



積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 07:40 |只看該作者
hey mums,

come here to chat la!


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 07:47 |只看該作者

I am here~


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 07:55 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 07:47 發表

I am here~

O , thanks twintwins!

you got a chinese neighbour? v good wor! haha, it's funny to say 'cha siu' not healthy but eat cup noodles!!!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 07:59 |只看該作者

蒸水蛋? very good wor but i dont know why my kids dont like much.. they are quite strange sometimes coz i thought the food kids would like but they dont wor... like pineapple , fish balls... siuwa doesnt like them!
how to cook 羅漢果湯 ? with pork? when they cough a lot, i wl boil 羅漢果 water but they dont really like it!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:03 |只看該作者

i reply trevor la but just a quick message only coz i was in the middle of my housework arh.. what time did he go to sleep arh? any chinese school for him? mine dont hv chinese school tomorrow, so we wl take them to portsmouth!


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 08:03 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 07:55 發表

O , thanks twintwins!

you got a chinese neighbour? v good wor! haha, it's funny to say 'cha siu' not healthy but eat cup noodles!!!

Our here has lot of Chinese ga~~haha....


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:06 |只看該作者

no thanks la, it's interesting to read mah! hey, u should teach us spanish or french in your blog la! add more photos even better!

is there any way u can only let the people u know to read yr blog gar?? i want to hv one but worried if someone suddenly pop up n saying sth not nice mah.. i saw some blog hv pple critize..


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 08:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:03 發表

i reply trevor la but just a quick message only coz i was in the middle of my housework arh.. what time did he go to sleep arh? any chinese school for him? mine dont hv chinese school tomorro ...

You go Portsmouth tomorrow, do you know that Southampton opened a Ikea....


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:09 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:03 發表

Our here has lot of Chinese ga~~haha....

just next door gar?? my town not many chinese, i know 1 down the road she's comes from guangchou.. may be i dont go out much la.. but strange that even sometimes met chinese on the street or supermartket.. we wont say hi or smile gar.. may be i should smile to them first la...


積分: 44684

發表於 09-2-22 08:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 07:59 發表

蒸水蛋? very good wor but i dont know why my kids dont like much.. they are quite strange sometimes coz i thought the food kids would like but they dont wor... like pineapple , fish balls... siuwa doesnt like them!
how to cook 羅漢果湯 ? with pork? when they cough a lot, i wl boil 羅漢果 water but they dont really like it!..

羅漢果湯, i search online can cook with 紅蘿蔔+青蘿蔔+ 蜜棗. i didn't buy 青蘿蔔, so i only use 紅蘿蔔

i didn't put the whole 羅漢果, only half. so it's not too strong.

my friend's daugher is strange too, she doesn't like to eat rice with sauce! she can eat plain rice, plain white bread. but if things with a lot of sauce she won't eat them. strangely, she eats ok at school, only picky when she's at home.


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:09 發表

You go Portsmouth tomorrow, do you know that Southampton opened a Ikea....

dunno wor..but there's a Ikea in croydon which close to us gei. we wl go to the outlets again arh, to see if anything cheap to buy for hk fds/relatives lor... and in vue cinema kids special is showing The Tale of Despereaux , so we wl get there b4 11am tomorrow la!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:20 |只看該作者
原帖由 sasa@uk 於 09-2-22 08:13 發表

羅漢果湯, i search online can cook with 紅蘿蔔+青蘿蔔+ 蜜棗. i didn't buy 青蘿蔔, so i only use 紅蘿蔔

i didn't put the whole 羅漢果, only half. so it's not too strong.

my friend's daugher is str ...

why yr fd's daughter so alike siuwa gei... siuwa doesnt like sauce with rice gar...basically she doesnt like food dip sauce gar but she eats a lot other things wor..Marcus the same la, very very good at school, so far never left any food in packed lunch but v v bad at home... i still need to feed him sometimes gar.. ai...
how about sam? good eater or not?


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 08:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:09 發表

just next door gar?? my town not many chinese, i know 1 down the road she's comes from guangchou.. may be i dont go out much la.. but strange that even sometimes met chinese on the street or superma ...

Not next door, but her sons and my twins go the same school, they are my husband's aunt's relatives, but not relative to us, our here has lot of Chinese ga, and students from difference countries.........here has 6 chinese take away close to us.........


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:22 |只看該作者
fran fran, pigpig, biscuits, mrs cheung, happygirl..... where are you arh??????????????


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 08:23 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:15 發表

dunno wor..but there's a Ikea in croydon which close to us gei. we wl go to the outlets again arh, to see if anything cheap to buy for hk fds/relatives lor... and in vue cinema kids special is showi ...

OIC~~~very happy wor~


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:25 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:21 發表

Not next door, but her sons and my twins go the same school, they are my husband's aunt's relatives, but not relative to us, our here has lot of Chinese ga, and students from difference countries.. ...

6 chinese takeaway?????????? how can survive arh??!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:28 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:23 發表

OIC~~~very happy wor~

hey louise,

can you tell me how fun to play pet society?? i saw my fds saying fun to play but how?? coz one of her daughter ask me to add her coz she wants to play pet society..why ?


積分: 44684

發表於 09-2-22 08:29 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:20 發表

why yr fd's daughter so alike siuwa gei... siuwa doesnt like sauce with rice gar...basically she doesnt like food dip sauce gar but she eats a lot other things wor..Marcus the same la, very very goo ...

i thought most kids like plenty of sauce with their meals....

my other friend's son doesn't like ketchup, or any red sauce, which i think it's headache too. if cook pasta must be white sauce, haahaaa...

hey ladies, need to off la ...... talk tomorrow

(why no icons again .........)


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-22 08:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:25 發表

6 chinese takeaway?????????? how can survive arh??!

Yes ar, but really don't know how do they survive la, two of the take away just next a few shops to each other.............


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-22 08:33 |只看該作者


how'd u celebrate your big day arh? do u need to work ?


