




積分: 450

發表於 06-4-7 16:06 |只看該作者


尋日印印黎左, 個agent幾好, 唔使我出聲, 主動係我面前brief個印印, 話比佢知個main duty係將會睇住bb, 所以唔可以留指甲, 留長頭髮及保持清潔, 唔准用mobile phone, etc.

我同太太商量過, 我做衰人佢做好人, 所以由頭到尾都係我板起塊面instruct佢做野, 我兩日都無同佢笑過, 重有d惡, 同佢講要經常洗手, 唔准用屋企電話同朋友傾計, 除左換衫, 唔准關房門, 未經批准唔可以開冷氣...而我太太就好聲氣d問佢訓成點, 可以話'一啖沙糖一啖屎'

到今日, 佢表現都幾好, 算醒目, 做完一樣野都主動問有無野比佢做,重幾有禮, 希望佢一路keep住都係咁

個agent同佢自己無講大話, 佢係新加坡做左四年野, 英文真係幾好, 完全用英文溝通無問題, 佢重教番我轉頭'茐'既英文係onion leave, 呢點真係要加分

希望我同太太呢個策略行得通, 第時都會咁對個女, 但角色調番轉


積分: 69

發表於 06-4-7 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

你的情況根我差不多, 印印都是到了2天。 我們對她很好, 她似乎也感覺到, 今天已把全屋清潔了, 除了window 外。 昨晚我主動叫她打回家報平安, 她很感激, 不斷 say thanks very much. 她也是在Singapore做了兩年, 英文溝通完全沒問題。  我編了的time table, she didn't follow, but she has done the whole weeks job. Donno what she can do the rest days. Her cooking is nice , at least suit to us, 一碟抄什菜連紅蘿蔔片也挑了花。 只用了一個鍾時間cooking. I Hope she will keep on like this. I just ask her , if she want to dial local call that is no problem, but only during her rest tiem and should let me know. If she want to phone IDD, should ask me and let me know why. I heard from here, they do not have many lugguages, but she has 一急東西, 很重, 今早見她房有很多零食。 I asked her no need to buy toothpatse, bath cream and hair cream, we will supply to her, but she has used her own stuff. I've bought her 2 t-shirts while she arrived yersterday and one set towels, she was so happy. I think I am readly good to her, but donno if she think I am good to her too. Donno if she will appreciate, need to take time to see her real face


積分: 15536

發表於 06-4-7 18:17 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

我個印同妳地ge差唔多, 不過係4yrs hk finished contract.

我同印印簽約, 一早同老公傾好我做好人佢做衰人. 至今工人返左工半年都好ok. 工人有d怕我老公.

記住 ~~> 要保持良好關係 = 保持距離 ~~ 如果唔係第時個工人會持熟賣熟, 話佢又唔係, 炒佢又可惜就唔好啦.

我唔會provide消耗性日用品俾佢, 佢要自己買定, 就算我唔check佢有無用我o個d都好, 費事佢第時用起上黎好似唔識節制兼老馮.

更加唔可以將唔要ge野俾佢, 就算side都好, dup左佢 (等個工人放假的時候), 唔好引起佢不必要ge貪念.

食乜飲乜, 長途, 唔可以隨便用.

***** 記住, 俾左ge野就收唔番, 唔好俾佢地以為妳付出係應份. *****

rainbowshiu 寫道:
你的情況根我差不多, 印印都是到了2天。 我們對她很好, 她似乎也感覺到, 今天已把全屋清潔了, 除了window 外。 昨晚我主動叫她打回家報平安, 她很感激, 不斷 say thanks very much. 她也是在Singapore做了兩年, 英文溝通完全沒問題。  我編了的time table, she didn't follow, but she has done the whole weeks job. Donno what she can do the rest days. Her cooking is nice , at least suit to us, 一碟抄什菜連紅蘿蔔片也挑了花。 只用了一個鍾時間cooking. I Hope she will keep on like this. I just ask her , if she want to dial local call that is no problem, but only during her rest tiem and should let me know. If she want to phone IDD, should ask me and let me know why. I heard from here, they do not have many lugguages, but she has 一急東西, 很重, 今早見她房有很多零食。 I asked her no need to buy toothpatse, bath cream and hair cream, we will supply to her, but she has used her own stuff. I've bought her 2 t-shirts while she arrived yersterday and one set towels, she was so happy. I think I am readly good to her, but donno if she think I am good to her too. Donno if she will appreciate, need to take time to see her real face


