



積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-22 20:18 |顯示全部帖子
I am talking about New York, as I have no clue about N.VA.
1. 屋租 (3 room condo / townhome)
Staten Island, NY -about $700-1200
2. utility (水, 電, gas)
water $200 (3 months) 電-$350/month-summer, gas $100/month
3. car gas
Staten island, NY $2.91/gallon, New Jersey $2.41/gallon
4. car maintanence
返原廠咪貴啲, toyota, Lexus換油都係幾十 to 100..左右
5. car insurance
Geico- average -staten island $700, Brooklyn $900
depend on你住邊, 安唔安全, driver's age, gender, driving history, car 嘅brand 同型號. 買全保定係第三保only
6. tax
New York 8.375%, New Jersey- depends on the area, some is 3%, some is 6%.
Remember 去餐廳食嘢-->TIPS--- double the tax in New York!!!
7. medical and life insurance for whole family
你要自己check 喇, 太complicate, 只有你自己至知你要乜同可以付担幾多錢一個月
8. phone bill (mobile, fixed line, internet)
They come with package.
home landline+cable+internet -New York, Verzion -$100 per month
mobile- 老公700min. family plan, 2 cell phones, total $59.99, 2年re-new, 送新電話
9. food, grocery, etc
白菜$1.5 /1磅
1 gallon 鮮奶( =3.78L) $2.49/gallon in Staten Island
$3.5-$4.5 /gallon in Brooklyn, NY
depends on how you spend... couldn't tell.
what is 401K?

what is PPO and HMO?
PPO 同HMO---insurance plan
PPO冇指定醫生network-- 方便, 但premium--from your pocket就貴啲.
HMO- 只用network內醫生/ medical service. 要用Out of network 等於自已俾錢.....

我係做medical field, 老公打政府工, so, 我哋family plan冇premium, copay-$15 per 醫生visit, 配药冇co-pay.
premium係老細由你pay check 扣錢幫你供insurance.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-21 07:29 PM 發表
Thanks so much Bunnymonkey,

what is 401K?
what is PPO and HMO? $600 premium for 3 people, are there any saving elements inside or just purely premium?

[ 本帖最後由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-7-22 07:24 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 06:53 |顯示全部帖子
Registered nurse, new grad- HKD$48,100 per month here in Brooklyn, for my agency.
that is USD$74,000 /year which I can offer if you qualified. As I hire RN, if you are bilingual. :) let me know.!
In hk, I guess.. a new grad RN with around HKD$15,000-20,000?? which is about 1/3 of the salary in US
go to salary.com you will get a lot of information. But don't rely on it 100%.
Bilingual and with experience will be different.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-22 08:58 AM 發表
好詳盡呀~ THANK YOU!睇落自己買野煮食都唔好貴。其他COST 都比HK貴。

BTW, 咁美國人的人工,同一個職位的,係咪都比HK高? 有冇咩網站可以知道美國人的人工水平?想去搵工,都唔知EXPECTED SAL ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-23 20:02 |顯示全部帖子
Well.. I really don't know other jobs..
for a Clerk, my assistant, USD$30,000 per year, just need high school grad (Form 7 in HK..??), that will be HKD$19,500 per month...

the information I know.. is very limited, because we are only in our profession, therefore, it is good to have other moms for more input..

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-23 12:58 AM 發表

好可惜我唔係nurse呀~  我諗美國都唔係個個行業的人工都高過HK 咁多?


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-30 03:50 |顯示全部帖子
Marketing, still have the market there.
like us, we hire marketing staff with $40,000-48,000 depends on experience.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-24 08:05 PM 發表
好可惜我都唔係HI TECH 人
係HK做FINANCIAL INDUSTRY 的 MARKETING,係美國,如果唔係再讀過門專業,睇怕真係唔會搵到工。
老公做POLICY RESEARCH,佢話係東岸會易D搵到工。


積分: 7794

發表於 10-7-30 20:17 |顯示全部帖子
those professions are great, and lack of people who is fluently in Cantonese and English, not so sure the marketing in VA, MD and Washington DC, but .. that is desperate in NY as I know..
for Nutritionist.
For speech therapiest.. good if you also take the special education on kids..

For Marketing, so many big org needs ppl with 10-15 years experience.. such as Honeywell..
go to monstor.com or salary.com to check by yourself.
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-7-29 09:20 PM 發表

Thanks Nillie,

我都明白都係depends on 職位的高低. $40000 左右係中層 (有得3-5年經驗果d?)?

