



積分: 482

發表於 10-8-23 14:32 |只看該作者
We plan to take my toddler to HK in November. She will be 17 months old then.

Since I immigrated to the US 2 years ago, I find that the environment is much cleaner here, so now I am worried I will get sick when I go back to HK. Do you moms often get sick?

But I am more worried that my toddler will get sick. This is the first time she goes back. Plus, I will have stopped breastfeeding (pumping) then... How do your kids do?

Any other advice will be appreciated!


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-23 22:07 |只看該作者
well, Nula,
that is truth.. as I took my daughter back to Hong Kong since she was 7 months old... but then I stopped going back to hk as each time, she got sick, we had visited the doctors and ER as well.
So, since she was about 2 years old, I stopped travelling to hk because she will walk and touch everything.. we have never returned to hk since then.
I would suggest you to continue breast feeding.. that time, I was still BF my girl.. still can't fight with the germs, but she could recover sooner.
Another reason is jetlag.. that made all of us sick.. sore throat and all the small problem.. plus the air pollution.. when we don't get used to anymore..

bring you bottle water, and mix it with the water in hk at the beginning, although, we know that it is an old tale... but it won't hurt if you do it.

Get the list of doctor from US embassy in HK.. so you can get the US meds.

backpack carrier is better then stroller, so your child will lift up high, and won't inhale all those dust and smoke.

hand sanitizer all the time..

fever, allergy meds, creams, with your baby all time

reduce to go to over-crowded place -- althought it is difficult, but my relatives are very cooperated with us, we went to those less person restuarants for dimsum or dinner.

not "eat at street" lor.. too bad..

if your child use bottles, sippy cup.. remember to sterilize all the utensils. and wait until it dried and clean / packed up.. in the container with cover.. to make sure they won't get contaminate.
Well.. our kids are spoiled in a "too clean" area... so they are very easy to get sick
Or if you can go very frequently. then you may find that your child will become stronger..

I did not try that.. as I couldn't stand when they got sick..
We will go back again next year... as they are big kids now.. hopefully, they will be ok
原帖由 Nula 於 10-8-23 01:32 AM 發表
We plan to take my toddler to HK in November. She will be 17 months old then.

Since I immigrated to the US 2 years ago, I find that the environment is much cleaner here, so now I am worried I will ge ...


積分: 171770

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 10-8-24 04:53 |只看該作者
I went back to HK 1 year after I landed for good for my wedding banquet. My hubby got sick on the plan. The first thing we did after arrival was to buy medication for him. It took him 2 days to recover. On and off, I have friends travelled back to HK. All of them told me that it is hard for them to relocate back to HK as the air pollution is so bad and they all got sick all the time because there is air-conditioning everywhere.

Another old myth - eat tofu after you arrive HK and it can help to avoid 水土不服.

Nillie, when you plan to go back to HK? I am also planning to bring my kids to HK early next year.


積分: 8831

發表於 10-8-24 08:34 |只看該作者
我每次返都病。我估除左香港人多, 潮濕外, 我係美國呢邊食得清淡, 一返到香港, 受唔住美食誘惑, 係咁食, 好快就燥熱感冒。 我媽咪都同我講笑, 叫我下次“咪鬼返去。“

所以我對上一次返去, 勁食水果, 都頂得下。


積分: 7794

發表於 10-8-24 20:23 |只看該作者
we planned to go at summer time, because Amanda will be in 2nd grade, she can not miss school. Also, we need to prepare for the state wide as well. Well.. I know that she can do it. but we still need to give her a push sometime.

When will you go??
原帖由 rose-mag 於 10-8-23 03:53 PM 發表
I went back to HK 1 year after I landed for good for my wedding banquet. My hubby got sick on the plan. The first thing we did after arrival was to buy medication for him. It took him 2 days to ...


積分: 171770

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 10-8-25 00:13 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-8-24 20:23 發表
we planned to go at summer time, because Amanda will be in 2nd grade, she can not miss school. Also, we need to prepare for the state wide as well. Well.. I know that she can do it. but we s ...


I'm planning to go in Feb/Mar which should be the low season with the cheapest ticket offer in the year. But, it all depends on the K enrollment process. SFUSD has postponed the enrollment start date and deadline this year. So, it all depends when we can finish the school tours, make up our mind on the choices and hand in the application.

