



積分: 396

發表於 07-4-20 10:34 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 父母係green card holder, 如bb在美國出世又想返hk讀書..........


Our family just move back to HK from NY in Jan 07... Anybody who holds an US passport will have a 3-month tourist visa when you enter to HK... You don't need to apply before... They will just chop the stamp on your kid's passport once you land on the Airport:mrgreen:

Actually I had applied my son, Kurt, HK's right of abode (3 stars)... 1st time, they rejected his case.. Same as other mommies... because I had the green card when I gave birth to Kurt... So I ignored it, because at that time, we're still living in the states, and just went back to HK for visiting.

But this time, I mean we move back to HK... I applied again for Kurt. They also have the same reason So, I'm appealing the case right now. If it fails again, then I have to get a dependent visa for Kurt which means Kurt has to stay in HK for 7 years CONTINOUSLY in order to get his HK 3-stars..

The "FUNNY" thing is, my husband asks, "if my wife applies a HKSAR passport, which you won't see her immigrant visa on her BNO... Then, you guys won't have any ideas how she gets into the states... Does it make the difference??" Their response: ":lol: :lol: :lol: Thank you for being HONEST!!!!" So, then we think their judgement and how they interpret the law is not right and just. Therefore, we decide to appeal Kurt's case this time.

We can share some experience together... So as other mommies too :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


積分: 396

發表於 07-4-20 10:46 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 父母係green card holder, 如bb在美國出世又想返hk讀書..........


One more thing to your question...

When your kid has the right of abode, that means 3 stars la... Just as same as other HK kids (HK PERMANENT resident).

If your kid has the dependent visa, it means he or she is a HK resident. Your kid will have the same benefit as others HK permanent resident. The only thing is, your kid cannot apply the "回鄉卡", and has to stay in HK for 7 years to earn that!!

Public schools, public hospitals are no problem with the dependent visa. They can also have the 學劵制 as well... 學劵制 is the new thing from the HK government. If the kindegarden is in the scheme, which 90% of the kindegardens are.... Then, you can apply, the government will give you about HK$10,000 per year for whole day school

Tell you more when you're interested la


