




積分: 324

發表於 08-2-24 22:37 |只看該作者
Western doctors said that DHEA 可以提高卵泡質素? This can hlep older women? Any one try? Can you share?


積分: 1212

發表於 08-2-25 00:30 |只看該作者

I am taking it, I started taking it from mid Feb, not sure how good it will be, my FSH is high, and I did ivf in Dec failed, got 8 eggs, and only 2 fertilised, and Dr Tung said my egg quality is not good. How about your case???

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-2-24 22:37 發表
Western doctors said that DHEA 可以提高卵泡質素? This can hlep older women? Any one try? Can you share?


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-25 15:31 |只看該作者
我今次(第4次)IUI, 打咗3針225iu, 都係谷得一粒大卵, 今日會再打150iu, 聽日打破卵針, 星期三做. 如果再失敗, 都好可能要開始IVF療程了.

原文章由 YimYee 於 08-2-25 00:30 發表

I am taking it, I started taking it from mid Feb, not sure how good it will be, my FSH is high, and I did ivf in Dec failed, got 8 eggs, and only 2 fertilised, and Dr Tung said my egg quality is ...


積分: 324

發表於 08-2-25 20:07 |只看該作者

I just started taking it for 2 days. It is recommended by my western doctor. I failed two ivf. My FSH is 14.7. It is rather high.

Last time, I got only 4 eggs and all got fertilized. But they could not develop enough cells in the lab to become good embryo. Therefore my doctor wants me to try DHEA. He said that it will take about 3 months to see the effect. I also read some research studies saying that it can improve egg quality.

My doctor also said that we need to check the antral follicles count on Day 2 or Day 3. This will tell whether DHEA works if the number is increased from before.

I hope we can continue to compare our experiences in using DHEA.

You can also e-mail me at:

[email protected]

Good luck to us.


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-26 09:38 |只看該作者
Is DHEA very expensive? do you know why the doctor only give it to those who failed in ivf? do it has any side effects?

my fsh is 12 when i check it last year, it seems going up in recent months as i didn't have good feedback after taking high dosage of the drugs when i did my iui treatments.

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-2-25 20:07 發表

I just started taking it for 2 days. It is recommended by my western doctor. I failed two ivf. My FSH is 14.7. It is rather high.

Last time, I got only 4 eggs and all got fertilized. But they co ...

[ 本文章最後由 高齡產婦 於 08-2-26 09:41 編輯 ]


積分: 1212

發表於 08-2-26 12:22 |只看該作者
DHEA is not very expensive, I bought a bottle with 60 capsules, cost !$160, I need to take 3 capsules a day.

Some doctors do not really recomand to their patients, as there are not very solid proof to its effect to the egg quality. I don't think there is a lot of side effect.

原文章由 高齡產婦 於 08-2-26 09:38 發表
Is DHEA very expensive? do you know why the doctor only give it to those who failed in ivf? do it has any side effects?

my fsh is 12 when i check it last year, it seems going up in recent m ...


積分: 324

發表於 08-2-26 19:52 |只看該作者
It is true that DHEA is not expensive at all. I found it at the GNC in Central. In terms of side effects, some women may increase facial hair. The benefit is not completely proven yet. Research is still going on in the U.S. Therefore some doctors do not believe in it at all. I guess I am just taking it as a try and see whether it will improve follicle number and the quality of eggs.


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-26 20:48 |只看該作者
Actually, can i buy & take DHEA myself?

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-2-26 19:52 發表
It is true that DHEA is not expensive at all. I found it at the GNC in Central. In terms of side effects, some women may increase facial hair. The benefit is not completely proven yet. Research is sti ...


積分: 689

發表於 08-2-26 20:57 |只看該作者
I also took DHEA for 2 months before the ivf. $160 for 60 is cheap. I bought $2xx from Pharmacy shop. My Dr also said that it MAY improve egg quality but not very sure, just a try and it's nothing harmful. Finally I was successful in the ivf. I am now 9 weeks pregnant with twins.


積分: 324

發表於 08-2-26 21:43 |只看該作者
Dear Shanmmami,

Congratulations that your are pregnant with twins. I am really happy for you.

Before you took DHEA, was your FSH high or normal? After taking the DHEA, did your follicle count increase? I was not responsive to hormone stimulation and the follicles did not grow even with high dosage of hormones.