It's hard to do it in Summer as the vacation application priority in my hubby's company depends on seniority in the department. Since he is almost the last one being transferred to his current division, he's in the last priority to get vacation time during those peak seasons.

[ 本帖最後由 rose-mag 於 10-8-25 00:16 編輯 ]


積分: 482

發表於 10-8-25 14:53 |只看該作者
Thank you for all your reply.
Well, not exactly what I wanted to hear

I have sth to ask:

1. Do you mean bring water from the US or buy bottled water in HK?

2. Why should we get US meds? (My MIL's sister is a pedi, so I am pretty sure they will take my bb there if touchwood she is sick)

You are so clean... long time I haven't sterilized the utensils lu... just wash them.

BTW, you go to HK in summer time? HK is soooo hot!!


積分: 11874

發表於 10-8-27 05:24 |只看該作者
We first bought our son back to HK from the states when he was 13mo. I was pregnant with our second one at that time. But, no, none of us got sick during that trip.


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-8 08:29 |只看該作者
we packed the bottle of water here in US..
we brought Tylenol, Motrin, cold and flu, benadryl, hydroxine, oralgel, immodium. and all different cream for bruise and itchy

we went back at April once, at Sept once, and Nov once.. 3 times.. sick thru 3 times.. too bad...

原帖由 Nula 於 10-8-25 01:53 AM 發表
Thank you for all your reply.
Well, not exactly what I wanted to hear

I have sth to ask:

1. Do you mean bring water from the US or buy bottled water in HK?

2. Why should we ...


積分: 377

發表於 10-9-9 05:52 |只看該作者
My family went to HK and Australia for 3 weeks in April this year. Luckily, we didn't get sick during the vacation. My daughter was 2 and the last time that we went to HK was 8 years ago. We stayed in the malls most of the time because the weather was very humid that it's very hard to shop at the street. Everytimes before we left the mall, we would go to the bathroom to wash our hand first. Don't forget to bring a lot of the wet tissue....just to clean the little hands. Also you have to bring light jacket for the family because it's so cold inside the public transportation (bus, MTR..etc), but it's hot and humid on the street. It's very easy to get sick for such a hot-cold-hot-cold situation.


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-9 22:25 |只看該作者
that is the problem..
we had sore throat and kids have fever every time.
therefore, we stopped travelling to hk.
as we go to any states inside US or go to Canada.. every times with no problem.. just like we just came back from Florida, 13 days trip and we stopped and stayed in 4 states..
we are absolutely good..
just the problem to go to hk..
air pollution and overcrowded and dirty at public playground --which very difficult to avoid.
well.. I will have to see .. as we planned to visit HK again..
you also visit Australia..? yoyocutie.. I came from Melbourne, and planned to bring my kids back to melbourne at 2012, any advice??
原帖由 yoyocutie 於 10-9-8 04:52 PM 發表
My family went to HK and Australia for 3 weeks in April this year. Luckily, we didn't get sick during the vacation. My daughter was 2 and the last time that we went to HK was 8 years ago. We stayed ...


積分: 377

發表於 10-9-10 07:24 |只看該作者
We went to HK first for 5 days, then Sydney for 7 days, and back to HK for another 5 days before we headed back to CA. Actually, it was pretty good that we stopped at Sydney because we could get a break from fighting with the weather, germs, and mean people in HK.

It felt like home when we were in Sydney. The air was good...and the environment were just like home. We rented a car, so we could bring all the kid stuffs with us. It was so free and people were nice.

When we were in HK, we didn't have a car. We have to carry the stroller, portable high chair (for restaurant used), and my daughter's extra large diaper bag with her extra clothes, jacket, umbrella, snacks, water, etc.. We didn't even have our hands for the shopping bags anymore. Also we had to fight with the crowded in HK most of the time. And the people were not nice at all. Even they see you have a stroller, they will never let you go first. And when my husband held the door for me to push the stoller through, people just kept walking through the door without letting you go first...so mean!


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-10 20:16 |只看該作者
you are very smart..
the last 3 times we went to hk, we stayed in hk .. each time was over 1 months, 1 time was over 3 months... and one of that time, we went to China, for 清明...
that was the most horrible trip for us as all of us caught the flu.. at April.

I love Sydney.. my aunt's family there, and me.. I am from Melbourne, so I will mostly stay in Melbourne and drive to visit my aunt in Sydney during that trip.

