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發表於 11-7-21 11:15 |顯示全部帖子
本帖最後由 CAKEMom 於 11-7-20 22:18 編輯

I have worked in the Finance dept of a Toronto hospital before so I can tell you what I know about fees charging.

First of all, if you are not a Canadian resident, you need to pay for all the services (both hospital and doctor fees). Your doctor cannot charge you a 'package' because the hospital fees has to be paid to the hospital directly. The hospital has to bill the patient receiving the service, not the doctor. If you have private insurance coverage, the hospital will charge the insurance company accordingly. Other than that, unless the Doctor agrees to pay for your bill, otherwise you are entirely liable to pay for the amount billed by the hospital.

Then the Doctor fees is something you pay to the Doc directly. For Canadian residents, OHIP (Ontario Health Insurance Plan) covers both hospital and Dr fees, so Dr simply claims the charges from OHIP for each service rendered. But since you are not covered, Dr can't claim charges from OHIP hence claiming you directly. Hospital does not pay the Dr so hospital will not charge you for Dr fees.

I suspect that if you say 三日兩夜, probably not all the days are staying in a hospital. If everything is fine, usually the mom will be discharged the next day after delivery. Of course, it is not uncommon to stay for 2 nights.

Anyway, it is not common practice to have 'package' deal here in Ontario because it is all regulated by the Ontario Ministry of Health. Your Dr is not supposed to sell a package like that. He is only responsible to provide the medical services in his area and charge accordingly if paid by OHIP. Since you are not covered by OHIP, I guess he can charge you whatever then. I hope he is not overcharging you. Unfortunately I am not familiar with the price per service as I am no longer working in the hospital so I can't help you. But I am sure this is all public information anyway if you can go check the www.health.gov.on.ca/ website to get more information.

Hope that helps.

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