




積分: 206

發表於 06-1-2 00:14 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)


really? kids can run on the grass? that is what my son wants, he likes to walk on grass / sand on bare feet gar

what about the wave on the sea? would that makes the boat v wobbly? i also afraid my girl or me get vomit


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-2 00:52 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

Bluestar the expert,

Many thanks for your details info. in that case i will definitely take the "gaai do" la.

camping? no way? :mrgreen: to be honest, i would say i am a "indoor" ppl, but i don't mind to take a easy walk on the country side for some fresh air and the most important is let my son uses & release his energy outdoor


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-2 01:24 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)


Yes, mum

講得好 (your piglet should feels glad to has a mum like you)
I am FOR the idea that kids should be taken to the countryside, to see what they read in books !

once again, thx for your sharing


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-3 21:53 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

Hi Bluestar,

We didn't go to TaapMun ar, cos my "big boss" doesn't want to go that far away and my "little boss" wants to paly sand, so we went to Dbay instead.

but, don't worry i will make them go there one
day :wink:
Bluestar 寫道:

Did you go to TaapMun and how did you find it ?
I heard the fisherfolk at WongShekPier say that lots more ppl went to TaapMun than ChekKeng today.
Very good weather.


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-18 16:45 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

[size=large]Giggle, giggle, quack
by Doreen Cronin

Reading level: Ages 4-8
ISBN: 0689845065

Another good piece by Doreen Cronin (the author of Click, Clack, Moo: Cows That Type), the story is about - Farmer Brown is going on holiday. He asks his brother to take care of the animals. 'But keep an eye on Duck. He's trouble'. Bob follows the instructions he's been left. He orders pizza with anchovies for the hens, bathes the pigs with bubble bath, and lets the cows choose a movie.
Are they really Farmer Brown instructions? If yes, why does Bob keep hear the giggling sound?


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-18 23:47 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

Hi Gloria,

Nice to hear that you have time to take a break (listening to the radio w/ bk searching)

btw, can you show me more info. re: "songbirds". My search on ORT web showed me that it is only a storybook under "Duckgreen" series, not a series ?-(

GloriaChung 寫道:
Must share w/ you that Oxford has published a brandnew phonics series called Songbirds with ICT support. Similar nature as ORT!

Author is one of my favourites - julia donaldson who wrote Gruffalo!!

total 6 stages!!!

Ask how much more one could buy!!! :tongue:


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-19 00:12 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

Hi Gloria,

Silly me, I found them la, thanks! But they are not yet publish wor! Are you working in OUP otherwise, how did you get all these 1st hand news

snoopyma 寫道:
Hi Gloria,

Nice to hear that you have time to take a break (listening to the radio w/ bk searching)

btw, can you show me more info. re: "songbirds". My search on ORT web showed me that it is only a storybook under "Duckgreen" series, not a series ?-(

GloriaChung 寫道:
Must share w/ you that Oxford has published a brandnew phonics series called Songbirds with ICT support. Similar nature as ORT!

Author is one of my favourites - julia donaldson who wrote Gruffalo!!

total 6 stages!!!

Ask how much more one could buy!!! :tongue:


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-19 23:09 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)

Hi Gloria,

I'd key in "songbird" on my 1st search and brought me here:


so i thought it is one of the storybook of Duckgreen.

GloriaChung 寫道:

Hi hi, ho ho ho!! Don't beat your son la. Your gift could be a waiver from being beaten on the D-day lor..


原來妳以為我係賣書ga!我好喜歡ORT米成日問yi個gor個羅。做下 :evil: 都幾好ga!我無2nd hand讓啦!

Re Songbirds,don't know what you know re its connection with Green Duck. Can you post what you see from oup. I am lazy...

Night night la.


積分: 206

發表於 06-1-19 23:20 |顯示全部帖子

Re: 童書書友分享站(0-8歲童書分享)


really? let me take a look look at OUP website first. thx.

btw, the address for Greenfield is:

tel: 23040355.

happy shopping la...