積分: 1766

發表於 06-4-7 19:21 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

佢地會現形, 到時就後悔啦.,
好似我個個, 無規矩.......


積分: 341

發表於 06-4-7 19:31 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略



積分: 450

發表於 06-4-7 22:03 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

rainbowshiu 寫道:
你的情況根我差不多, 印印都是到了2天。 我們對她很好, 她似乎也感覺到, 今天已把全屋清潔了, 除了window 外。 昨晚我主動叫她打回家報平安, 她很感激, 不斷 say thanks very much. 她也是在Singapore做了兩年, 英文溝通完全沒問題。  我編了的time table, she didn't follow, but she has done the whole weeks job. Donno what she can do the rest days. Her cooking is nice , at least suit to us, 一碟抄什菜連紅蘿蔔片也挑了花。 只用了一個鍾時間cooking. I Hope she will keep on like this. I just ask her , if she want to dial local call that is no problem, but only during her rest tiem and should let me know. If she want to phone IDD, should ask me and let me know why. I heard from here, they do not have many lugguages, but she has 一急東西, 很重, 今早見她房有很多零食。 I asked her no need to buy toothpatse, bath cream and hair cream, we will supply to her, but she has used her own stuff. I've bought her 2 t-shirts while she arrived yersterday and one set towels, she was so happy. I think I am readly good to her, but donno if she think I am good to her too. Donno if she will appreciate, need to take time to see her real face

同你一樣, 我地都比左d最基本野佢, 但就無比佢隨便用電話

暫時未有比佢自由發揮煮野, 因為我地食野比較清淡, 怕佢煮到亂哂籠, 都係一邊instruct佢佢照做



積分: 450

發表於 06-4-7 22:08 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

記住 ~~> 要保持良好關係 = 保持距離 ~~ 如果唔係第時個工人會持熟賣熟, 話佢又唔係, 炒佢又可惜就唔好啦.

更加唔可以將唔要ge野俾佢, 就算side都好, dup左佢 (等個工人放假的時候), 唔好引起佢不必要ge貪念.

食乜飲乜, 長途, 唔可以隨便用.

***** 記住, 俾左ge野就收唔番, 唔好俾佢地以為妳付出係應份. *****


好同意呢個, 保持距離好d

我唔會放貴重野係屋企, 都唔想引起佢貪念


積分: 450

發表於 06-4-7 22:09 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

celinapang 寫道:
佢地會現形, 到時就後悔啦.,
好似我個個, 無規矩.......

希望我個個唔會咁,佢而家食飯會叫人, 訓覺會叫我地早抖....


積分: 450

發表於 06-4-7 22:10 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

emilylisa 寫道:



積分: 7097

發表於 06-4-7 22:22 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

最好不要放sunday, 否則....................


積分: 1815

發表於 06-4-7 23:43 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略



積分: 1239

發表於 06-4-8 00:26 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

blueblueclub 寫道:
celinapang 寫道:
佢地會現形, 到時就後悔啦.,
好似我個個, 無規矩.......

希望我個個唔會咁,佢而家食飯會叫人, 訓覺會叫我地早抖....[/quote]

我個工人, 頭2日仲有叫先生太太早晨, 先生太太食飯, 而家冇啦! 不過我唔介意, 又冇刻意要佢叫番. 有時好矛盾, 一來要當佢係半個屋企人看待, 又要比d威嚴佢, 費事以為咩都<冇所謂>就真係會冇大冇細. 第日自把看為, 會唔聽order. 講得o岩做落半年都係咁好, 先放心!


