



積分: 2209

發表於 11-7-28 14:44 |只看該作者
mamaztylista & doggie

你地真係很好... 我仲想問, 如果我仔女唔係天主教徒, 是否不可以入天主教小學架....

又咁講, 如果我選既地區, 2間小學都好, 咁就比較有利啦... 你地可唔可以告知, mississauga邊個區最好FOR 讀書,

另外... 我想問車牌問題.. 我2公婆都已經EXPIRED , 我地可唔可以用住HK既國際車牌駕住先, 再去考番個牌呢....??


積分: 7158

發表於 11-7-28 21:34 |只看該作者
if your kids is not catholic, they could still go to catholic school provided they got batpism within certain time, can't remember how long, you might need to check, as not sure if peel region is the same as markham.

for driver licence, yes, you could use the international driver licence to drive for 3 months.
but if you have HK driver licence, you could come and take the driving written test, and show your hk driver licence, you could them immediately able to sit for high way test and no need to wait for time frame...


積分: 229

發表於 11-7-28 23:26 |只看該作者
以我所知,唔係catholic就讀唔到catholic elementary school,但係high school就得,或著好似doggie話,要係某段時間內領洗啦,所以你最好同school board check check。

你個車牌expire左幾耐?你或著可以打去ministry of transport到問下可唔可以補番個vision test黎renew番個車牌,不過要睇睇expire左幾耐,如果係成10年咁,我估可能要再考過...


If a driver's licence has been invalid (expired, cancelled or suspended) for more than one, but fewer than three years, you must visit a DriveTest Centre to complete a vision test. If your licence has invalid for more than three years, you must pass vision, knowledge and road tests. If your licence has been invalid for over three years but not more than 10 years, you have to reapply under Graduated Licensing at a DriveTest Centre — the mandatory waiting periods are waived. If your licence has been invalid for over ten years, you have to reapply under graduated licensing at a DriveTest Centre and serve all the mandatory waiting periods.


我上網搵搵時,搵到呢個地產site: http://www.mississauga4sale.com/ ... -Rating.htm#schools

你可以再click: http://www.compareschoolrankings.org/Index.aspx?jid=ON

再揀elementry school/secondary school... 再揀mississauga area,如果係secondary school,頭兩間都係近erin mills town centre,我之前同你提過個兩間,但你要再仔細問地產邊條街同邊條街係within個boundary,因為有時同區但隔左條街就讀唔同學校架啦!

同埋想提提,你2個小朋友都係讀elementary school但可能好既elementary school同secondary school未必係同一區,咁你就要睇睇點揀,所以最好係可以再同地產了解下,因為都要睇下你鐘唔鐘意住個區同埋樓價方面,個區既demongraphic distribution同發展...


積分: 2209

發表於 11-7-29 00:21 |只看該作者
doggie & mamaztylista

我依架係HK 要處理哂HK 既野先, 我一定會先去加拿大一轉, 預備哂所有野, 才成行, 始終好多野要安排, 我唔想太急, 我個車牌2008年12月完既, 我當年都係用VISION TEST 再取番既, 如果我明年SUMMER 前, 可以回加拿大一次, 我一定要問下可唔可以用最簡單既方式RENEW, 因為我真係考唔番架啦.... 年紀大... haha...

不過對於elementry school 同secondary school 都要同區, 咁真係幾煩....??有無咩特別區可以介紹比我呀.... 我真係想一次過... 唔想將來為升中又再煩, 講真.. 我係HK為了仔女升學問題。。 都煩死左。。。HK 又係睇咩區派位, 唔合心水, 又要考私小... 私小又唔易入... 唉... 為了仔女同家庭.. 我真係好想有一個family life..我其實都好擔心買屋問題架... 因為加紙好貴... 我只想買一間唔駛太大, 不過一定要區好d... 始終小孩對我來講最重要, 係hk既屋咁細, 去加拿大咩屋對我來講, 都已經好大啦。。。。

我十分多戲你地既意見呀... 因為even 我有家人係個邊, 不過佢地一係年紀大, 一係無小孩, 完全唔明我既所需, 真係十分多謝你地...


