



積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-11 23:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 23:05 發表
Finally some of you support I fire my maid.. hahahah

c-wong, are you okay without a maid? Do you need to cook, wash clothes and dishes and do everything yourself?? Do you have someone come ...

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB abt 4 days/wk at night. I have to take care of her from 8.30am-7.30pm. At first I thought I would be depressed, but I am very fine because BB behaves very well, she rarely cries, I just leave her in her bed most of the times, that's why I can still surf on internet, and have 2 slots of afternoon nap with her. I don't intend to find a part-time maid because I don't want to monitor her (like stealing and breaking things).


積分: 501

發表於 09-3-12 13:11 |只看該作者
It's very difficult to find a good helper nowadays. So, think twice, and even thrice before firing one, especially for working moms. There is always a chance that the replacement is worse. Full-time moms with only 1 kid can surely survive but not otherwise, unless there's family support.


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:17 |只看該作者
Finally you have fire your maid, though it's a hard time for you within these two months, but at least you dun have to see her anymore....especially the long face and no need to stay with her now. Hope you are doing fine with your baby.
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-3-11 23:09 發表

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB ...


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:25 |只看該作者
after reading all those complains, i agree that you should fire her too.
Glad that mine is good, she can cook very well, she has worked in HK for 8 years under two employers. When she first came to my place, i told her to follow my way to cook and i gave her a notebook, then she wrote down once she learned the new thing. Also after i gave birth, i employed the mui yuet for 2 months, my maid learned alot from the mui yuet. She's sleeping with my baby, sometimes my baby might cries in the middle of the night and i'm afraid she didn't have enough sleep, then i asked her to take nap in the afternoon, she said( it's ok and no need).
I think if u find a new maid, should interview her face to face, coz my husband and i were interviewed in person, so we can through conversations to see her reaction.
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 13:50 發表

WA!!! Your maid is so 難頂! You can still send me her contacts so I can AVOID hiring her in future!

My maid shares the same characteristics of yours. Whenever I said she does something wrong, she' ...


積分: 242

發表於 09-3-12 22:32 |只看該作者
wow, after reading all the complains, i agree that you should fire your maid too.
Luckily, my maid is good, she can cook well, take care my baby well and tidy up my house(very tidy and clean). She has worked in HK for 8 years under 2 employers. When she first came to my house, i gave her the notebook, she wrote down all those stuff which i taught or told her what to do. Also after i gave birth, i emplyed the mui yuet for 2 months and my maid learned alot from her too. So far i think she's ok.
I think if you find a new maid next time, better interview her face to face, coz my husband and i were interviewed in person, so that you can through conversations to know her reaction.
原帖由 chowhui97 於 09-3-11 23:05 發表
Finally some of you support I fire my maid.. hahahah

c-wong, are you okay without a maid? Do you need to cook, wash clothes and dishes and do everything yourself?? Do you have someone come ...


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-12 23:19 |只看該作者
Actually I interviewed my current maid face to face too... I interviewed mostly Philippines maids and they're all not up to standard. Either not sincere or 'inch', or doesn't want to take care BB, or doesn't like to work in Kln side, or previously work with employers with over 1,500 feet apartment or with 2 maids working together... Finally interviewed mine and she seems sincere.

But then... aiya... I think all maids are the same. Lazy and lack of initiative.

Suen la. I hope my hubby is free this weekend and we'll go 'gambling' and interview Philippines maids again!!

I will NOT fire my maid until I found a replacement. I'm a working mom and my sister just borned a new BB so my mom will not be able to take care BB for me. And my mom-in-law is too old to take care BB la.. So I will 忍! till I found a new one.


積分: 5873

發表於 09-3-12 23:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 c-wong 於 09-3-11 23:09 發表

i now live in the same real estate as my mum, so I have dinner with hubby every night there. My hubby and I wash clothes, but mum's maid help me to iron them. My mother helps me to take care of BB ...

i'm surprised that your hubby will wash clothes!! haha My hubby doesn't know how to do this at all!


積分: 15999

發表於 09-3-14 16:56 |只看該作者
原帖由 fleurc 於 09-3-12 22:25 發表
after reading all those complains, i agree that you should fire her too.
Glad that mine is good, she can cook very well, she has worked in HK for 8 years under two employers. When she first came to ...

this time I interviewed the maid in person. i quite like her. i m very worried that ended up she may not be able to join for various reasons.

i've visited almost all reputable maid agencies but only very few maids who know how to take care of babies are available. You are so lucky!

At first wanted to hire a PH maid this time, but none available, so finally hired an Indo maid again.


