



積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 10:46 |只看該作者


我剛找到香港瑜伽舍攪的孕婦瑜伽班, 唔知各位有無興趣呢?

孕婦瑜伽簡介 : 懷孕 令到許多女士擔心產後暴肥及身體虛弱,孕婦學會呼吸法及瑜伽式子後,能強化生殖系統,促進胎兒健康,更有助分娩 時減低痛楚:而產後能加速修身,回復產前的體形,減少產後對身體耗損。




積分: 4735

畀面勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 07-4-26 11:42 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

都幾好咁喎... 好似平過Pure Yoga o個o的?
但係, 係咪只係得星期一揀咋?


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 12:00 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

係呀, 因為佢果度除左孕婦瑜伽仲有其他嘢, 咁所以只係星期一有班囉...

我問過pure yoga 佢係$588/4堂

如你想知多d 有關佢地的資料, 你可以search 瑜伽舍, 上去睇下先 (因為唔知點解我post 唔到佢條link上來呀...)

shanshanbaby 寫道:
都幾好咁喎... 好似平過Pure Yoga o個o的?
但係, 係咪只係得星期一揀咋?


積分: 4735

畀面勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 07-4-26 12:26 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

http://www.hkyoga studio.org/

係喎... block左條link o既?


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 12:46 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

係呀, 我整左成朝都整唔到呀..

shanshanbaby 寫道:
http://www.hkyoga studio.org/

係喎... block左條link o既?


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 12:47 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

我剛找到香港瑜伽舍攪的孕婦瑜伽班, 唔知各位有無興趣呢?

孕婦瑜伽簡介 : 懷孕 令到許多女士擔心產後暴肥及身體虛弱,孕婦學會呼吸法及瑜伽式子後,能強化生殖系統,促進胎兒健康,更有助分娩 時減低痛楚:而產後能加速修身,回復產前的體形,減少產後對身體耗損。




積分: 4735

畀面勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 07-4-26 14:25 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

不如你post 埋去"產前產後", 睇下有無多o的人報名


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 14:45 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

唔會lu, 我都係想睇下有無差唔多時間生的朋友, 睇下你地有無興趣一齊學, 上堂前/後又可以分享一下心得同傾下計啫
shanshanbaby 寫道:
不如你post 埋去"產前產後", 睇下有無多o的人報名


積分: 4735

畀面勳章 睛靈勳章

發表於 07-4-26 16:26 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

我岩岩睇返香港瑜伽舍個網頁, 原來星期六12:45-1:45pm 都有孕婦瑜伽班喎...


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 16:29 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

E~ 我今朝打比個MISS 時, 佢話只有星期一有堂...等我再問清楚佢先~

shanshanbaby 寫道:
我岩岩睇返香港瑜伽舍個網頁, 原來星期六12:45-1:45pm 都有孕婦瑜伽班喎...


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 16:34 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

我剛找到香港瑜伽舍攪的孕婦瑜伽班, 唔知各位有無興趣呢?

孕婦瑜伽簡介 : 懷孕 令到許多女士擔心產後暴肥及身體虛弱,孕婦學會呼吸法及瑜伽式子後,能強化生殖系統,促進胎兒健康,更有助分娩 時減低痛楚:而產後能加速修身,回復產前的體形,減少產後對身體耗損。




積分: 3606

發表於 07-4-26 19:41 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班




積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-26 22:50 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

坐言起行嘛 同理今日問過敎練, 佢話過左三個月就可以做, 越早越好喎~

好呀, 咁我問下仲有無人有興趣啦, 其實幾多人都無所謂, 因為miss 話不會包班咁上~

因我星期六要12:30pm 才放工呀, 所以我都係選星期一晚上的時間, 咁我地係咪下星期一開始呀?

灰熊寶寶 寫道:



積分: 2324

發表於 07-4-27 09:28 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

Hello, 我預產期係20/9, 我都想參加瑜伽班呀. 不過星期一我唔得呀, 要星期六.

