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發表於 09-2-25 23:52 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-25 19:26 發表

what so busy ar? secret part time ar?

hahha.. yes secret part time with no paid!!! help martin to build the boards then he can solder it tonight and send them to the customers tomorrow!!

gotta go again! coz need to work now since the kids are sleeping!!! speak u all later!!!

[ 本帖最後由 hk30 於 09-2-25 23:54 編輯 ]


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發表於 09-2-26 20:34 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-2-26 04:10 發表
Don;t get me wrong. I am not pregnant.
instead we have made a decision to move back to Sg so will leave the country soon


congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! thats great that u could live nearby ur family!!!!! dont know which day i can move back le....!!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 01:48 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-2-27 01:39 發表
many thanks for all the best wishes.
have no time to reply one by one

by the way, anyone know of shipping company which can ship thing cheap?

wonder whether I should ship back some of the stuff or g ...

i just knew one called sevenseas, my bros and friends used them to ship the stuff back to macau!


u can check this out! hope it helps u!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 20:19 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-27 17:22 發表

She is not going to school today! She is a bit upset that she can't go to school today as she wants to get the 100% attendance certificate at the end of the school year! She took it last year mah! ...

yeah u are right, never heard that twintwin said it...


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 21:02 |顯示全部帖子
aiya 原來阿仔都發消!!! :(


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發表於 09-2-27 21:48 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-27 21:35 發表

o, why mitch got fever as well? caught fm playgroup?weather is v good wor, shdnt be caught cold?

he looked fine when he woke up this morning. but after been playgroup, he looks tired. and i checked his forehead, it was hot. so i checked his temp, it was 38.4C. so i gave him calprofen straight away!

no the weather here isnt good at all. cloudy and windy. it is quite cold here though!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 22:47 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-27 22:27 發表

I am using the ears thermometre, too. For fafa's normal temperature is around 36C. So anything about 37C for her is fever! (Cos I check her temperature while she is well sometimes, so I know her ...

i use ears one as well... oh.. do u know actually if baby can use ears thermometre or not? coz i heard someone said better not to use for the baby!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 22:49 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-27 22:32 發表

Kids just caught virus from playgroups la, but you just can't always shut them at home, can you??
Oh here the weather is much warmer.....I thought it is the same in your side, too?
Hope Mitch gets ...

yeah the weather here is always changed. couple days ago, it was sunny and a little bit hot! but today is cloudy, windy, miserable as well!! sighhhh.. make me miserable 2!!!!!


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發表於 09-2-27 22:51 |顯示全部帖子
想問下呢你地有無系FB搵過你地以前既同學仔呀? 我一個都搵唔到!! 唔通佢地唔用


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 22:53 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-27 22:45 發表

Twin Twin

It proves you had done a good job on your girls la! They are so strong and healthy!!

yeah twintwin so u have to keep ur record, dont break it ar!!! (touch wood sin....)


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-27 23:06 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-27 22:54 發表

I think for your gal, over 6 months is ok to use it la. Have you read the instruction? There is instruction showing you how to use on a baby, too.
It is the most convenient way to measure temp. wo ...

oh dear.. i was using it when imogen got fever last time!!!!!!

oh that instruction.. i always throw it into the bin.. i wont read it!!!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-1 06:01 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 BoeyC 於 09-2-28 23:48 發表

My baby took fish oil 3 months, just stop last week when it all finished cos buy 2 get 1 free.I thought not eat too much as well, will give it back again after 3 months

fish oil?? i always heard the ppl said to give the kids fish oil (smartfish in hk) so what that for, and if it is a MUST to give it to children and how old they should be to take it, please?! coz i really have no idea about it. thanks for sharing ur experience to me!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-1 16:51 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-1 10:14 發表
Hi Hi all pretty mums

Now is 2:13am (night time!!!) I am up to look after Fafa again. She has fever again 38.5C and had neurofen an hour ago. This is the 3rd night la, so sad and worried!!!!

