



積分: 1308

發表於 10-7-21 11:00 |只看該作者
想了解多少少,一家四口在美國生活的基本開支有d 咩野呢. 我自己想像到的有以下的, 但唔知預大約幾多錢:

1. 屋租 (3 room condo / townhome)
2. utility (水, 電, gas)
3. car gas
4. car maintanence
5. car insurance
6. tax
7. medical and life insurance for whole family
8. phone bill (mobile, fixed line, internet)
9. food, grocery, etc


打算出年會去美國東岸 (likely northern virginia), 小朋友讀pre-k 同grade 1, 打算係public school 讀. 係咪唔洗交學費? 我地應該都會俾小朋友去學下d 興趣班 (e.g. piano, painting, gym, etc) 唔知果d around 要幾多錢?

明白唔同地方的物價有d 唔同, 但有冇媽咪可以大約俾d indication? 或者我可以係咩地方攞到多少少資料? thank you! :)


積分: 199

發表於 11-4-27 07:19 |只看該作者
ndw 發表於 11-4-26 11:16
回覆 JoZenobia 的帖子

Dear JoZenobia

Hi ndw,
Hope you and your family had a great Easter Sunday. I am glad that we all can have a channel to share our thoughts and exchange our knowledge in here. ( I am still trying to catch up all readings)

I admire you and your hubby ---老婆揾$揹起成個家, 老公係家庭主男同湊細路。---Everyone has different story, indeed. Your man is a GREAT angel!


Yeah! Going back HKG.  Not that I miss HK that badly, but family & friends.  


積分: 13719

發表於 11-4-26 11:21 |只看該作者
Dear korg,
"...would you please share some speech therapy information with me?..."
I have just asked my husband about it. He said for our daughter's speech therapy, there are not much technique to apply. All they do is just try to opne her mouth and stick her toungue out. :;pppp:
My husband also said he contacted the school district for therapy arrangement.

I think you can send your son to regular school here and get special care.


積分: 13719

發表於 11-4-26 11:16 |只看該作者
回覆 JoZenobia 的帖子

Dear JoZenobia
Thank you so much for your encouragement.
No, I have not heard of the book name.
Yeah! tough up, life is short anyway and we will not doing hard work forever. Thank God!


積分: 199

發表於 11-4-21 04:46 |只看該作者
Hi ndw & korg,

Just wanna to cheers you guys up.

I am sure you may already heard something similar to this one many times, still, I want to share it with you. (Long story short) A full-time working divorced mother has a child has asthma, eczema, and dyslexia! Now this child became an adult and has earned the highest credential: Ph.d.

Have you heard a book call:Against Medical Advice by James Patterson, Hal Friedman, Cory Friedman. this is a very good material to support your spirit, hope it helps.

Keep remind yourself that your love, care, and patience are the most important elements for your dear child's future. You can do it. We are Chinese, we are tough
Yeah! Going back HKG.  Not that I miss HK that badly, but family & friends.  


積分: 13719

發表於 10-12-16 12:24 |只看該作者

cathymom and Nillie_Mami

Thank you very much for your encouraging words. Yours words warm my heart and pump me up to continue walk on this special path.
We are walking on the far side of the life. hahaha......

"...I will not able to be a stay home mom as good as you do..." by Nillie_Mami

Actually, I am not the one stay hom full time, my husband does. So, it is easy for me to say we are home schooling our kids.
I am the one who work for a company to earn salary for our family expenses.:tongue:

老婆揾$揹起成個家, 老公係家庭主男同湊細路。有無擂同?
http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/vi ... &extra=page%3D2


積分: 13719

發表於 10-12-16 12:18 |只看該作者


My 5 years old daughter, 平安 is the name I gave to her to use here, is in Regional Center. It is a government fund program country wise. They provide PT, OT, ST depends on individual children's development and how effective the therapy apply to the child. We did not get much attention to her from the Regional Center assigned case manager. They probably already give up on her.

We cannot get much help from the government.

Is you son also in Regional Center?


積分: 7794

發表於 10-12-14 22:28 |只看該作者
Also, you need to communicate to the agency which provide service to your son right now. File complaint and request hearing to have OT.
never give up and this is the point.!
原帖由 rose-mag 於 10-12-14 02:53 AM 發表

You live in San Mateo, right? I have searched internet and find these associations. They may have some support groups and classes for families with kids of autism.
PARCA http://parca.org/
Paren ...


