



積分: 1086

發表於 10-7-31 15:07 |顯示全部帖子
我剛嚟到加洲 san mateo 2個月, 覺得很多嘢都比香港貴.

租金1房apartment: $12xx
水, 垃圾等雜費: $120
電: $30
車: $3.1x /gallon
車保: $120
手提: $40 (2張card, 一個可上網, 一個普通, 唔記得幾多分鐘, 但應該夠用.)

其他開支都在計算中, 因為從0開始, 好多嘢都要買, 剩係廚房嘢, 都好多好多嘢. 我到而家都未買齊...
好多嘢我都後悔冇寄嚟, 嚟到有d用開嘅又搵唔到, 搵到都好貴. 好掛住香港jusco!!
  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


積分: 1086

發表於 10-12-13 19:00 |顯示全部帖子
bunnymonkey, rose-mag:
thx for yr tips, i like daiso too. i will try amazon later. my sisters also ask me to forget the price in hk. think about what to cook & eat or what to do HERE!! well... i'm learning!!

nillie-mami & ndw:
would you please share some speech therapy information with me?
my son is 4.5 years old, he has autism. receiving speech therapy twice a week at school (IEP). but they dont give occupational therapy. i want to find more service for him.
he can speak but he doesn't understand question. we had speech therapy in HK, i know some technique, but i'm not sure it's same as here or not.
i have a new born bb (4months), i cant give all my time to my son, i feel so sorry to him. i wanna help him as soon as possible. there're many information about autism in internet... but it takes time to search!!
it's really not easy to be a special kids parent. sometimes i wanna give up, but when i see my son's smiles. i told myself that, i'm the only one can help him now. "never give up" i keep saying this.
i need some support...
  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


