




積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-4 15:42 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bb2 於 10-5-4 14:57 發表
我見d遊戲好似係比好細個d的小朋友玩, 如果成6歲男仔, 仲啱唔啱玩呢?如果只係入thomas lands係咪都要買富士急的入場券架?

This amusement park is for family, yours is 6 years old, there should be some games for him apartfrom thomas land. Tickets for thomasland soldseparately, you could choose to buy 1 day pass or each individual games. I suggest individual games may be good enough.


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-4 20:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bb2 於 10-5-4 16:11 發表
但係我仔仔好細粒, 唔夠110cm, 好多野都玩唔到...而去富士急又遠, 如果唔係太啱玩就唔好囉!

Is he a thomasland's fan? My girl is 5.5 and she liked thomasland still. So the more important thing is if he likes thomas stuff, otherwise, why don't you go somewhere that he loves. As to the transportation, it takes only 1.5 hrs by direct bus from Shinjuku. Personally I think the transfer is hassle free as it is door to door transfer without go up and down any station.


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-5 14:52 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 bb2 於 10-5-5 11:25 發表
我會同兩個仔仔去, 大果個細個時係超級鍾意thomas架, 細仔就唔係特別鍾意,但係大仔大個左就無咁鍾意thomas囉....

我想問下如果係新宿搭巴士要唔要預早買車票先得, 我驚多人, 但係因為我住係池袋, 而我又諗住如果真 ...

You could book the tickets in advance upto1 month online. I booked my tickets online last time, and paid the tickets when I arrived at the stop about 15 minutes early on the day of departure. It's better to book tickets online esp if you want to take thomas bus. Last time, we tried to change the bus schedule for the trip from highland resort to Shinjuku, all seats had been reserved, so we cannot change it.


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-5 17:01 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 cutekiddy 於 10-5-5 16:32 發表
可唔可以比個website我訂車票? thanks a lot!

This is the link.

For my 5.5. years old child, I did buy a ticket although officially it was not required if the child would sit together with his parents. But I didn't want to run the risk of having no seats in thomas bus as it seems to be quite full and we had 2 adults and 2 kids, I couldn't imagine if we had only 2 seats for the 4 of us to share.

To reserve, the steps are simple, just follow the flow, you could translate the japanese into english yourselve using online translator, and make sure you have your chinese name translated for input. As for the payment at almost the end of the flow, I think I choose not to pay now. Then a コンビニ予約番号 would be generated to you on the web, then you jot it down (although it seems this ref. is not essential). Then a confirmation email would be sent to you with a 電話番号: which would be your contact no. (my hk contact no).

For this chosen payment method, my booking could not retrieved thru website, but thru phone. If you want to re-confirm your booking, you could call their office at Shinjuku, there're ladies who speak good english, just tell them your 電話番号:

I suggest you book as well the return trip, for my day of returning, I couldn't change it to earlier bus schedule as it has been full already. I guess 3-4 hrs in Thomasland is enough.


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-8 12:08 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 一主媽媽 於 10-5-7 19:39 發表

"一主媽媽 發表於 10-5-7 19:14
謝謝,那你上次回程係搭幾點會有thomas車架?因為我都係唔識日文,不知看哪裡才知是thomas車呢" ...

For me, I didn't specify thomas bus but I booked early, like 3 weeks in advance, and I got seats in row 1 and 2 when I booked online, so I knew I was the early bird ones. I guess you could call their office no. in Shinjuku to reconfirm with them your preference. But as far as I know, they arranged bus according to first come first served basis, so no matter what book early is the key to securing seats in thomas bus.

[ 本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 10-5-8 12:11 編輯 ]


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-8 12:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 tokyobaby 於 10-5-8 08:09 發表
may i know the exact location of bus station in shinjuku ? is it just outside of Lumine 1 ? or outside of Keio Dept. store ?

The west exit of JR station, exit from Keio Dept store, then walked across the traffic light.

[ 本帖最後由 daisy17772 於 10-5-8 12:45 編輯 ]


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-15 12:38 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 一主媽媽 於 10-5-15 12:27 發表
謝謝,我終於完成訂車票,但到最後的step有些迷茫 ,想請教一下~

我成功訂票,並選上"到票站付款" ,佢就好似完左咁啦~

想請問,我到時係咪帶住張confirmation email去俾錢便可?我訂埋回程飛,係咪會在新宿一次過俾呢?


Yes you only need to bring you email confirmation which should carry your contact no. as the ref no. You only need to pay at the ground floor of the Keio Bus / Highway Bus office for the round trip tickets.

For your 3 years old kid, if you are 2 adults and 1 child, probably there may be 1 spare seat for your little one. Don't worry.


積分: 22349


發表於 10-5-15 20:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 一主媽媽 於 10-5-15 17:00 發表

Just a reminder: You will pay at the ground floor on the day of bus departure, for dates prior to your departure, you will have to go up to 2nd floor.