積分: 171770

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發表於 10-12-14 15:53 |只看該作者
原帖由 korg 於 10-12-13 19:00 發表
bunnymonkey, rose-mag:
thx for yr tips, i like daiso too. i will try amazon later. my sisters also ask me to forget the price in hk. think about what to cook & eat or what to do HERE!! well... i'm lea ...

You live in San Mateo, right? I have searched internet and find these associations. They may have some support groups and classes for families with kids of autism.
PARCA http://parca.org/
Parents Helping Parents http://www.php.com/
FCSN http://www.fcsn1996.org/
SF Bay Area Autism Society http://sfautismsociety.virtualave.net/index.html
Don't give up. I have met some parents with special needs children recently and they fight for all kinds of things for their kids. A mom even told me that the teachers in her son's school do notreally help her kid. They just want him to graduate even though he's not ready. She's looking for an attorney to sue the school. At the same time, she visits different schools to find the suitable one for her son.


積分: 1086

發表於 10-12-13 19:00 |只看該作者
bunnymonkey, rose-mag:
thx for yr tips, i like daiso too. i will try amazon later. my sisters also ask me to forget the price in hk. think about what to cook & eat or what to do HERE!! well... i'm learning!!

nillie-mami & ndw:
would you please share some speech therapy information with me?
my son is 4.5 years old, he has autism. receiving speech therapy twice a week at school (IEP). but they dont give occupational therapy. i want to find more service for him.
he can speak but he doesn't understand question. we had speech therapy in HK, i know some technique, but i'm not sure it's same as here or not.
i have a new born bb (4months), i cant give all my time to my son, i feel so sorry to him. i wanna help him as soon as possible. there're many information about autism in internet... but it takes time to search!!
it's really not easy to be a special kids parent. sometimes i wanna give up, but when i see my son's smiles. i told myself that, i'm the only one can help him now. "never give up" i keep saying this.
i need some support...
  [url=HEIB'S ALBUM]http://www.babyhome.com.tw/luyinhei[/url]


積分: 1308

發表於 10-9-17 16:48 |只看該作者

你真係好叻呀, 我諗真係要有無比的耐性先可以全識去教一個發展障礙的小朋友. 努力!


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-14 01:21 |只看該作者
beside, I have to say, you are very tough and a perfect model for us.
I will not able to be a stay home mom as good as you do... I will cry all day long if I have to face the never-ended chores.
I am really not good with that.. I can be a part time stay home mom on public holiday or weekend.
Plus the home schooling piece..
one of my child has speech delay, one of my child is a gifted.. and I am not that patience.. so I gave myself an excure.. let the teacher to take care of.. my job just to earn money and make other things better.
原帖由 ndw 於 10-9-10 11:03 PM 發表


積分: 13719

發表於 10-9-11 12:03 |只看該作者

Nillie_Mami, Thank you for the advise


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-9 22:17 |只看該作者
In your case.. You did not give your children a choice. Because they are learning 3 languages instead of 2. as their grandparents do not speak mandarin.
It is up to you if you wanna talk with them in Cantonese at this period, because that will be easier for them to understand and will not get mixed up while they talk to their grandparents.

For me, I speak Cantonese to them, because I speak Cantonese to my husband, my BK moms here in NYC, and my parents in law here in NY, also it is the language in NYC.. (still, but sure will change later as Amanda's school offer Mandarin from this year).
I only teach them in Cantonese because it will be easy for them to understand.. while they also learn Russian, and Spanish.. I don't wanna give them too much pressure on it.
Amanda is 7 years old, so she know the different between Cantonese and Mandarin.
For Gabriel (only 3.5), we only talk to him in Cantonese and English (as he stays in day care about 8-11hours weekdays) His English is better than Chinese since he gets into daycare.
原帖由 ndw 於 10-9-8 01:43 PM 發表

hi Nillie_Mami
Thank you very much for your sharing. One dicision once awhile will come up to my mind to make. How many language should I talk to my daughter. For my huaband, he has no choice, he ...


