




積分: 7693


發表於 07-2-21 14:51 |只看該作者

If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

same as topic


積分: 7205

發表於 07-2-21 14:58 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

bb跟我地訓, 所以都唔會叫醒工人, 而且我個工人就算聽到bb喊都唔會起身, 第日仲話尋晚bb喊喎


積分: 19247


發表於 07-2-21 15:09 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

唔會!! BB自小夜晩我自己照顧返, 基本上放工返去以後BB都係自己同老公照顧, 因為日頭已經係工人湊, 我地都想同BB親蜜D :mrgreen: 當然如果係太tired, 都會叫工人幫下手(不過印象中, 2年多以來要工人起身照顧 BB既次數, 一隻手數得晒 :mrgreen: )


積分: 7693


發表於 07-2-21 15:13 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

印印來了4個月, 同BB (2 yrs & 3 months old boy) 一間房, 印印瞓上格, 阿仔瞓下格, 哩2個月阿仔夜晚瞓得很差, 一晚醒 7 – 8 次, 次次醒都大喊大叫, 好似好驚咁.

Every time he cries, my maid will not wake up to take care of him but just says “shhhhhh. … “ from her bed (I have a baby monitor and can hear what she says). If my son continues to cry, she will blame him LOUDLY “ Stoppppp! It’s time to sleep!” “What happen to you? There is nothing to be scared. It’s just your imaginary…!” “Sleep now!” “Why? You don’t go to sleep and you also don’t let other people to sleep! “

Sometimes my son will feel very scared, stop crying and then sleep again. Sometimes, he will continues to cry. As a mother, I feel heart-breaking and go inside my son’s room to carry him and soothe him. However, my maid 會用怪責的口吻說: 太太入lai睇BB, BB會“樓計”, 吾會乖乖自己瞓番, if 太太吾入lai, BB會乖乖自己瞓番, if you were me, what will you do?


積分: 12082

發表於 07-2-21 15:14 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

多數都係自己take care


積分: 41995

發表於 07-2-21 15:15 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

阿女自己訓一間房, 如半夜叫工人多數都會起身睇, 都有試過冇出來, 但我都唔會拍門叫她起身, 一個人無得訓, 好過個個都無得訓, 我都唔想佢第二朝無精神.


積分: 21395

發表於 07-2-21 15:15 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

如果遇著甘的情形, 要同佢講, 如果下次再係甘, 無必要比你同d細的一間房訓, 不如你出廳訓..............


積分: 59881

hashtag影視迷勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 07-2-21 15:18 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

我工人同細囝一間房. 通常細囝半夜喊或發夢叫, etc. 工人都會自動自覺攪掂. 當然我半夜都會過去望下/check下啦.....所以工人唔會關房門訓覺.....


積分: 69

發表於 07-2-21 15:27 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

我日間要返工, 所以呀女都係同bunbun sleep, so far 都ok, 我覺得你過工人講得對, d bb知道邊個鍚佢就會蝦佢, 但係唔係由個工人去講黎番說話, 而係我地自己去同呀b 講 &一定要個工人跟你起身去take care bb.


積分: 7205

發表於 07-2-21 15:33 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

小朋友發惡夢都要比你個工人鬧, 有冇攪錯, 佢一啲愛心都冇喎, 比我我會鬧佢, 咁會嚇親個小朋友, 以後唔可以再係咁樣

meowmi 寫道:
印印來了4個月, 同BB (2 yrs & 3 months old boy) 一間房, 印印瞓上格, 阿仔瞓下格, 哩2個月阿仔夜晚瞓得很差, 一晚醒 7 – 8 次, 次次醒都大喊大叫, 好似好驚咁.

Every time he cries, my maid will not wake up to take care of him but just says “shhhhhh. … “ from her bed (I have a baby monitor and can hear what she says). If my son continues to cry, she will blame him LOUDLY “ Stoppppp! It’s time to sleep!” “What happen to you? There is nothing to be scared. It’s just your imaginary…!” “Sleep now!” “Why? You don’t go to sleep and you also don’t let other people to sleep! “

Sometimes my son will feel very scared, stop crying and then sleep again. Sometimes, he will continues to cry. As a mother, I feel heart-breaking and go inside my son’s room to carry him and soothe him. However, my maid 會用怪責的口吻說: 太太入lai睇BB, BB會“樓計”, 吾會乖乖自己瞓番, if 太太吾入lai, BB會乖乖自己瞓番, if you were me, what will you do?


積分: 1246

發表於 07-2-21 15:33 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?



積分: 2026

發表於 07-2-21 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

我同bb一間房, 少少喊就自已睇番. 喊得大聲, 工人會自動自
覺起身幫手, 我個阿仔有時都幾怪, 久唔久三更半夜要出廳玩,
我個印印都幾好, 好似我而家又有左, 有咩事仲快反應過我, bb唔舒服, 一晚會醒好多次, 佢又會主動話由佢陪bb訓.


積分: 7693


發表於 07-2-21 15:43 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

That's why I also have a doubt that maybe my son 比工人鬧嚇親, so he cannot sleep welll at night!

pandacat_bb 寫道:
小朋友發惡夢都要比你個工人鬧, 有冇攪錯, 佢一啲愛心都冇喎, 比我我會鬧佢, 咁會嚇親個小朋友, 以後唔可以再係咁樣

meowmi 寫道:
印印來了4個月, 同BB (2 yrs & 3 months old boy) 一間房, 印印瞓上格, 阿仔瞓下格, 哩2個月阿仔夜晚瞓得很差, 一晚醒 7 – 8 次, 次次醒都大喊大叫, 好似好驚咁.