積分: 229

發表於 11-7-29 01:26 |只看該作者
you're very welcome!

好似聽你講你對mississauga都有興趣,其實我先前睇過呢度明報既學校資料(最sui本野好似dump左),但你心目中想買house, town house, 定apartment?

如果係house/townhouse,係mississauga既winston churchill blvd以南,erin mills parkway以北,近erin mills town centre既area其實唔錯,近winston churnchill有好多新樓起左,而且都算係名校區,但如果你想買apartment,咁就可能要睇近square one個邊,因為個度多d apartment,不過個區就舊d。

另外,都要睇睇你想買新樓定舊樓,或者你可以由呢方面出發,narrow down,跟住睇下我可唔可以搵多d料比你?


積分: 10881


發表於 11-7-29 03:04 |只看該作者
Hi Erikalo,

For property search, you can also try http://www.mls.ca

cus most of the properties are listed in above site. You have to accept their terms before they conduct a search for you. Hope this will give you an idea about the price range and size of a home in Mississauga / Markham. Good luck!


積分: 4398

發表於 11-7-30 00:07 |只看該作者
cherry_lam 發表於 11-7-19 11:57
回覆 4001cc 的帖子

其實要一家回流, 我地都諗了好耐!!


積分: 2209

發表於 11-7-30 03:00 |只看該作者
doggie, mamaztylista & tchu

多謝你地既意見, 我其實都考慮mississauga, 多數都係town house or house, 要睇下咩價錢先...不過我會好好想下... 你地比了好多info., 我真係要慢慢睇, 希望可以盡快完成hk 既野, 可以明年summer 時返加拿大生活


積分: 2209

發表於 11-7-30 14:19 |只看該作者
另外, 我有朋友問, 有無好既移民顧問公司介紹, 佢地既CASE 係.

一個當年係加拿大讀完書, 之後回HK申請移民, 不過當年LAND 左之後, 就沒有留係加, 返左來HK 結婚生仔, 佢依架想同老公&仔女回去, 佢想知點做

另一個朋友, 就老公係加藉, 仔女當然都有, 不過佢就沒有, 佢又係可以點回去呢...

所以佢地想問下大家, 有無移民公司介紹下...



積分: 229

發表於 11-8-2 00:18 |只看該作者

或者你都可以search下呢個forum,因為一路都有d媽媽問有關入藉既野,可能會有d contact。


積分: 10766

趣教勳章 叻叻勳章 wyeth冷知識勳章 畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 11-8-3 00:20 |只看該作者
我本身係Canadian, 10幾年前讀完U返左香港定居,結左婚9年,女女而家1歲。我女女3個月大我已同佢申請加藉,佢已經有身份證。我家人全部在Toronto, 只有我同我老公女女在香港看屋,有時阿爸阿媽會返黎住幾個月。
我想問下大家意見,女女會在香港讀下書先,然後我地計劃再返Toronto 讓佢讀小學/ 中學,問題係未計劃正式返加的日期。咁係唔係小學(may be grade 1 - 3) 返黎易d 適應? 我家是在Markham,我聽講 Coledale 係我地家這區出名的 "名" 校,是嗎 ?


積分: 7158

發表於 11-8-3 00:47 |只看該作者
coledale and william breeze is good... so depends on which interactions you are in. you may go to either one...

depends on what you think, if you plan to come back for good. and your girl will finish school and stay here to work, then of course came early to start building up the network for your girl. or else, it does not really matter when you bring her back.


積分: 229

發表於 11-8-3 08:39 |只看該作者
i think starting in gr 1 would be a good start! because it's the first year to start in a new school, so she can make new friends and won't feel odd.


