




積分: 18610

醒目開學勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 07-6-22 21:57 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

klau213 寫道:
唔係好明你o地講緊乜 wor ?-( 可唔可以講清楚o的??

我唔係好想搞到講人是非/ 唱人咁, or 加咗個人感覺

btw, for this incident, if not I found/see something similar to the respond I got there in here, I nearly forgot this lar.
I wanna share with you all, dont trust all the infomation you get from this kind of forums.. gather all the positive comments and be open minded on all those negative comments especially it's relative to individual staff's performance (I believe somehow, it might be individual cases). dont be lazy, go and do a site visit.. and trust your own eyes!!!!



積分: 1102

發表於 07-6-22 22:07 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

i am also considering to choose which one cord blood banks...pls also share your experience to me...
my email address: [email protected]


積分: 1906

發表於 07-6-22 22:53 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

唔好意思, 我去過 geobaby 搵過但搵唔到有關o既 thread, 請問可唔可以俾條 link 我?? pm 都可以. 唔該晒!

kerkermui 寫道:
klau213 寫道:
唔係好明你o地講緊乜 wor ?-( 可唔可以講清楚o的??

我唔係好想搞到講人是非/ 唱人咁, or 加咗個人感覺

btw, for this incident, if not I found/see something similar to the respond I got there in here, I nearly forgot this lar.
I wanna share with you all, dont trust all the infomation you get from this kind of forums.. gather all the positive comments and be open minded on all those negative comments especially it's relative to individual staff's performance (I believe somehow, it might be individual cases). dont be lazy, go and do a site visit.. and trust your own eyes!!!!

:mrgreen: [/quote]


積分: 7902

發表於 07-6-23 09:11 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?


我 pm 左你啦, pls check


積分: 6

發表於 07-6-23 15:52 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

各位人兄, 我老公係金融界做事收到消息, 有間上市臍帶血庫又換大股東... 你地自己去查下啦...


積分: 3802

發表於 07-6-23 22:32 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?


對唔住呀, 我唔係有心令 feel like a fool 架~

你講得好岩丫~ 做生意梗係要earn $$, 但係340根本就唔係專注研發臍帶血/醫學方面....

1. 礦業先係340主要投資項目 !! 咁大家覺得公司會唔會放大量資源去improve個技術?? 連公司名都改埋,好明顥就係由生物科技轉營到礦業啦~

2. 只有由醫藥/臍帶事業為基礎既公司先會最好! 佢地core business 嘛,當然會有最好的技術, 投資最多既resources 令到自己earn $$啦~ 我諗幾間公司對 earn $$ 的approach 都唔同 !

3. BB既臍帶血係佢地終身最寶貴既野 ([size=large]隨時要黎救命架!!!) 唔係其他俾人是但炒作既industry ! 所以我個人唔認為... 唔應該放0係利用臍帶血生意睇炒股投機既 bank 囉 !!

4. 冇錯﹐earn到 $$就唔會close, 咁即係earn 唔到會 close 啦~?! (況且根據我之前copy 俾大家睇既news, 340股東都話只係暫時唔賣.....) 果d 對臍帶血/醫療一d 都冇認識既"股東", 佢只係會視BB臍帶血係佢地earn $$既 tools 之一,冇錢搵, 冇利用價值,即執冇情講啦 !


積分: 511

發表於 07-6-24 08:01 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

to all parents who want to keep cord-blood,
i have just found out that there is one more company to bank cord-blood called "smart cell", the blood will be stored in Plymouth, UK. Has anyone who used their service?


積分: 7902

發表於 07-6-24 10:00 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

e, 比香港果幾間都平 d tim wor
等我打去問多 d info 先, thx thx!


積分: 3707

發表於 07-8-1 14:46 |只看該作者
原文章由 MoJoJoJo 於 07-6-24 10:00 發表
e, 比香港果幾間都平 d tim wor
等我打去問多 d info 先, thx thx!

hi MoJoJoJo,

It's me again ar! I also plan to save cord blood for my bb too. After reading this message thread, it's really hard to choose bor.... So have you confirmed which cord blood bank you will use?

So did you find out more from the UK company - Plymouth? As mentioned by Lydia in her pre-natal class, she mentioned about the potential risk of having the cord blood transferred back to HK for use if the import/export policies have been strictened. What do you think?

Also, is it possible if you can PM me the "after sales services issues" from MrsMars?

Thanks so much!!!


積分: 1238

發表於 07-8-1 15:18 |只看該作者

Re: 香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

Dear MrsMars,

Can you PM your experience to me as well?

原文章由 klau213 於 07-6-21 23:59 發表
請問可唔可以 pm 埋俾我??