Anyb ...

oh dear.. i was still up at that time as well. mitch got temp around 40C (the rash was all over his body, not just only on his chest). then i gave him some calprofen, and now its 8.50am, his forehead feels cold. but i will still keep give him some calpol later on when he awake.

hope fafa gets well soon la!!!!! and u need to get some rest during the day. ask ur hubby to look after the kid. and remind him to give med to fafa before u taking a nap!! (coz yesterday martin asked me to take a nap, when i awoke, found out that he didnt give mitch's calpol, didnt feed imogen solid. i was so angry after i got up!)

[ 本帖最後由 hk30 於 09-3-1 16:55 編輯 ]


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發表於 09-3-1 18:17 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-1 17:51 發表

Has the rash on Mitch's body disappeared? And how is his temp now? Are you taking him to see GP tomorrow? sigh........
I stayed up last night until 3:30am when I felt fafa was sweating and so thu ...

nope his rash is still there. martin said bring him to see a pharmacy to see any medicial he needs since we go asda later.

oh dear.. cant u get back to sleep after given the calpol to fafa??? if she is fine during the day, uhave to ask ur hubby to look after the kids, then u go take some rest, coz it is monday again, that mean it will be only u to look after both kids!!

dont feel so blue and down!! i know thats not easy. but cheers up!!! :)


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-1 18:23 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-1 17:58 發表
I think I need to get some 6+ calpol from shop in a minute as it is running out at home now!

I got 3 new bottles of calprofen at home as it is for sale at Asda last time (£1 each !) But fafa was co ...

wow £1 each. how much is it normally?? oh last time i brought imogen to see a doc regarding to her cough. she prescribed the calpol for her. so we have a free bottle calpol! hahh... (actually i shouldnt happy about it, coz if they need to take calpol, that mean it isnt a good sight.)


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-2 02:01 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-2 00:30 發表

U must be happy to go 'yum cha' la. Fafa's temp is 38.4C again after having nap! So sad, I will definitely need to phone GP up for an appointment tomorrow la.

I have 2 hours nap ar and now woke u ...

go get take away instead la.. dont knackered urself out!!!

mitch seems better, i havent given him any calpol apart of this morning, and his temp didnt go up. however i think his temp will go up again during the night time. so i will give him some calprofen before bed time.

and yes the pharmacy in asda is opened on sunday as well. but we didnt go there. coz mitch was fall asleep. so i will bring him to see a doc instead. to make sure the rash isnt any serious! but as what he did yesterday and today. he is a happy cheerful boy. so i think the rash is just a virus as everybody said. although everyone said so, i still not dare to bring him to toddlers group tomorrow!!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-2 05:44 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-2 05:08 發表

oh of course don't bring him to playgroup tomorrow la! It is not any important event which can't be missed in his life, playgroup jeh!
Fafa won't go to school tomorrow, either. If she is not well, ...

hope u could get an appointment tomorrow ar!! and dont stress urself out and get some sleep! i know how it feels when just only u to look after kids! coz im always like that! no one will/can help!! so be strong. and fafa will get well soon, dont worry!!!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-3-2 06:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-3-2 05:53 發表

what date do you go back to work? Do u prefer working than staying at home looking after the kids?

oh just been my work place in this afternoon. my first day back to work is on 4th april! and if they need me early, then will ring me up!!! i cant wait for it!!!!!!!!!

i cant really stay at home to look after both of them. probably it sounds terrible! but if u were in my suitation, u would prefer to going back to work! it is not coz of the money, it is coz it can give me some free times and break!! so i am really looking forward to going back to work!!


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發表於 09-3-2 06:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-3-2 06:28 發表

Oh..........who look after them when you go to work? I think your problem the same as us, why you prefer go to work?

it probably would be martin's mom / himself / martin's friend to look after them when i go to work.

i dont think any mums here will have a same suitation as me. i dont drive, i cant go anywhere by myself with 2 kids and martin went to work nearly 247. so i have to look after the kids by myself 247 as well. im alike as a single mom to look after 2 kids!

my wages is more less than martin, but i still wanna work. coz it gives me some breaks away from home if u understand what i mean.


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發表於 09-3-2 07:18 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-3-2 06:58 發表

haha, that's true at least you hv yr own social life! i was thinking about to work when marcus went to nursery coz really want to hv my life back but 1/ i dont really trust hoba... 2/ the most impo ...

just need some breaks by myself at least once a week, thats fantastic!!!


