



積分: 7794

發表於 08-9-12 07:48 |顯示全部帖子
I would suggest that your husband can come on the time you labour, as he can give you a lot of support.
also, husband has "no time restriction" for visit. But we would suggest them to leave before 11pm as Mommy needs to sleep too. (or if you are in single room, no restriction at all)
the day you discharge, it will be good if he can sit down and listen to the discharge nurse's instruction. we provide a lot of information that time.. how you take care of yourself, and how you are going to take care of your baby.
Now, go and sign up with your OB. requested to have a visiting nurse to go to your home, to take care of your and your baby until you leave US. that is a free service for all mommy who is bilingual and primary language is not English. it is a service for all 1st time mom in NYC
If you have any problem of taking care of new born..
remember to ask.. I was a nursery nurse, a child care worker.. and I am a RN as well. we are here to help
also, remember to provide your marriage certificate copy to the birth certificate registration officer. otherwise, they may mess up your baby's last name.
if you really want fast-track for passport, once you got your baby birth cert, then go to chinese travel agent. They can issue a real air ticket for you, and you can bring it to the passport office in Manhattan in the morning, you will get the passport at the same afternoon. I got it for Amanda that way, because I am afraid the birth cert will be lost by mail. It takes about 2 weeks for us to get Gabriel's birth cert and SSI as well.. not too long. as you are "sit moon" anyway.
take care.. ok? which neighbourhood you are living.. see if I can find BK mom to be your buddy?
原文章由 mini_cc 於 08-9-11 01:07 PM 發表

我媽媽唔會o黎呀,因為佢好驚搭飛機的.....我老公可能會o黎,不過我叫o左佢等我同bb出院先o黎,因為係醫院有時間限制,佢都唔係成日可以陪到我喇,反而返到屋企自由d,咁都會開心一D,不過佢最多留一個星期就要走,因為佢 ...

[ 本文章最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-9-11 18:49 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-9-13 07:05 |顯示全部帖子
In this case, we can't say much.. as he is a OB/GYN, he knows more than all of us, how much support he can provide for his love one.
That is truth, I can understand! OB/GYN is one of the extreme busy profession.
As if your husband is citizen, it makes not much different.. for your lil one to born in hk or US. s/he will have US passport right away plus to have HK birth certificate as well, unless you want him to be the president.
as you are close to due date, try to walk a lil bit more.. that help to make the labor easier.
oo.. still don't know which area you are living.. which boro are you in?

原文章由 mini_cc 於 08-9-12 04:03 PM 發表

其實我都真係好想好似你咁講有老公係身邊.....不過真係好難,其實我老公係香港都係一個婦產科醫生.....因為我10月尾先預產,所以有d10月頭的產婦係我驗到有bb之前已book左我老公,但老公又好想阿b係美國出世,因為等阿b ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-9-13 19:22 |顯示全部帖子
yup.. Amanda 本passport個印都係90日..

wei.. Leighton, 今晚上Flushing 食飯, 我哋car pool 你上去呀.. 打不死2號Bosco+Kieran 媽咪生日呀! MSN.. ok?

担心唔嚟, 我哋只有等你老公做完手頭工作呢.
想唔想有baby shower.. 開個小party, cheer up, 好唔好?
呢喥媽咪冇乜機心, 係交得過嘅朋友呢
原文章由 leighton-112107 於 08-9-12 10:13 PM 發表

妳要堅強呀,冇嘢係冇可能的,好多事係控制不來的,比心機,女人都好本事架,妳住邊區架,我地lee到媽媽會個個都會幫妳,只要妳開口,唔好坦心咁多嘢,準備好一切就開心迎接BB出世,將來一定會一家開心生活架 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-9-14 00:51 |顯示全部帖子
你留手机number, 我至教你喇, as 你老公有身份, 我教你點做喇.
or check pm.. 我留 cell number 俾你.
你老公.. greencard 多過一年出境就作廢, 但好多人只要解釋點解離境咁耐.. officer ok 就得..
你叫你老公provide document, support evidence.. 最多俾個移民官鬧吓.. 叫佢唔好駁嘴, 自已知錯.. 又講老婆生仔.. 希望ok喇
brooklyn-- dorisbee, greentree, 等媽咪都住嗰區
family partnership program-- visiting nurse program, call 我.. I will explain to you
原文章由 mini_cc 於 08-9-13 07:55 AM 發表

我住係Brooklyn ga~~老公已經買o左機票21/10-25/10 過o黎陪我,唔理bb出左世定未喇,不過都好差不多喇,有都好過無,自己都唔會要求太多,咁會開心d ga~~hehe!!!
原來老公同我講,佢話佢好多年無入美國 ...