積分: 7902

發表於 07-8-1 15:35 |只看該作者
hi bear2,

actually i haven't received MrsMars' PM yet...

i have met with the sales from all 4 companies and finally settled on healthbaby.

the UK company seemed good - apparently, Richard Brandson also started up a cord blood company in the UK and is using their banking facilities too. but cos of the physical distance, like Lydia said, i still think it's a bit risky - they do hire a dedicated semi-medical courier tho...

the other 2, cryolife and cordlife, are both using the traditional tank. so on technology grounds, we picked healthbaby in the end.

all 3 companies will be at the expo this weekend and are offering discounts, so worth signing up there.

原文章由 bear2 於 07-8-1 14:46 發表

hi MoJoJoJo,

It's me again ar! I also plan to save cord blood for my bb too. After reading this message thread, it's really hard to choose bor.... So have you confirmed which cord blood ...


積分: 3707

發表於 07-8-2 23:40 |只看該作者
原文章由 MoJoJoJo 於 07-8-1 15:35 發表
hi bear2,

actually i haven't received MrsMars' PM yet...

i have met with the sales from all 4 companies and finally settled on healthbaby.

the UK company seemed good - apparently, Rich ...

Hi MoJoJoJo,

Thanks for sharing the info and your views! I'm not sure if I'd go to the expo this weekend, but will definitely have a look at the counters if I'm going. Cheers!


積分: 7902

發表於 07-8-3 09:31 |只看該作者
hey, no probs

原文章由 bear2 於 07-8-2 23:40 發表

Hi MoJoJoJo,

Thanks for sharing the info and your views! I'm not sure if I'd go to the expo this weekend, but will definitely have a look at the counters if I'm going. Cheers!


積分: 624

發表於 07-8-3 14:21 |只看該作者
原文章由 MoJoJoJo 於 07-6-18 17:41 發表
香港 3 間儲臍血公司, 點簡好?

各位姊妹有冇 idea 呀? 請發表 & 分享吓呀

so far 我自己覺得:

1) healthbaby
- taiwan based company, 個人覺得可能唔得國際化
- 聽聞亞陳總統係其中一個大 ...

I joined cryolife at Apr2007. If anyone wants to join this company, I can be your referee. So both the referer and referee can be HK$500 discount.

Please PM me for the membership no.


積分: 219

發表於 07-8-3 14:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 ZhuZhuMa 於 07-8-3 14:21 發表

I joined cryolife at Apr2007. If anyone wants to join this company, I can be your referee. So both the referer and referee can be HK$500 discount.

Please PM me for the membership no.

Hi all,

I have joined Healthbaby during last month. Because my doctor great recommand us.They have good condition and high technology compare with Cordlife and Cryolife.



積分: 384

發表於 07-8-3 21:17 |只看該作者
If anyone interested at join Healthbaby in order to enjoy referral program benefit, pls PM me


積分: 232

發表於 07-8-4 12:35 |只看該作者
我諗緊join 唔join HealthBaby...

我明早會去BB Expo 睇睇, 如果適合嘅話, 會即場join 埋。麻煩係HealthBaby 嘅媽媽會員,請 PM 妳嘅資料俾我做我推介人....唔該哂呀 ~
如果我明早真係用妳嘅資料join 咗,我會PM 返我D 資料俾妳架....真係唔該哂 ~ :)
<a href="http://lilypie.com"><img src="http://b1.lilypie.com/FKWVp8.png" alt="Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker" border="0"  /></a>


積分: 733

發表於 07-8-7 09:35 |只看該作者
Pls PM the information to me too.

Also, what is the price structure after u visited 4 companies? Can you give us more information for comparision?

Many thanks!


積分: 7902

發表於 07-8-7 09:49 |只看該作者
price range: $25000-$32000 for all 4 companies

for healthbaby, I know if you join on the day of the lab visit, they give you $1000 chicco coupons.

their referral programme gives the new customer $500, and old customer an extra year of storage for free. (btw, it wasn't worth using the referral programme at the bb expo, as they give $800 off there already. can't use the two offers together).

the referral programme of cordlife / cryolife (can't remember which), gives both new & old customer $500 off.

i really would recommend talking to the sales / visit their labs before making your decision (all 4 of them), since everyone has different priorities....

if you do decide to join healthbaby in the end, feel free to PM me.

原文章由 laial2 於 07-8-7 09:35 發表
Pls PM the information to me too.

Also, what is the price structure after u visited 4 companies? Can you give us more information for comparision?

Many thanks!

[ 本文章最後由 MoJoJoJo 於 07-8-7 09:51 編輯 ]


積分: 733

發表於 07-8-7 10:00 |只看該作者
But I have missed the BB Expo ... so what can I do?


