




積分: 274

發表於 12-3-21 23:05 |顯示全部帖子
hi 樓主,
你知城大教職員協會主席何許人 -- John Tse (謝永齡), 人所共知他是唐派的. 他力排眾議提名唐後, 發了電郵給全體教職員解釋立場... 唉...

本人親戚and一友人在CityU工作, 但都是支持梁 (註: 親戚是因為其餘2位候選人太差, 友人是真正欣賞梁的務實)


積分: 274

發表於 12-3-21 23:14 |顯示全部帖子

剛Search 到一份相關文章, 令人懷疑謝永齡是否公器私用...

謝永齡提名唐 城大教員質疑未諮詢






積分: 274

發表於 12-3-21 23:40 |顯示全部帖子
You are right - his own position won't have much impact on the polling result directly. However, he provides comment as materials for the media in Tong's camp which can have a big influence on general public. Our view on Leung is based on our congitive ability; however, as human, our thinking will be changed if we keep exposing to a certain opionion (in other words, brainwash).

Reading from your post, I reckon that you are not irrational. Please step back and look at the overall picture again.

Please look at the source of the materials, then look at the carrier (i.e. the media). It's not difficult to find out that all the recent negative claims on Leung were from Democratic Party, Liberal Party and the tycoon gangs, and were carried by HKEJ, Sing Tao, Apple Daily.

Please also take a look of Leung's supporters. Those stand out and speak for Leung are those with integrity and good professional track record. I can't see the same quality from the other 2 parties.

Right, to declare -- I have recently changed my stance from indifference to support Leung. I'm a fulltime housewife with tertiary education background and from lower layer of the middle class.


積分: 274

發表於 12-3-22 03:58 |顯示全部帖子

..” Maybe the media should look seriously into the rootcause.” .. well said.

However, what is the case now! It’s disappointing to see media are 公器私用. We know SingTao owned by Ho, AppleDaily by Lai and HKEJ by Richard Li. I would challenge the critics on Leung from these media are driven by personal agenda/interest. However, I have no proof, so this can only be my doubt.

eko and myce,

I share completely your thought. While we already lost our high degree of autonomy, we cannot afford to lose our freedom and right. I think this is our bottomline.

Can share with you some of my thoughts…

(1) During the nomination period, the pro-Tang media sang loudly that Leung didn’t have the blessing from CPG; and the saying even claimed that CPG persuaded Leung to withdraw… My question: if Leung is an undercover communist, why CPG not support him to race for the CE post? I don’t understand. Someone is lying somehow. Is Leung really a communist? Or, Has CPG never stop Leung joining the race? Or, this is only a trick to stop the election committee to nominate Leung?

Regarding the accusation of Leung being an undercover communist, there is another big question I cannot figure out… Leung was said to be an undercover because people see this as the only reason he was appointed as 基本法諮詢委員會秘書長
in such a young age of 30s (HKEJ’s saying). Then, his enrolment would be before 1985. However, it is hard to imagine a communist member dares to criticize CPG publicly on the June-4 tragedy. Leung placed a public critic on HK papers in 1989… My question: Is CPG so open-minded to forgive a member who doesn’t obey to the code of conduct of the Party? Even, to support this extraordinary member to be the CE of HK? Is Leung really a communist? Or, the accusation is just a forge?

(2) Tang said Leung suggested to suppress HK’ers with riot cops. Later, Mr. Tin mentioned about draw help from PLA (the army). However, Tin also reinstated that he cannot remember if Leung has made such suggestions. My question: While there are meeting participants standing out to defence Leung, but Tang Camp can provide no proof? Why all the accusations are one-sided story without proof?

(3) Rumours said that CPG supports Leung because Leung agrees to roll out Act-23 etc. My question: If this is really the condition for the CPG’s greenlight, then Tang would have made his commitment in the very beginning as he has gained CPG’s support in day one? Donald Tsang has also made the same commitment for getting his CE post? This sounds ridiculous to me. But again, like the accusations, my doubt is supported with no ground.

I have too many unsolved questions.

Sigh… so sad to see HK trapped in such dark era. It’s so dark that illusions and truth are blurred. My stance in favour to Leung is not due to anti tycoon feeling, it’s driven by my cognitive thinking and judgement. But, I maybe wrong. We never know until the day comes.

eko and myce, do you have chance to watch the Commercial Radio interview with 羅康瑞www.youtube.com/watch?v=lAs8fMDUOck? If Law was not lying, then my chance of a winning bet is high.


積分: 274

發表於 12-3-22 16:45 |顯示全部帖子
eko, I understand your concern and also have the same reservation. But, I do have a bigger worry if the election is out ruled by blank votes.

CPG have promised HK with universal suffrage in 2017. If they see the current election becomes so out of control, what will they do for the 2017 U-S? What measures will they impose to regain the control... I can see nothing but nightmare.


