




積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-13 02:11 |只看該作者
原帖由 junjunmama 於 10-8-12 22:07 發表

Please order the City House and 8128 for me. I will ask my friend to collect them from the shop. If possible, pls ask the shop to put both in a box for easier shipping.


Better let me have the full name of your friend, can put that down when I order.


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-13 02:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 GloriaChung 於 10-8-12 16:48 發表
Hello, 大家好!:loveliness:好耐無上BK啦!想起你地就會來望一望,個又catch up 唔到買LEGO等topics。打個招呼呀!掛住你地

BS: 這套有咩好!?得閒請指教!:)重有d書係我到呵!下次見M時交還比你。


Long Long Long time no see la woh !
Quality of TW Chin books > local. The stories are mostly about cutie animals and they usually teach kids some good habits / apathy / qualities.

I think M is busy with home affairs, and is now enjoying herself in UK.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 10-8-13 12:24 |只看該作者

Long time no chat!! Glad to see you pop up :loveliness:

How are you lately?

How's bee and little sister?

I think bee has turned to a big kid lu.....

Is he in P1?

原帖由 GloriaChung 於 10-8-12 16:48 發表
Hello, 大家好!:loveliness:好耐無上BK啦!想起你地就會來望一望,個又catch up 唔到買LEGO等topics。打個招呼呀!掛住你地

BS: 這套有咩好!?得閒請指教!:)重有d書係我到呵!下次見M時交還比你。



積分: 6599

發表於 10-8-13 13:19 |只看該作者
Hello, KL, BS, Carly

Hi hi!! :loveliness: I am fine but quite busy at home always. But I am so glad that I have a girl. Daughter is really wonderful though I love my boy very much too.

Yes, he is moving to G2 soon. You know I need to save all my leave to attend to his exam/test periods (4 times a year). But the school is super caring and loving. I do not regret giving up the other popular choice at all. :loveliness: My dream is to wait for my boy to 開'hiu'!!!

After summer, my girl's turn to interview. She is a small girl. So if no luck, might as well wait more year to become big girl.

How is super boy Kevin? I know he is excelling in every single aspects, including maths, languages, music..etc. Is he quite independent in studies now? Or you need to coach a lot?

Oh, for Carly, are you still in the luxury brand business? How is Jun Jun? About to go P1 next year? You are super LEGO fans. How do you store the blocks, I wonder. :D

Time flies, BS, piglet will go secondary soon. You have to make him 通通都識!Let's wait for M lah.:loveliness:

Audreymom, Hi, thanks for all your advice for the school. I would consider it for my little girl in 3 yrs time. : ) I wish your eyes have recovered fully.
chat again!

原帖由 kittylock 於 10-8-13 12:24 發表

Long time no chat!! Glad to see you pop up :loveliness:

How are you lately?

How's bee and little sister?

I think bee has turned to a big kid lu.....

Is he in P1?

Buzz.. Buzzz... Buzzing Bee Let kids read more 讓孩子多閱讀! CLICK HERE to find bookstores 去哪裡找書?? Mainland Book Indx A Mainland Book Indx B *PART 1 , PART 2* *星加坡童書收獲*由一名可笑、瘋狂、自大無比和幼稚到極名作家寫的公開信 我的回应-->P. 223 of HERE Steps to Post Image 1. Right click on the image you want to copy 2. Choose 內容 3. If the url shown in the 內容 pop-up menu is ended with 'jpg' or 'gif' (maybe other image formats will do too), it is an image url. 4. Copy the url 5. click 'IMG' of BK message menu bar, paste the url into the pop-up box 6. click 'ENTER' Then the image will be shown in your message.


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 10-8-13 13:26 |只看該作者

Have already complied the calculation worksheet and sent to your email account. Pls check.

I'd just gone through the amazon dispatch list and find "Brickmaster Atlantis" also appeared on the list.

I check our previous post and find we only deleted Brickmaster City last time cos the release date is on Jul-2011:

So you may get 2 Brickmaster Atlantis la.....


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-13 15:34 |只看該作者

Lego Brickmaster Atlantis :
Ama = HK$211:-(
Last fri = HK$120,
==> averaging = $165.5 loh (Ah Q spirit)


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-13 15:38 |只看該作者

Remember to pm or e-mail me :

1. How many Lego Brickmaster Star Wars (DK) you want (I need to let the source know and reserve, they should have a total of 2x sets, price to be determined but expected to be slightly above $120, maybe $13x or $14x.)

2. The full name (on passport) of your friend who will show up to collect Sing Lego sets for you. (I will let the shop know, also ask them to prepare the GST claim form.)


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-18 03:39 |只看該作者
Carly, KL,

Reserved BkMaster Star Wars, price is HK$145 or less, available in Sept.


