



積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-24 19:16 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-24 11:05 發表

thank you so much!!

I haven't started yet! But will consider grow pak choi, kai lan, sun flowers etc. I think will start in late March.

The daffodil in my garden is started to grow!!! so beautiful!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-24 20:32 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-24 11:36 發表
屋企廚房既窗台仔(20cm x 80cm)可唔可以種到菜架??? 因為得我同阿仔食!! 諗住食完再種﹐ 種完再食果隻!

I think ok 20cmx80cm for u and your son to eat. In the beginning, u can try the yogurt pot to grow one seed. Then put all the yogurt pots there, when it grows bigger, move it to bigger pots.


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-24 20:36 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-24 11:26 發表

kai lai= 芥蘭﹐ right???

我細佬已經幫我買左d種子﹐遲d叫佢寄黎俾我! 好似話有節瓜添!! 我想問下呢﹐你99會唔會有 9杞呀?? 我聽人話都好容易種!!

daffodil 系唔系好像水仙果d花呀?? 如果系﹐呢度通地都系﹐年年春天都開 ...

Yes ar that is daffodil, it got flowers in spring, then in summer, it will die and just become a 'spring onions' in the mud! It got lots of wild daffodils here, too. And there are some in my garden as well.

9杞? Never heard about she mentioned it but my hubby doesn't like 9杞, so i don't grow la.

kai lai= 芥蘭 yes !


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-24 23:47 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-24 12:56 發表

become spring onion???? the one for cooking????

I mean when the flowers faded, it will leave the leaves in the mud and their shape just looks like a spring onion! (the one for cooking!) which doesn't look very nice!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-24 23:50 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 Zenia 於 09-2-24 13:58 發表
犯法? We tried to cut some rose-mary on my street to prepare lamb chop. And so does my neighbour, haha....

My friends was picking some wild raspberries from nearby! I don't know if they broke the law or not?! But I am not dare to try cos I am worried about the raspberries - poisonous?! Though my friends were still ok after eating them!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-26 17:47 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-25 01:10 發表

oh thank you so much!!

yeah i heard from my friend as well... she said just put that stick (莖) into the mud.. sth like that.. then it will grow itself!

Oh that is easy, I heard that for growing potatoes, you just cut a part of the potato and bury in the mud, then it will grow out more potatoes. It seem easy, too! But I never tried because I think it is too easy to buy potatoes here, so I am not keen to try!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-26 20:58 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-26 12:51 發表
hey mums,

Lavender is good choice as well, very easy, pretty and nice smell!

Haha I have Lavender in my garden la! I agree that it is very very easy to grow, apart from watering it, no need to take extra care!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-26 20:59 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-26 12:50 發表

haha, i should grow potatoes then! no need to order outside potatoes

Yeah go ahead, choose some potatoes which are 出芽 and bury in the mud and see see how it grows!


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-26 21:00 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-26 12:21 發表

i didnt know how to grow the potatos! but if u like, i can ask my neighbour since they were growing it last year!!

ohhhh.. just a question, what will u do with if the potatos 出芽??

出芽 potatoes bury in the mud la, and it will grow out some new potatoes!! hahaha


積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-26 22:29 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 cissie 於 09-2-26 14:08 發表

Yes, very easy! I bought some lavender from Ikea years ago, they are still survive!

Do they grow bigger and bigger???

BTW, do you gals hate getting rid of weeds???
I hate it very much and it always grows so fast!!
I don't know where they come from!