積分: 13719

發表於 10-9-9 02:43 |只看該作者

Sorry, I am going to off topic here to talk to Nillie_Mami ......

原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-8-3 21:08 發表
...About the speech therapy. They determined it by the evaluation. If your child is over 67% behind. They will not cut your service because it is a law there. My son (going to be 4 years old this winter) still receive twice a week service, and they supposed to increase to 3 times a week. but my husband refused. As we want to do home teaching, we got the material from speech therapist and we can do it at home. Well, we had big fight about it before.. because after 3 years old, early intervention program will be document permanently on our child's record, but he couldn't speak, and the best way to help him, is getting help from the service which paid by our insurance. ...

hi Nillie_Mami
Thank you very much for your sharing. One dicision once awhile will come up to my mind to make. How many language should I talk to my daughter. For my huaband, he has no choice, he has to speak in English. Other than English, I have 2 other choice: Cantonese and Manderian. I would like to get my daughter to speak Manderian becasue it seems to be a easiest language to learn and pick up. Beside, I speak Manderian to my other daughters and my parents speak Cantonese to my daughters. They cannot speak English.


積分: 13719

發表於 10-9-9 02:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 cathymom 於 10-8-3 13:53 發表

oh, 你意思係四歲未講到有意思的單字? 咁看來真係慢左幾多播.... 私人的speech therapy 會否好貴? 同埋佢番左pre-k 果d 未? 可以進步多好多呀~

Thank you.
Yes, my daughter has development delay in many many area.
She cannot crow, cannot sit up, cannot stand,.....she has in born abnormal brian formation, they call this cindition Polymicrogyria. She has a lot of C.P. symptoms ans sizure. We home school all of our children.


積分: 8831

發表於 10-8-8 12:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 ayaya86 於 10-8-6 16:31 發表

THX! ACTUALLY, I am major in translation and interpretation, specialized in translation in law and commercial and i am minor in japanese.
do u mean i have to get my license after i get my visa to US ...

我係隔黎個post留左以下資料, 你可以睇下:
“如果你中英文流利, 可以做傳譯, 只要你有land line電話就得。我都好想做, 但我只有cell phone, 無 home phone.

http://www.pacificinterpreters.com/careers/ “

另外, 我前一排去左考法庭傳譯筆試, 以下網址係夏老威既制度, 各STATE既制度有小小唔同。但我估大同小異。所以你黎到後, 搵下你個STATE 既JUDICIARY 既網址。可以考慮下, 我識好多人都密密接JOB, 當正職咁做:
對我地啲填鴨黎講, 筆試唔難。我無考口試。因為我自己有正職。當你考完筆試, 如你又同意, 你個名會POST 係網站內, 咁其他律師, 甚至其他機構, 公司都可以搵你。我個名都係個PAGE 上。。。HEHE。

另外美國ATA 網址:


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-6 20:16 |只看該作者
If you are not coming in near future, like 2-3 months, let's say... you are coming next june, you have 1 year of time. I would suggest you to do it in HK.
You need to know which state you are going, then, go to that state's dept of education. then, download the application form for registration. also have to submit your transcript to the assigned agency from the dept of edu to do your education and license verification. that usually takes about 6-9 months time if you submit everything in timely manner and no error between it. :)
I don't know the salary about it.
you can go to salary.com and do some research on it.
Hope that helps!
原帖由 ayaya86 於 10-8-6 03:31 AM 發表

THX! ACTUALLY, I am major in translation and interpretation, specialized in translation in law and commercial and i am minor in japanese.
do u mean i have to get my license after i get my visa to US ...


積分: 15092


發表於 10-8-6 16:31 |只看該作者
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積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-5 19:42 |只看該作者
that is a hit job, however, you need to get your license here. If you have another profession, that will be even better, because for most of the job, they want to hire 1 person to do 2 jobs.
Like in Hospital, if they hire a bilingual nurse, they don't need to have a interpreter. Right?
but like in the count, they need you.
Language line, they need you too.
First of all, you will need to do your license verification in US, in order to find a job as an interpreter.

原帖由 ayaya86 於 10-8-5 04:59 AM 發表
我想問USA會不會請中/英TRANSLATOR 因為我係香港讀呢科 我舅父一家都準備申請我地過去 所以想問清楚搵唔搵到工先答佢


