you are interested, please click :