我係hk 做左十年以上, 都算高高地層... 同埋都好specific 係financial (which hk 同美國應該好唔同了). 我覺得搵到 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-3 21:08 |顯示全部帖子
To study nursing here, that is your choice to touch the blood or not, as you do not need to draw blood. the job description is different. they have the blood drawing team here (like private hospital in hk) to do this job.
RN is to do all the admission, paperworks, give meds, set up IV, also assign jobs to LPN (EN in HK) and PCA( HCA in HK).
In CA, RN vs Patients is 1:5-7, in New York, is 1:10
Sure, salary is different even in the same area.. it can be almost $8-10 per hour different.. depends on what hospital you choose.
You need to take all those pre-nursing course in order to get into the the CC- community college.
You can sumbit your transcript and see if you can redeem the credit from your studies.
for Nursing job.. our tax is 1/3 as well. also, if you work at holiday, salary is the double and have 1 extra day off. however, your tax is more than 1/2 on that day. so, still no nurse want to work at holiday. Plus for Snow storm or emergency. you are just standby in Hospital, nothing to do, but you will have 3 times salary, again.. tax tax tax.. ended up, those salary goes into Government's pocket.

About the speech therapy. They determined it by the evaluation. If your child is over 67% behind. They will not cut your service because it is a law there. My son (going to be 4 years old this winter) still receive twice a week service, and they supposed to increase to 3 times a week. but my husband refused. As we want to do home teaching, we got the material from speech therapist and we can do it at home. Well, we had big fight about it before.. because after 3 years old, early intervention program will be document permanently on our child's record, but he couldn't speak, and the best way to help him, is getting help from the service which paid by our insurance.

原帖由 cathymom 於 10-8-3 12:06 AM 發表

thanks ndw!
其實香港都有呢d case, 好多大學生出來都係搵一萬幾千, 有d 專科文憑讀laboratory science 果d, 出來做化驗, 人工高過大學生的.

聽nillie 同你咁講, 護士真係好有前景的工作播... 咁我想問其實難唔難 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-5 19:42 |顯示全部帖子
that is a hit job, however, you need to get your license here. If you have another profession, that will be even better, because for most of the job, they want to hire 1 person to do 2 jobs.
Like in Hospital, if they hire a bilingual nurse, they don't need to have a interpreter. Right?
but like in the count, they need you.
Language line, they need you too.
First of all, you will need to do your license verification in US, in order to find a job as an interpreter.

原帖由 ayaya86 於 10-8-5 04:59 AM 發表
我想問USA會不會請中/英TRANSLATOR 因為我係香港讀呢科 我舅父一家都準備申請我地過去 所以想問清楚搵唔搵到工先答佢


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-6 20:16 |顯示全部帖子
If you are not coming in near future, like 2-3 months, let's say... you are coming next june, you have 1 year of time. I would suggest you to do it in HK.
You need to know which state you are going, then, go to that state's dept of education. then, download the application form for registration. also have to submit your transcript to the assigned agency from the dept of edu to do your education and license verification. that usually takes about 6-9 months time if you submit everything in timely manner and no error between it. :)
I don't know the salary about it.
you can go to salary.com and do some research on it.
Hope that helps!
原帖由 ayaya86 於 10-8-6 03:31 AM 發表

THX! ACTUALLY, I am major in translation and interpretation, specialized in translation in law and commercial and i am minor in japanese.
do u mean i have to get my license after i get my visa to US ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-9 22:17 |顯示全部帖子
In your case.. You did not give your children a choice. Because they are learning 3 languages instead of 2. as their grandparents do not speak mandarin.
It is up to you if you wanna talk with them in Cantonese at this period, because that will be easier for them to understand and will not get mixed up while they talk to their grandparents.

For me, I speak Cantonese to them, because I speak Cantonese to my husband, my BK moms here in NYC, and my parents in law here in NY, also it is the language in NYC.. (still, but sure will change later as Amanda's school offer Mandarin from this year).
I only teach them in Cantonese because it will be easy for them to understand.. while they also learn Russian, and Spanish.. I don't wanna give them too much pressure on it.
Amanda is 7 years old, so she know the different between Cantonese and Mandarin.
For Gabriel (only 3.5), we only talk to him in Cantonese and English (as he stays in day care about 8-11hours weekdays) His English is better than Chinese since he gets into daycare.
原帖由 ndw 於 10-9-8 01:43 PM 發表

hi Nillie_Mami
Thank you very much for your sharing. One dicision once awhile will come up to my mind to make. How many language should I talk to my daughter. For my huaband, he has no choice, he ...


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-14 01:21 |顯示全部帖子
beside, I have to say, you are very tough and a perfect model for us.
I will not able to be a stay home mom as good as you do... I will cry all day long if I have to face the never-ended chores.
I am really not good with that.. I can be a part time stay home mom on public holiday or weekend.
Plus the home schooling piece..
one of my child has speech delay, one of my child is a gifted.. and I am not that patience.. so I gave myself an excure.. let the teacher to take care of.. my job just to earn money and make other things better.
原帖由 ndw 於 10-9-10 11:03 PM 發表


積分: 7794

發表於 10-12-14 22:28 |顯示全部帖子
Also, you need to communicate to the agency which provide service to your son right now. File complaint and request hearing to have OT.
never give up and this is the point.!
原帖由 rose-mag 於 10-12-14 02:53 AM 發表

You live in San Mateo, right? I have searched internet and find these associations. They may have some support groups and classes for families with kids of autism.
PARCA http://parca.org/
Paren ...