積分: 3328

發表於 06-4-8 07:44 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

我個工人頭一年都係放唔定期星期六有時星期日, 仲要佢一定要守時, 佢試過一次唔守時6:02pm返到嚟(我contract 係9:00am~6:00pm), 比我 七彩. 如果再遲到以後都唔好放, 放假要佢去agent度. public holiday我第一年會比$佢. 都幾多$, 但係想自己放心, 無計. 暫時都ok, 希望可以keep到
blueblueclub 寫道:
emilylisa 寫道:



積分: 69

發表於 06-4-8 08:49 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

In fact, we do not have much job for her in Sunday, but we need her help during weekday, so... to let her off on Sunday is more convenience to us. I have 2 friends who has yan yan maid, they allow her to off on every Sunday, and the Yan Yan up to now is OK, but I have a frined who has a Yan Yna and only allow her to off for 2 Sundays, but her yan Yan is becoming very "YEAH" now, wearing short skirts and make up during holidays. So, I think it really depends on the atitude of the Yan Yan, even she only has 1 Sunday, she can still learn a lots bed things. I talked to my agent, who is introduced by my friend and the agency is the close friend to my friend. I have asked for their opinions and their experiences, they told me. "將心比心" . This is the 3rd day my Yan Yan come here, My yan yan is so smart, she remember all the things I told you. I know I still need to take time to judge her, I hope I am the lucky one. Since she just arrived for 3 days and never work in HK before, she has a friend and a Auntie work here in HK, she can't contact her friend yet, I will bring her to the agency on Sunday if she have no place to go. The agency told me this is the best way to let them have their free time during Holidays, because we work at home, she has to under our control every day, I want her to at least to have one day away from us in a week. 將心比心, 如果我星期一至五都對住老闆, 也想有一天外出走走吧。 I hope I am the lucky one.


積分: 450

發表於 06-4-8 09:06 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

sleepingbo 寫道:
最好不要放sunday, 否則....................

YES, 我個agent都叫我地唔好放佢星期日, 亦都同佢講明放假唔定時, 唔會係星期日, 我諗我地都會咁做


積分: 1542

發表於 06-4-8 09:07 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略



積分: 450

發表於 06-4-8 09:08 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

PriscillaNg 寫道:
我個工人頭一年都係放唔定期星期六有時星期日, 仲要佢一定要守時, 佢試過一次唔守時6:02pm返到


積分: 8638

發表於 06-4-8 09:30 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

我覺得最起碼要睇個工人半年先知道佢係定壞, 除非係極品就例外!! 如果個工人的本質係好既就點學都唔會壞, 所以沒有寄望就沒有失望, 平常心啦!!


積分: 50

發表於 06-4-8 09:59 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

Dear mymedlody2003,
我好同意你的講法!!! 我之前嗰個同佢地差不多, 在星加坡做咗四年, 說得一口非常流利英文, 做野好叻, 唔洗教, 對我個女都好好, 佢教我個女好多英文, 所以我地對佢非常好, 但不夠半年, 有一天我發現錢包不見了錢, 起咗小小疑心, 於是叫佢落街買d野, 諗住起佢底, 比我摷到佢收埋我屋人好多相, 我細佬的身分証copy, 連我收藏的錢都不見了, 我立即通知agent, 第二日己經將佢送走。其實除咗自己屋企外, 我媽媽屋企重多野唔見咗, 因我時常帶埋佢番媽媽度。所以, 千其不要對d印印咁好!! 我之前嗰印印個名叫Siti, FaXXXX, 有個家姐係香港做野,大家小心,因為在印尼好容易改名!!!


積分: 69

發表於 06-4-8 10:20 |只看該作者

Re: 新印印黎左兩日既應對策略

Yes, I think 偷竊是最不可接受我, 我會不斷用不同的方法試佢。 如昨天, 的放了一些零錢在房台面, 試驗她有沒有MOVE 過, 我想每次她放假, 我也會check下佢的野, 我沒有給她有鎖的櫃, 方便我check佢