**報名時請選你要9折, 還是瑜伽墊**
逢星期一 6:45PM-7:45PM
1) rebeccachor (瑜伽墊) 上堂日期 4月30日
2) 灰熊寶寶

逢星期六 12:45PM-1:45PM
1)四隻貓 (瑜伽墊)


積分: 6338

發表於 07-4-27 10:01 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

Hello, 我預產期係 7 Sep, 我想參加星期六瑜伽班

**報名時請選你要9折, 還是瑜伽墊**
逢星期一 6:45PM-7:45PM
1) rebeccachor (瑜伽墊) 上堂日期 4月30日
2) 灰熊寶寶

逢星期六 12:45PM-1:45PM
1)四隻貓 (瑜伽墊)
2) CHAN.C.NINE (瑜伽墊)


積分: 3707

發表於 07-4-27 11:50 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

hi rebeccachor,

Have you been to the yoga studio before? I checked their website and it says they have 10-15 seats for pre-natal yoga class jar wor, so will the space be big enough to fit 20 big tummy mamis?

學費 : $450 (5堂), $800 ( 10 堂) ,如需試堂,每堂 $100 。
名額 : 10 至 15人

On the other hand, I just called Living Yoga for pre-natal class info. They have 2 centres, 1 at Grand Century Plaza in Mongkok/Prince Edward and 1 at Metro Plaza in Kwai Tsing. Here're the info I got from the sales, FYI.

Joining fee: $588. This fee might be waived if you hold certain credit cards, such as HSBC, Citibank, Diners and others...

Membership fee: $549 per month (has to commit for 12 months) but with doctor's written confirmation, we can suspend our membership right before/after we give birth. They usually have 3 pre-natal classes a week, 1 at 6:30-7:30pm on Wed and 2 classes on Sat & Sun. You may check the weekly schedules at http://www.livingyoga. com.hk/

The centres provide most of the equipments such as yoga mat, lockers (with lock), shampoo, shower gel, towels etc. They also have steam & sauna rooms (but I don't think we should use them at the pregnant stage...). Members may also rent a fixed locker at $80 per month (small size) if we prefer keeping our own toiletry or things in it.

According to the staff, the room can fit in 35 pax max. But I don't think there'll be 35 pregnant moms going at the same time gwar....

Anyway, I will go for a free trial class on next Wed. Let me share more info with you afterwards. If you are also interested to join, please let me know and I will PM the sale's contact number to you then.

To clarify, I just want to share the info with you and I don't receive any commissions or privileges from Living Yoga ga. But personally I think the facilities and location of LY is better for me, and the fee is comparatively cheaper than Pure Yoga ($588/4 classes).

Hope all 0709 mamis & bbs good health!!


積分: 1248

發表於 07-4-27 13:39 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

hi bear2,

我之前都check 過pure yoga (好似係咁串, 我諗可能係你講果間), 因為始終瑜伽舍個規模唔係咁大, 好似pure yoga 大d 有規模d, 但我check 過佢地都要$588/4堂, 我問過人佢地好似都會sales 你join 一年 (不過你可堅持的), 我打去果時佢地都話除左孕婦瑜伽, 仲有其他瑜伽班, 佢話因為我生完, 要修身, 佢地都有for 修身的瑜伽~ 而地點就有你講果幾個, 就方便好多, 但價錢就會價d囉~而瑜伽舍果度就只有一個centre, 地點又不太方便~

我都上瑜伽舍個網果度睇過, 佢每班人數只係15人, 咁我就打左電話比個敎練問(即係網上果個姓李的敎練), 佢話佢依家都有6-7個學生學近孕婦瑜伽, 如我地有多10個佢果度都容納到, 佢果度都有約千幾尺地方, 我又問過佢, 如我地有10個人, 又join $800/10堂就可以有9折, 但就無瑜伽墊, 平常join 10堂都有瑜伽墊送 (佢在一本書上賣廣告有寫的, 網上可能無講~), 咁我地如有10個人, 咁佢就可以比我地選要瑜伽墊定要9折囉, 所以我亦無講有試堂同有$450/5堂囉~

e~ 你去pure yogo試完堂話比我地知果度好唔好呀, 我都想知呀, 因為其實我之前都有學過瑜伽, 我在南華會學同東華三院都有學過, 我就覺得南華會d miss pro d, 唔知其他地方, 我生完後都想join 返, 就睇下到時去邊度學囉 因為南華會又係唔係咁就腳嘛...

bear2 寫道:
hi rebeccachor,

Have you been to the yoga studio before? I checked their website and it says they have 10-15 seats for pre-natal yoga class jar wor, so will the space be big enough to fit 20 big tummy mamis?