In HK, we don't have car and the problem you faced.. I have the same feeling as well
原帖由 yoyocutie 於 10-9-9 06:24 PM 發表
We went to HK first for 5 days, then Sydney for 7 days, and back to HK for another 5 days before we headed back to CA. Actually, it was pretty good that we stopped at Sydney because we could get a br ...


積分: 482

發表於 10-9-14 14:47 |只看該作者
Years ago I stayed in Melbourne for 2 months. After I moved here to the US, life constantly reminds me of my days in Melbourne. They are similar in many ways.

Sure, people are mean in HK.. well that's their character. I'm afraid we cannot get used to it anymore as we are used to the kindness and friendliness here.


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-15 08:08 |只看該作者
I was having homesick when I first came here.
And my fat bear hubby finally chose Staten Island, where the living environment and atmosphere are very close to Melbourne, which really helps me a lot to cope with the new life in US. He loves Melbourne very much as well.. so, we know. when we retired, we either move to Melbourne or back to HK. We will not stay in US.. US is a place to earn money and have our children to receive good education, but not a place to receive good retirement/ and medical care country.

Hope you will have a great trip to hk and remember to give us some tips when you come back!
原帖由 Nula 於 10-9-14 01:47 AM 發表
Years ago I stayed in Melbourne for 2 months. After I moved here to the US, life constantly reminds me of my days in Melbourne. They are similar in many ways.

Sure, people are mean in HK.. well that' ...


積分: 1760

發表於 10-9-17 01:07 |只看該作者
well ... actually we were fine for our last 3 trips to HK (twice in April and once in Sept.) maybe becoz we stayed in kinda suburban area in HK.
however, my kid got some weird disease after we came back from our Hawaii trip instead.
so i guess it's depend on your luck every time ...


積分: 5923

發表於 10-9-18 03:56 |只看該作者
We went back couple months ago in April. My hubby & son (18 months at that time) had running nose for the first few days but other than that we were all fine.
Nula, since you mentioned your daughter will be 17 months when you go back, just a friendly reminder that the high chairs in the restaurant in HK, usually don't come with seat belts. (And actually many restaurants only have booster seats available without seat belts.) I was very shock when I found out, even the highchairs in some high-end restaurants don't equipped with seat belt. I thought it is very dangerous if the toddlers move around and could fall down from chair easily. My friends said they usually use the sling (the indonesian style ones) to tight their kids to the chair, but if the kids keep moving, a lot of time after a while the sling will loosen up.
Sorry I know I am a little bit off topic, but this is a minor thing (well actually it's quite serious to me) that I thought we should be prepared.


積分: 482

發表於 10-9-19 16:35 |只看該作者
Thanks for the advice.
How come they make high chair w/o seat belts..........
Someone told me to buy a dining chair cushion like this:


積分: 7794

發表於 10-9-20 20:56 |只看該作者
we had one of that from our friend, but we don't like it because it is not safe for our son.. and it limited my son to sit up right.. ended up he was very unhappy..
well, then we used the one from our daughter.. the one from Fisher price, which last for 5 years (that time), we still keep it .. now it is over 7 years at our house..
the protable high chair.. which comes with the dinning table which you can put into the dish washer.
We still keep it because the quality still good.. we passed it on for another 4 children from our BK moms group in NY and now it returns to our home.. and we use it when we have BK families gathering.
cothes one is no good for us.. and I like that he can have his own table when he eats.
it is light and good to keep at the back of the stroller or carry over your shoulder.
I used it for all my children since they were 6 months till 2 years old when they went out with us.
when we go picnic, we use it as a chair as well.

原帖由 Nula 於 10-9-19 03:35 AM 發表
Thanks for the advice.
How come they make high chair w/o seat belts..........
Someone told me to buy a dining chair cushion like this:


積分: 11874

發表於 10-9-20 22:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 Nillie_Mami 於 10-9-20 20:56 發表
the one from Fisher price, which last for 5 years (that time), we still keep it .. now it is over 7 years at our house..
the protable high chair.. which comes with the dinning table which you can put into the dish washer.

Nillie, I had the same one from Fisher Price... I agree they are very well-made... particular like the tray which fits into the dishwasher.

Other moms, even better, they now come with a cover for the removable tray. http://www.amazon.com/Fisher-Pri ... oster/dp/B0002VZ21E