Every time he cries, my maid will not wake up to take care of him but just says “shhhhhh. … “ from her bed (I have a baby monitor and can hear what she says). If my son continues to cry, she will blame him LOUDLY “ Stoppppp! It’s time to sleep!” “What happen to you? There is nothing to be scared. It’s just your imaginary…!” “Sleep now!” “Why? You don’t go to sleep and you also don’t let other people to sleep! “

Sometimes my son will feel very scared, stop crying and then sleep again. Sometimes, he will continues to cry. As a mother, I feel heart-breaking and go inside my son’s room to carry him and soothe him. However, my maid 會用怪責的口吻說: 太太入lai睇BB, BB會“樓計”, 吾會乖乖自己瞓番, if 太太吾入lai, BB會乖乖自己瞓番, if you were me, what will you do?


積分: 4108

發表於 07-2-21 15:47 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?


你工人唔係無point﹐但佢似乎無乜愛心。如果你有baby monitor﹐咁我贊成hinhinmummy咁講唔駛佢同bb一間房訓, 不如出廳訓算啦﹐駛乜俾佢瞓得咁舒服。我bb依家都係自己一間房。


積分: 5313

發表於 07-2-21 15:54 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

One night my 9-month old bb also cried a lot (BB sleeps with me). But my yan yan didn't wake up and give help. The next day morning, I told her she had to wake up next time to take care of the baby. She just pretended she didn't hear anything.


積分: 53

發表於 07-2-21 16:00 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

你個工人某程度上係啱, 但係佢可以唔駛咁harsh, 因為咁會影響BB心理發展, 佢應該去輕輕拍吓佢, 等佢知仲有人係身邊, 你亦要stop佢鬧你bb, 因為唔到佢鬧, 若果佢無愛心, 你要多點留意你bb, 小心佢打佢添!! 我最討厭的工人無愛心, 但又要去幫人湊bb


積分: 7496

發表於 07-2-21 16:58 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?


比我就唔會比機會佢鬧我個仔, 一旦mon到佢話我個仔,我一定即刻衝入佢哋房, 仲要特登整到ping ping pang pang, 開曬燈好大陣仗咁.

佢夠胆怪你入去睇BB, 你仲更加之晦氣咁話,聽到佢鬧你個B,搞到BB宜家晚晚發惡夢, 話佢如果識得溫柔D氹吓阿B, 咁阿B就唔會晚晚比佢嚇醒啦,喺佢嚟之前阿B都唔係咁嘅……睇吓佢識唔識反省啦.。(嘩!將D負責推晒比你,話你搞到BB扭計,真係唔要得)

不過既然佢咁無愛心, 就算日頭都要睇緊D, 同埋要有後著, 例如有親人睇住個B先好, 無愛心嘅工人都唔係好值得留低, 驚住對小朋友做成好大嘅傷害, 成為童年陰影, 影響成長!!!

如果我果仔比工人鬧我會心痛多幾倍, 宜得醒巴個工人, 兼無得留低!!!

meowmi 寫道:
印印來了4個月, 同BB (2 yrs & 3 months old boy) 一間房, 印印瞓上格, 阿仔瞓下格, 哩2個月阿仔夜晚瞓得很差, 一晚醒 7 – 8 次, 次次醒都大喊大叫, 好似好驚咁.

Every time he cries, my maid will not wake up to take care of him but just says “shhhhhh. … “ from her bed (I have a baby monitor and can hear what she says). If my son continues to cry, she will blame him LOUDLY “ Stoppppp! It’s time to sleep!” “What happen to you? There is nothing to be scared. It’s just your imaginary…!” “Sleep now!” “Why? You don’t go to sleep and you also don’t let other people to sleep! “

Sometimes my son will feel very scared, stop crying and then sleep again. Sometimes, he will continues to cry. As a mother, I feel heart-breaking and go inside my son’s room to carry him and soothe him. However, my maid 會用怪責的口吻說: 太太入lai睇BB, BB會“樓計”, 吾會乖乖自己瞓番, if 太太吾入lai, BB會乖乖自己瞓番, if you were me, what will you do?


積分: 37750

發表於 07-2-21 17:04 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

If my bb cries at night, my maid will wake up to help me coz she knows I need to work in the daytime.

But I will ask my maid to sleep in the daytime when bb sleeps, but my maid still works at the daytime and I know she is tired


積分: 3383

發表於 07-2-21 17:23 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

我個仔就同我一間房.佢半夜喊, 個工人都唔會起身..好似尋晚, 亞仔(9個月大)發燒. 我敲佢門拎bb出世紙, 同佢講bb發燒要去醫院, 佢都無反應, 照訓..


積分: 37750

發表於 07-2-21 17:26 |只看該作者

Re: If your baby wakes up and cries at night, 你地會吾會要求工人起身照顧 BB?

creamychoy 寫道:
我個仔就同我一間房.佢半夜喊, 個工人都唔會起身..好似尋晚, 亞仔(9個月大)發燒. 我敲佢門拎bb出世紙, 同佢講bb發燒要去醫院, 佢都無反應, 照訓..

my previous maid also 照訓 & 無反應 ga, no matter how loud my baby cried

So I terminated her finally


