



積分: 967

發表於 07-8-31 17:26 |只看該作者


積分: 435

發表於 07-8-31 17:29 |只看該作者

Alpha also attended nursery but it seems that he has not developed any interest in learning Chinese and up to now he only know his Chinese name and "爸爸". I have made over 500 Chinese flash cards for him and every time I want to show him the flash cards, he just run away :-( .


Betsy and Alpha are in the same class and hope they will be good firiends. Are you taking the school bus and a K2 mummy who also take the same school bus advise me to buy a school bus seat belt as it would be more save if child sleep during the long bus journay.

If I were you, I will confort Betsy first and tell her that it is implolite and rough to take someone's toy and a good girl should always share toys with others. I will also teach her to tell the class teacher / EA that someone punch her tummy and the class teacher/EA will punish the naughty student. Besides, I will also tell her that a brave and good girl will not cry when she encounter problem but to solve the problem and mummy is very prond of her being a brave and good girl.


積分: 10537

發表於 07-8-31 17:44 |只看該作者

我都唔會同佢講英文架喎, 不過陪佢番學係ESF範圍內, 我會同佢講英文, 比佢知道學校係講英文既 加上Destiny由兩歲起一直讀international school既nursery, 都係由native in charge教英文, 所以佢對英文唔會抗拒:loveliness: :loveliness:

同埋我覺得妳都要鼓勵佢同老師講人地搶佢野或打佢, 講廣東話都唔緊要, 最緊要叫betsy唔好喊唔好驚

小朋友好magic架, 妳唔駛太擔心, 昨日所見老師比Destiny既指示佢又真係明白+做到晒架喎, 我都好意外:loveliness: 然後老師問佢野, 我見Destiny初時講中文架, 然後係老師及我既鼓勵之下+environment感染, Destiny都係度ee哦哦學講英文

始終都係第一日je, 唔好太擔心


積分: 10537

發表於 07-8-31 17:54 |只看該作者


不過我個女都唔可以坐係度聽我齋教架, Destiny份人好鍾意食野, 所以我地都好把握去茶餐廳, 特別係酒樓既時間, 佢對點心紙上既字係特別有興趣架:loveliness: :loveliness: 好似經手人, 枱號, 飽, 大小點, 腸粉..... 佢係特別記得刻骨銘心


積分: 435

發表於 07-8-31 18:07 |只看該作者

When compare with Chinese, Alpha's English is better as he can recoginize A to Z and knows may English vocabulary as we used to let him watch Englsih story books, CDs and I have also brought Disney World English.

Thank you for sharing with me how to teach my boy Chinese in interesting way and Alpha also love to eat. I will try you method starting from tomorrow.


積分: 967

發表於 07-8-31 18:11 |只看該作者
原文章由 yoyobb 於 07-8-31 17:44 發表

我都唔會同佢講英文架喎, 不過陪佢番學係ESF範圍內, 我會同佢講英文, 比佢知道學校係講英文既 加上Destiny由兩歲起一直讀international school既nursery, 都係由native in charge ...

Betsy 都係讀 international school nursery 是下學期,須然是返 international school 但平時在家 Betsy 最多講的是 no , yes
所以都吾知佢重識講那些,因我的英文真是有限公司,我又怕教錯佢所以沒有同佢講英文,唉....如果我吾同佢講英文,返學聽吾明會吾會日係吾講嘢架... 寫寫吓....發覺自己好似有d神經質


積分: 967

發表於 07-9-1 07:09 |只看該作者

你提意的方法都很好,我會試用,你講的 seat belt 可以在那裡買及價錢,我住屯門乘在的校車是 #A2,是否同一間車呢?



積分: 10537

發表於 07-9-1 10:55 |只看該作者
可能我地個case岩岩相反呀~ 所以Alpha對英文學習感興趣D, 而Destiny就對中文。 我同dorothymui一樣, 開親碟都係開唐詩及中文兒歌, 可能久而久之, 佢對中文都係有興趣D囉
不過呢個幾月又掉番轉頭啦, 想吹谷下佢聽多D英文, 因為想佢盡快適應ESF, 人真係矛盾呀

喂... 好志同道合呀 我又係驚自己教壞個女講英文呀
自問唔係fluent english speaker, 平時番工呃下飯食就無計呀局住講, 但講到做個榜樣教好個女講英文我絕對唔係個皮囉
事實我見香港地唔少小朋友, 表達方式又英又中咁, 英文幾個字又中文幾個字; 如果一味係我教一定變成咁呀 所以我能力範圍只可教佢vocabulary, alphabet之類:loveliness:
我咁唸... 小朋友由未夠三歲讀ESF, 點都好過再大先入讀, 始終由一張白紙由ESF教起, 咁細個適應能力強, 莫講佢地, 我估我入去讀番一年, 講英文都top好多, 所以大家都唔水太擔心


積分: 967

發表於 07-9-1 11:23 |只看該作者



積分: 10537

發表於 07-9-1 11:58 |只看該作者



其實揀ESF係無錯架啦, 唔水太擔心... 如果讀第二D學校, 補英文補到唔係佢short, 係自己short呀, oral又補, written又補, 仲有其他配套.... 講到底香港地任何學校英文仍穩舉首位重要, 我地已經煩少好多野架啦, 只係初初適應je, 加油加油


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-2 16:34 |只看該作者

You can buy the seat belt at "香港汽車會" and the price is around HK$650. Alpha takes the #A1 school bus as I live in Yuen Long.


Dorothy and you methods for teaching Chinese are good and I will try your methods. Hope Alpha wmill develop his interest in learning Chinese.

Tomorrow will be Alpha's first formal school day and I will go with him and will share with you later.