學費 : $450 (5堂), $800 ( 10 堂) ,如需試堂,每堂 $100 。
名額 : 10 至 15人

On the other hand, I just called Living Yoga for pre-natal class info. They have 2 centres, 1 at Grand Century Plaza in Mongkok/Prince Edward and 1 at Metro Plaza in Kwai Tsing. Here're the info I got from the sales, FYI.

Joining fee: $588. This fee might be waived if you hold certain credit cards, such as HSBC, Citibank, Diners and others...

Membership fee: $549 per month (has to commit for 12 months) but with doctor's written confirmation, we can suspend our membership right before/after we give birth. They usually have 3 pre-natal classes a week, 1 at 6:30-7:30pm on Wed and 2 classes on Sat & Sun. You may check the weekly schedules at http://www.livingyoga. com.hk/

The centres provide most of the equipments such as yoga mat, lockers (with lock), shampoo, shower gel, towels etc. They also have steam & sauna rooms (but I don't think we should use them at the pregnant stage...). Members may also rent a fixed locker at $80 per month (small size) if we prefer keeping our own toiletry or things in it.

According to the staff, the room can fit in 35 pax max. But I don't think there'll be 35 pregnant moms going at the same time gwar....

Anyway, I will go for a free trial class on next Wed. Let me share more info with you afterwards. If you are also interested to join, please let me know and I will PM the sale's contact number to you then.

To clarify, I just want to share the info with you and I don't receive any commissions or privileges from Living Yoga ga. But personally I think the facilities and location of LY is better for me, and the fee is comparatively cheaper than Pure Yoga ($588/4 classes).

Hope all 0709 mamis & bbs good health!!


積分: 3707

發表於 07-4-27 14:24 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

hi rebeccachor,

No, no, no, I didn't check with Pure Yoga, but I checked with Living Yoga. Pure Yoga's Mongkok centre charge $588 for 4 classes, where Living Yoga charge $549 per month. They have 3 classes a week so if we want to maximize the membership, we can go for 12 classes a month ga.

Living Yoga also have other yoga classes than pre-natal yoga. But they only have 2 centres in Mongkokg & Kwai Tsing, so not as many centres as Pure Yoga la. Also, if we want to join a membership that can go to both centres, the monthly fee is about $50 more per month ga.

When I talk to the Living Yoga sales this morning, I said if I can give his number to any interested mami here. Do you want to get a free trial class too? If yes, I can PM you the details so you can call him, and we can go together next Wed (6:30-7:30 at Grand Century Plaza) wor!


積分: 1853

發表於 07-4-28 00:25 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

Hi rebeccachor,

I would like to join the yoga class on SAT with discount offer as I got the mat before. My contact details was PM u b4, thanks.

**報名時請選你要9折, 還是瑜伽墊**
逢星期一 6:45PM-7:45PM
1) rebeccachor (瑜伽墊) 上堂日期 4月30日
2) 灰熊寶寶

逢星期六 12:45PM-1:45PM

[size=small]?? DATE ??
[size=small]1)四隻貓 (瑜伽墊)
2) CHAN.C.NINE (瑜伽墊)
3) carol666 (discount)

CANNY's Blog 請按『個人網頁』


積分: 144

發表於 07-4-28 15:13 |只看該作者

Re: 孕婦瑜伽班

Hi rebeccachor,

I would like to join the class on Sat + discount, will PM my contact to you. When will the class start ?

carol666 寫道:
Hi rebeccachor,

I would like to join the yoga class on SAT with discount offer as I got the mat before. My contact details was PM u b4, thanks.

**報名時請選你要9折, 還是瑜伽墊**
逢星期一 6:45PM-7:45PM
1) rebeccachor (瑜伽墊) 上堂日期 4月30日
2) 灰熊寶寶

逢星期六 12:45PM-1:45PM

[size=small]?? DATE ??
[size=small]1)四隻貓 (瑜伽墊)
2) CHAN.C.NINE (瑜伽墊)
3) carol666 (discount)
4) asm (discount)