Besides DHEA, did you try other things at the same time, i.e., Chinese herb, acupuncture?

Who is your ivf doctor who is so good to help you pregnant? If you don't mind, can you e-mail the info to my address:

[email protected]

Many thanks.


積分: 689

發表於 08-2-27 10:01 |只看該作者

My FSH was quite high even I took the DHEA. It was about 14. I have another thread to share about my experience

http://forum.baby-kingdom.com/vi ... p;extra=&page=1

Hope your dream come true


積分: 839

發表於 08-2-27 10:09 |只看該作者
原文章由 shanmmami 於 08-2-27 10:01 發表

My FSH was quite high even I took the DHEA. It was about 14. I have another thread to share about my experience


Hope y ...


As fsh level is not the sole factor for successful pregnancy, and I heart that it took at least 3 months for DHEA to have effect, so I suspect that you pregnacy may not be due to the effect of DHEA. As age is the most important factor... Just wonder if you could kindly share your age range and also is it the first time you did the ivf?


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-27 11:55 |只看該作者
you take DHEA, is it suggested by your doctor? did she know you are taking DHEA before your IVF treatment?

原文章由 shanmmami 於 08-2-26 20:57 發表
I also took DHEA for 2 months before the ivf. $160 for 60 is cheap. I bought $2xx from Pharmacy shop. My Dr also said that it MAY improve egg quality but not very sure, just a try and it's nothing har ...


積分: 689

發表於 08-2-27 13:44 |只看該作者
I will be 38 this year. And I think you are right. FSH is not the only factor affecting our pregnancy. I remember before the IVF when I check the FSH, it was 1X. My dr also suggested me to wait for another cycle. But I don't want to wait again and I don't think the FSH would be better next cycle. Very lucky, I still got pregnant.

DHEA is recommended by my dr


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-27 18:36 |只看該作者
我今日做完第4次iui喇, 我問董醫生, 我其實可唔可以自行食DHEA呢? 佢話都可以, 但鮮奶都好好喇. 所以如果我真係咁不幸, 可能我會問清楚佢, 再決定食唔食.

原文章由 shanmmami 於 08-2-27 13:44 發表
I will be 38 this year. And I think you are right. FSH is not the only factor affecting our pregnancy. I remember before the IVF when I check the FSH, it was 1X. My dr also suggested me to wait for an ...


積分: 689

發表於 08-2-27 21:56 |只看該作者

今日放咗精? 又開始漫長的等待兩星期, 非常(100次)明白你嘅心情, 放心, 同你一齊等.


原文章由 高齡產婦 於 08-2-27 18:36 發表
我今日做完第4次iui喇, 我問董醫生, 我其實可唔可以自行食DHEA呢? 佢話都可以, 但鮮奶都好好喇. 所以如果我真係咁不幸, 可能我會問清楚佢, 再決定食唔食.



積分: 463

發表於 08-2-27 22:13 |只看該作者
原文章由 高齡產婦 於 08-2-27 18:36 發表
我今日做完第4次iui喇, 我問董醫生, 我其實可唔可以自行食DHEA呢? 佢話都可以, 但鮮奶都好好喇. 所以如果我真係咁不幸, 可能我會問清楚佢, 再決定食唔食.



積分: 324

發表於 08-2-27 22:15 |只看該作者
Thanks for shanmmami's sharing.

DHEA was originally claimed to help a 43-year-old woman to get pregnant. If anyone is interested in reading more about DHEA, please refer to:



I guess we do not know whether it really helps. Since there isnot much side effect, I just take it and to see how it goes. I am checking my blood and follicle count to see whether it really works.


積分: 16118

玩具勳章 好媽媽勳章 畀面勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 陪月勳章 環保接龍勳章

發表於 08-2-28 09:42 |只看該作者
pls kindly let us know the result.

yes, although my age is only 35/36, but my function is like a woman at age 4x...

原文章由 Frisbe 於 08-2-27 22:15 發表
Thanks for shanmmami's sharing.

DHEA was originally claimed to help a 43-year-old woman to get pregnant. If anyone is interested in reading more about DHEA, please refer to:

http://www.centerforhuma ...


積分: 324

發表於 08-2-28 21:02 |只看該作者
I will continue post my experience when I know the results.