積分: 967

發表於 07-9-3 08:17 |只看該作者

"香港汽車會" 是否近廟街那間,而那款 seat belt 的型號是什麽?還有可否說吓是甚麽樣使用的,因我想校車原本應該有 seat belt ,要再加裝新的是否要每日攜帶或加裝後小朋友以後固定坐這位置


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-4 09:52 |只看該作者

Yes, Hong Kong Automobile Association is located near "廟街" and I just called them finding out that they no longer sell seat belt to individual customer as the seat belt is imported from England. But they told me that a school may place order within this week and they will call me if the order confirmed, however, they price will be increased to HK$ 850.

You can give the seat belt to the school bus caretaker in the morning and she will return it to you after school. The reason why I want to buy the seat belt is that Apha will sleep in the returning journay and it will be more save to have the extra seat belt.

If you are still interest, may be you can leave your contact phone number to me, so I can call you once I receive the call from HKAA.


積分: 10537

發表於 07-9-4 10:40 |只看該作者



今日到Destiny番啦, 可惜我要番工陪唔到佢:cry: :cry:


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-4 10:46 |只看該作者
yoyobb & dorothymui,

Yesterday I went to ESF with Alpha and he really enjoyed himself throughout the 3 hours. Just like the trial session, Bear class teacher - Ms Annette together with the K2 big sisters / brothers welcomed 5 new K1 Bears at the school front door gate.

When back to the classroom, K2 Bears showed the K1 Bears how to hand in communication books, self register (All student's names are placed on the table and they need to pick up their name tags and put them inside a box).

During the circle time, Ms Annette invited all new K1 Bears to select their preference songs letting them have a chance to interact with others. After that, Ms Annette requested all parents to stay in the classroom and to be observers for the rest of time, and she would observe the new Bears to see if they could still enjoy the activities without their parents.

During the studio time, all K1 bears have a chance to go downstairs (about 1/2 hour) to do some outdoor activities, just like mock-up painting, ball games, slides, etc and students are free to choose joining activities they like.

After the outdoor activities, K1 Bear went upstairs for the remaining studio time (I think each week ESF will change the theme of the guided activities, such as the role play corner, hand craft corner and the water pool as I found that the themes in these areas are different from last week) .

Yesterday, all Bear class students and Frog class students joined together in downstairs for a singing session (EA of Bear class - Grace is very good piano player).

At the end of the session, Ms Annette told all the parents on Wednesday, after the circle time all the parents have to leave school for shopping or coffee at the nearby mall and if we don’t receive call from the school, we just need to pick up our kids at 11:30 am. May be we don’t need to go with our kids on Friday.

Hope both Destiny & Betsy enjoyed themselves in ESF just Alpha.


積分: 10537

發表於 07-9-4 11:01 |只看該作者

昨日Bear Class係咪picnic day呀?? 睇到個學習旅程都好開心呀~YEAH~

上星期既small group entire session, class teacher已經同我講今日可以比Destiny自己上課, 叫我放低佢之後可以離開學校出去嘆杯茶, 有事會call我~  不過今日係姐姐帶, 或者要再等學校比指示姐姐啦:) :)

另外, 妳地有無wild painting對白飯魚呀? 上次tour見到對對白飯魚都油得好靚, 所以我都有油呀


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-4 11:46 |只看該作者

Picnic day of Bear class is on Thursday and the class teacher told us that they want the new kids to have a chance to explore more during the first week which will give them more stimulations.

Besides, I find that the educational philosophy of ESF is very different from the traditional school as after the singing session, all the bear class students went upstairs back to the classroom, but just then it started to rain heavily outside and one student found and stopped in front the big window between G/F and 1st/F and shouted loudly "It's raining outside", If this happen in a traditional school, I think the class teacher will ask that student stop shouting and keep on going back to the classroom. But the Bear class teacher - Ms Annette encouraged other students to join looking at the rains and let the student experienced what raining like.

Another instance was that I told Annette that Alpha was very naughty during the outdoor activities downstairs as he climbed up to the fences, but her reply is that "We don't have naughty kids in ESF", she remained me not to stereo-typed our kid as a naughty kid but need to let our kids distinguish between right and wrong / good and bad and parents need to be supportive.

As a parent, I think I still have many things to learn.


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-4 11:51 |只看該作者

I have drawn two big bear heads on the white rubber shoes with Alpha's name on both sides so Alpha can find his shoes easily.


積分: 10537

發表於 07-9-4 12:36 |只看該作者


我一路睇妳寫既分享post, 一路喚心微笑。揀選ESF就係想要呢D教學, 相信ESF小朋友都會有思考, 主動學習~ 大家都唔想佢地純粹做坐係度接收既馴羊:lol: :lol:

請問知唔知一星期有幾多日可以outdoor玩呀? 我以為剩係picnic day先可以添:loveliness: 因為upstair好逼夾呀, 我想Destiny可以多少少走動空間, 要捱埋今年, 下年落番downstair先有番D空間感

另.. 睇黎Aplha對鞋好靚喎

"she remained me not to stereo-typed our kid as a naughty kid but need to let our kids distinguish between right and wrong / good and bad and parents need to be supportive."<---- 好有意思既說話, 我要好好學習及銘記

[ 本文章最後由 yoyobb 於 07-9-4 12:56 編輯 ]


積分: 435

發表於 07-9-4 14:41 |只看該作者

I will ask Bear class teacher how many time per week for the outdoor activities tomorrow and let you know the answer. Besides, I will post picture of Alpha (so you can recognize him if you see him in school) and his shoes later.

I am still learning how to be a good mother and may be we can share more in future.

Are you planing to let Destiny study the ESF primary? if yes, which school is you preference as I read the September Newsletter yesterday night, K2 students need to apply the ESF primary in September 2007.