Sing has Minifigs 2 for pre-order, available in Sept, px is S$234 less 10% for box of 60, should be cheaper than HK unless Sing$ forex rate is too high.

Can pre-order now but avail in Sept, which means your friend cannot collect, must wait till I go to Sing (earliest in Christmas), and no GST refund.

Let me know if you want a box. I am on leave on and off from tomorrow until 3 Sept.

Sing also has the Dragon Knights Battle Pack, Knights battle pack and Girls Magnet Set, all at S$24.9@ less 10%, these you can ask your friend to collect too. Want them too ?


All Lego Buddies,

Time for advent calendars, available in Sing from Sept, so see if you like them, price should be around the prev ones but higher forex rate nowadays, and no GST refund unless we take the risk and wait a while.

#2824 City Advent Calendar

#7952 Kingdom Advent Calendar

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 10-8-18 03:53 編輯 ]


積分: 20862

好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 10-8-18 23:27 |只看該作者

The amazon books have just arrived. I'll bring them back to office tomorrow.

Carly: pls arrange courier to my office to collect

blue*: shall we meet tomorrow night at MTR station so that I can pass the books to you?


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-19 13:43 |只看該作者

I am on leave this Fri, Sat and next Mon. :lol
May not be able to collect after office hours, will call you once I know when/where I will be.
Give you a call tomorrow morning la.


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-23 18:53 |只看該作者

Cfm $$$ received la !


積分: 519

發表於 10-8-23 20:39 |只看該作者

when you go back to the office, give me a call, I come to pick them up next mon/tue


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-24 14:01 |只看該作者

Will you be buying from Ama ?

Would like to get this book (old book, not new).



積分: 1208

發表於 10-8-24 21:09 |只看該作者

回覆 1# Bluestar 的文章


In case you didn't know yet. One of the victims is Jessie Leung. MW's classmate.

A very sad day


積分: 12611

發表於 10-8-31 08:28 |只看該作者
Dear All,

School starts tomorrow.
Several months of agony.

Expect the principal to say a few words during assembly tomorrow, and observe several mins' silence as one of the Manila victims is an alumni.



Did your friend collect from BWorld successfully ?

+ KL,

Found the Lego BMaster Atlantis set/book in Pg1 : HK$27x

And the Minifigs Series 2 is out, avail since last Fri in TRUs, $21.9@ x 60 in a box = HK$13xx


積分: 12611

發表於 10-9-1 09:15 |只看該作者
Lego Buddies :

Lego BrickMaster Atlantis
- available from 7-11 at HK$140@

Lego Advent Calendars :
(City, Kingdom)
Sing BWorld at S$36.9@,
can preorder now.

Christmas season is near.
Time really flies.


積分: 519

發表於 10-9-2 18:44 |只看該作者
Jun's fever finally gone! Nightmare for 6 days! Can't go to school until next monday!

no time to collect from my friend yet, being stuck by Jun all week through~

Did you order the minifig set2 for me from Sing?
Avent calendar for both castle & city, 1 set each for me please.
My friend didn't confirm her trip to HK from sing yet.


積分: 12611

發表於 10-9-3 07:46 |只看該作者

Just fever without running nose sore throat etc ? Or full set of everything ? Seems that there is flu all around. Piglet sometimes have bouts of high fever during the summer hols. Anyway, needs medical attention quick then OK.

Advent calendars, both versions, cost nearly the same amount in US$ and S$. In lego.com it is US$34.99, in Sing it is S$36.9 special px, so of course buy in Sing. There will be Adv Calendar being sold in HK too cos legoHK will sell some this year. But should be more exp than Sing.

There is also another Christmas box, want this one as well ? Will be avail in lego.com from 1 Oct, also avail from Sing and HK, not sure of px.

Winter Village Bakery

[ 本帖最後由 Bluestar 於 10-9-3 07:52 編輯 ]


積分: 519

發表於 10-9-6 00:40 |只看該作者

Yes, chrismas house x 1 please!

Have you order the minifig set 2 for me from sing?
Or i need to get it locally?

fever for 7 days, bronchitis, suspected Flu B

fever gone yesterday, should be able to go to school tmr, new primary life, expected he will be very tired for a full day school. I asked him to take antibiotic pill at school on his own, no harm to let him try, his learning experience. Worst case will be he forgot or he lost the pills, let's see


積分: 12611

發表於 10-9-6 08:18 |只看該作者

Yes to both Q :
good learning exp, and
ordered Minifig Series 2 for you in Sing already, but not yet delivered as of yesterday. So don't buy in HK.

Found in Minifig forum that Lego BMaster SW is already avail in Kai Wong (MKK) at $150. We should be getting it soon remember don't buy from MKK.


