



積分: 842


發表於 10-2-5 05:42 |顯示全部帖子
hello, I am so glad that I can finally log in BK as I failed doing registration using yahoo account.

I have been visiting your discussion since I was pregnant (late 2008) and finally I can speak here, I am longing to be here as I always have many questons to ask (I am a new mom) and you gals are all helpful and treat us as friends.

My baby boy is called 朗朗, no English name yet, borned on 27 June 2009, so I am 0906 mom ah.

Hope I can join in your party as well as I am only a new comers.

Sorry that I want to ask some questions and hope you can give me some advice:

I started feeding solid food when long long is 6 months old, process is not that well and I am really confused.

1. Some books say we can start by taking 1 food (eg congee) for 5 days for testing, then add 1 other kind of food after every 5-day trail. Some said I can feed him potato, apple, pear, 南瓜, 菠菜, or even later豆付 & fish, but some doctors say it is too early to try tofu and fish. confuse which food I can cook for my baby, and whether a 7 month baby can eat fish, or boil fish as soup and mix with congee?

2. Also, I have tried to make 南瓜& 豆付 but he seems doesn't like it. And I am not sure if he can eat 菠菜now. After putting so much effort in making food for him, I finally give up and use some baby foods (except congee). But it is good for baby eating so much "preserved food in glass bottle" and can I put those remaining dose into small boxes and kept in fridge, as it seems to be a waste using 5 or 10 g a meal but leaving 50 g in the baby food bottle.

3. As he had a fever weeks ago, he doesn't like drink milk (from 200 ml, 5 times a day), to
7:30 am : 200 ml
11:30 AM: 100 ml milk + 40 ml congee + 10 ml potato + 10 ml apple (make to juice)
15:30 pm : 150 ml
7:30 pm : 150 ml
11:00 pm: 200 ml

He seems trying to "keep fit" as he weighs 23 lb already (very heavy). He didn't drink milk and cry crazily even we try to force him a bit or even spending over an hour feeding him.

Don't know how to improve the situation, and the progress of eating solid food is not that good (after 1 month trial), I wonder if I can change to 4 meals a day instead of 5.

4. I go to BMK today and they told me that all Japanese brand "pampers" are sold out except GOO.N L size (my baby needs L size) and it costs $144, no further discount. Any one knows if there are places selling GOO.N, Moony, etc. at lower prices?

5. He is not sleeping well also, and always showing nerviousness even he is tired but yet can't fall asleep.

1:00 am (6.5 hrs) - sleep (but sometimes wakes up
between 5:30 am and 6:30 am)
7:30 am - wake up for milk
8:30 to 11:30 am (3 hrs) - sleep
11:30 am - milk
12:30 pm - play and reading
1:30 pm to 2:30 pm (1 hr) - sleep
2:30 pm - play
3:30 pm - milk
4:30 pm to 5:30 pm - playground
5:30 pm to 7:00 pm (2 hr) - sleep
7:00 pm - play
7:30 pm - milk
8:30 pm to 10:30 pm - play
10:30 pm to 11:00 pm - bath
11:00 pm - milk
11:30 pm to 1:00 am - play

So he only gets 12.5 hours sleep a day, is it enough for a 7 months old baby? Any way to let him have more sleep and make him feel less nervous when he close to fall asleep?

I am so sorry that I ask so much questions as they were in my mind for long time but most of my friends have not yet been married and our parents do not have much ideas on this, and......well, my husband is working late everyday so he has no "energy" to even listen to my worries.

Thanks again.


積分: 842


發表於 10-2-6 02:24 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 easymo 於 10-2-5 09:07 發表
hi 朗朗媽媽,
我bb 6月12日出世架,
試固體食物其實唔駛5日咁耐, 健康院姑娘話每樣新食物試2-3日, 唔出現敏感就ok, 我一般每次試3日, bb 食過三文魚同鯇魚, 好似有少少敏感, 豆腐我b都未試, 我覺得遲 d 試都無妨, 不 ...

Thanks ah. Sorry I need to type in English as I don't know how to type Chinese and use "hand writing board" slowly ah.

Yes, I have tried to shorten the period, up to now (1.5 month), we just try potato, 南瓜, apple, mix with congee only, and total around 50 ml.

Is 50 ml too little (but it is said in the book max. volume for the 2nd month of solid food is 70 ml jar!!

As I see most of your babies can have 1 or 1.5 big bowl of congee, and some even have 2 meals a day.

d人話 用廋肉, 粟米煲粥, or 用紅衫魚煲湯加入粥, ok ma?


積分: 842


發表於 10-2-6 02:26 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 funfunmandy 於 10-2-5 12:29 發表

Thanks ah! I worry so much as he seems to be too nervous and "Struggle" for a long time before he can finally fall asleep


積分: 842


發表於 10-2-6 02:39 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 zoe1118 於 10-2-5 19:17 發表
welcome ar
關於可以食d乜, 我初時都好confuse, 書同姑娘同醫生同親友講嘅都有d唔同, 開始餵solid food時我會揀d大部份人都話ok嘅嘢lor, like potato, sweet potato, corns(peel off the skins), 瓜ar, 同每樣都連續 ...

我見書話可以每日try 5 ml, Day 1 先米糊, 粥 (5 ml -> 30 ml max); after day 6: carrot, potato, sweet potato, corns, 瓜, 菠菜 (5ml up to 10ml); apple, pear (5 ml), Day 11:豆付, fish.

但d家人又話唔駛咁快, 食congee + potato + apple ok ga la. 有d又話可以瘦肉+ carrot + corn + congee, or 煲魚湯加入congee......

但bb 6 month 先食solid food, 只食到50ml, 我見你地可以食1 ~ 1.5 bowl congee, 有d仲2餐tim. 點ler, 係咪每類食物try 2~3 days, 冇senitive, 就可以隨意mix?

d congee有幾"傑"? 本書話稀稀地好似水可以滴落黎.....so it is no congee we adult eat, right?

朗朗而家己經瞓少左, <1 hr between milk, 有時仲唔瞓tim, 但夜晚佢又唔肯瞓. 好夜先同佢沖涼, 因為bb好大力,又重(22lb), 我一個人hold唔住佢, 要等papa放工返黎(8:30 pm), 休息一陣 (papa 返澳門, day travel, 5:30 am get up, 6:00 am 出門), 食左飯再一齊同bb沖涼.

亦因為papa 5:30am 起身, bb又醒瞓 (少少聲 eg switch on light power), bb又瞓唔返.

bb同我地一齊瞓, 因為我係超nervous type, papa就一訓落牀就zzz, 好難令佢起身, 我擔心bb返轉身, "pa"左係度訓, or 被d被蓋住, cannot breathe. 但papa又話bb自己一間房訓會獨立d, 又有個Cam望住, 但我實成晚望住唔駛訓la. 你地呢?

[ 本帖最後由 momo627 於 10-2-6 03:02 編輯 ]


積分: 842


發表於 10-2-6 02:41 |顯示全部帖子
原帖由 funfunmandy 於 10-2-5 12:29 發表

thanks ah, I wonder if I could arrange the milk feeding time so that he can sleep earlier and wake up later, but then it will change from 4 hours interval (milk feeding) to 3 or 3.5 hrs, is it ok?


積分: 842


發表於 10-3-4 04:52 |顯示全部帖子
would you mind sharing with me your photos as I have made appointment on 21 Mar also.

Do you think their quality is good?


原帖由 Kaydenbb 於 10-2-26 01:42 發表

原本我揀P2 ($1,580)呢個plan

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