積分: 516

發表於 11-8-5 17:33 |只看該作者
返左黎11年,眼見香港呢個地方越來越不知所謂,香港特衰政府攪到呢個地方成PET 屎敢,教育,房屋,醫療..... 通通混賬,我真係頂唔住.如果我對仔女係呢個環境下成長,將來都好慘.


積分: 7158

發表於 11-8-5 23:54 |只看該作者
welcome back, so where will you staying? which province/city. we have a bk group in toronto and that meets once in a while


積分: 2359

發表於 11-8-6 00:03 |只看該作者
我都知道好多人都諗應該幾時返加拿大最適合,而呢個係好難答既問題.我本來都打算等呀仔讀完小學先過黎,但最後都係提早左返黎,九月呀仔就向呢度讀Grade 4 啦.我想講既係若果一定會比小朋友返加拿大讀書的話,我覺得早返,好過遲返.


積分: 10881


發表於 11-8-6 01:53 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 tchu 於 11-8-5 12:56 編輯

As a friendly reminder, some parents might think bringing their children back to Canada for good. However, as an astronaut mom/dad, please take Canadian income tax filing as a consideration before putting your feet down.

Example: “W” is a simple housewife taking care of her family and 2 children. Her husband is the main source of family income. I assume this family is having dual citizenships in HK and Canada. If only “W” and children returning to Canada for good reasons, and her husband remains in HK working and supporting his family in both HK and Canada.

During the period/years “W” and her children living in Canada, even they have no incomes; they are still liable to file the Canadian income taxes. The income taxes I mean is the income “W”’s husband earning in HK!

Why? It’s because in CCRA – Canadian Custom Revenue Agency’s points of view, “W” and her children are taking the Canadian benefits, such as health care, education and others. Therefore, her family should file the Canadian Income Tax (either paying income taxes/ receiving taxes refund). This isn’t funny, because even “W”’s husband filed non-resident status years ago, or he isn’t a Canadian at all. CCRA can still go after him for the taxes his family owes to the Canadian government.

Unless “W” and her children aren’t taking any benefits in Canada, that will be purchase blue cross or health insurance for their medical bills; paying international student fees for her children’s education. Otherwise, the CCRA can go after her husband for taxes, because he is the main source of income! Also, if CCRA found out you missed your filing, this can be huge trouble on paying back the full amount of taxes owing, plus interest, as well as any civil penalties that may be accessed by the CCRA.

As the negotiations for an income tax treaty between the Canadian government and HK SAR commenced in June 27, 2011, I believe there will more people/family get affected when the treaty become effective.

As a personal thought, I knew there are lots of people taking advantages of our benefits. That’s why I am very sad as a taxpayer, who works so hard to feed my family and pay bills. While others just came in claiming they are also Canadian, taking advantages on our system but no intention to pay income taxes; suck up our resources and leave after they got what they want/plan for themselves or their children.


積分: 2359

發表於 11-8-6 02:21 |只看該作者
多謝你既提醒. 我明白你所講的情形, 一如而家香港吾中意大陸新移民到香港一樣 - 無納稅,但就攞盡福利. 做事要憑良心, 對得住自己,對得住人.


tchu  You are very welcome!  發表於 11-8-6 12:30


積分: 53900

2018復活節勳章 夏天玩到顛 hashtag旅遊勳章 DHA勳章

發表於 11-8-7 07:37 |只看該作者
為兩個女將來的教育, 我也正在考慮移民加拿大,
          You may say I'm a dreamer but I'm not the only one.


積分: 7158

發表於 11-8-8 10:51 |只看該作者
Tchu - wow, thanks for the info, i did not know they have treaty signed in June between the HK and the CRA... yea a really good tips for those who just want to enjoy the benefit/welfare in canada but not contributing anything to it.. :;pppp:


tchu  Ya, but too bad they just started their negotiations in June 27, 2011.  發表於 11-8-8 11:47


