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發表於 09-6-6 23:28 |顯示全部帖子
我都係住TKO,要返工,weekday唔可以join你哋 (除非放假就OK!) 我個囡囡9月26日出世!

原帖由 honb 於 09-5-29 23:59 發表
Welcome to visit Kolby & Cheryl's Blog


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發表於 09-6-11 23:23 |顯示全部帖子

回覆 1# HumptiDumpti 的文章

Hi HumptiDumpti, how r u and Kayton? Cheryl really speaks very well and talk a lot. She can memories and read all the english flash cards that we had from Cannan pre-nursery (when her brother studied there b4)!! Whenever I read you mummies organize the monthly gathering, I feel bad that I can't let Cheryl come andmeet the babies at the same age, 'coz most of the time we are busy with attending playgroups on weekend (mainly for her brother) I am really interested in the upcoming gathering on Jun 28, but not sure if I should enrol as I'm afraid both kids are too tired and sleep! ??
I should have linked to yr blog but don't know y it does no work. pls send me the link via my blog! Hope to see u and Kayton soon!
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發表於 09-6-18 22:25 |顯示全部帖子
Hi H.D.,
I have just signed up, and I'll try to make it.
I always blame myself for I don't really set up baby connection for Cheryl as what I have for her brother. I'm sure she would feel very happy to play with a big group of babies of the same age!

For the talking ability, you just can't compare. My daughter really speaks a lot and can sing many songs. I realize it is quite a rare case whenever different playgroup teachers/ other mummies show how surprise they are shen they see her. She has a brother as a model to learn from, that's why she learns things faster. Don't feel jealous la! :-P

Looking forward to seeing u n Kayton!

原帖由 HumptiDumpti 於 09-6-12 05:13 發表
hi hi SiuBoB, so nice to hear from you. Kayton is doing OK, except on 2 major issues -- not talking much and hitting problem towards other kids.

from my observation, both problems originate from his ...
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