



積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-22 23:37 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 15:26 發表

OIC..........our 5 eat fish ga~~

My hubby said fish is smelly + bones, so doesn't like to eat fish! So fussy!


積分: 1816

發表於 09-2-23 00:07 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-21 23:01 發表

is it the right time to plant flowers now, do u know? all my pots plant nearly died.. and i want to grow some tulip..

tulip?! my favour!!!!!!!!


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-23 00:42 |只看該作者
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-22 23:35 發表

That is easy when cooking la. U see if some eat that and some don't eat, I need to think of some extra dish so everyone in the family have something to eat! So 'fan'!


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-23 00:50 |只看該作者
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-22 23:37 發表

My hubby said fish is smelly + bones, so doesn't like to eat fish! So fussy!



積分: 3604

發表於 09-2-23 01:31 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 16:50 發表


Chizin!!! Did the person you know hire a maid to 侖魚骨??? Is he the King or the Queen???!!
If he/she doesn't like the bones, don't eat lor!

Did you help him/her lei???


積分: 16753

發表於 09-2-23 02:12 |只看該作者
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-23 01:31 發表

Chizin!!! Did the person you know hire a maid to 侖魚骨??? Is he the King or the Queen???!!
If he/she doesn't like the bones, don't eat lor!

Did you help him/her lei???

Hahaha~~she is not a king or queen, she is 人地個女 緊係唔會幫佢啦,咁


積分: 1221

發表於 09-2-23 04:16 |只看該作者
原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-23 00:07 發表

tulip?! my favour!!!!!!!!

o...me 2


積分: 10490


發表於 09-2-23 05:22 |只看該作者
This person doesn't really like fish lor...for me the joy of eating fish is 侖魚骨, I can't 侖very well but still like to have a whole fish than fish fingers, fish fillet. If the fish is not cooked with the bones, it just doesn't taste the same! And I'm glad that so far Carlos seems to like fish, not like hubby ~ so fussy:;pppp:

原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-23 01:31 發表

Chizin!!! Did the person you know hire a maid to 侖魚骨??? Is he the King or the Queen???!!
If he/she doesn't like the bones, don't eat lor!

Did you help him/her lei???


積分: 10490


發表於 09-2-23 05:25 |只看該作者
I do see quite a bit of thai, philipinos with old english guys here when I shop in supermarkets... When I first came back here and went to the GP to register, the receptionist thought I was from Thailand

原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-22 23:22 發表

Internet?? I watched a TV programme b4 saying there are a lot of agencies in Thai to introduce UK guys to Thai women. Thai women likes to marry British guys cos they think westerner s are mo ...


積分: 10490


發表於 09-2-23 05:29 |只看該作者
I think I will! Probably try pak choi and sunflower but need to check with hubby where to put the pots as we won't have the space inside the house.
Let's do a new post on Growing Our Own Veg and Flowers ah?

原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-22 22:47 發表

a u gonna start ur planting?? i think we should start a new post to ask riko or other mums about it since we are新手 .. hahaha


積分: 10490


發表於 09-2-23 05:31 |只看該作者
can do it with onion, bacon and mushroom, very nice as well!

原帖由 hk30 於 09-2-22 22:14 發表

oh thats not really wor.. i tried to fried the spaghetti (but the flat one, called linguine) with miced pork/beef, bacon and prawns! martin loves it!!!!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-23 06:15 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:54 發表
Night night

i suddenly couldnt log in BK last nite . hv u got my nitenite msg?haha, i got my funny icons back la!


積分: 36006

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-2-23 06:18 |只看該作者
原帖由 何媽媽 於 09-2-22 08:03 發表

i reply trevor la but just a quick message only coz i was in the middle of my housework arh.. what time did he go to sleep arh? any chinese school for him? mine dont hv chinese school tomorro ...

Ho ma

he checked your e-mail la, but don't think he replied you as he just concentrated on games only.
Yes, we had Chinese school today~no half term ar.
I like shop in Croydon's Ikea too, after that, we can go to Wing Yip Hong to buy some Chinese stuff tim.
How was the film? children enjoyed it?


積分: 36006

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-2-23 06:19 |只看該作者

Happy Birthday!!!


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-23 06:21 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:35 發表

Haha, do you know Tamagochi, it is same as this, if you have a pet, you need play with her, bath her, take her to visit your pet's friends, buy food, buy clothes, buy funiture..........and it has i ...

all day ??? you can play/bath your girls la... what's the fun to play with pet online jeh..


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-23 06:26 |只看該作者
原帖由 twingirls 於 09-2-22 08:35 發表

Haha, do you know Tamagochi, it is same as this, if you have a pet, you need play with her, bath her, take her to visit your pet's friends, buy food, buy clothes, buy funiture..........and it has i ...

all day ??? you can play/bath your girls la... what's the fun to play with pet online jeh..


積分: 36006

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-2-23 06:27 |只看該作者

Trevor got his own e-mail account, I pm you later.
My kids loves roasted chicken too. Trevor is very good, but Irene is a fussy eater. (at last, I got something to praise Trevor) Irene doesn't like eggs, tofu, beans, prawns........Trevor eats nearly everything. When I stir fly sliced pork with beans, Irene just pick the pork to eat, even egg fried rice, she is able to pick up all the eggs and put it in side.


積分: 36006

畀面勳章 BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-2-23 06:30 |只看該作者
原帖由 riko-uk 於 09-2-22 23:23 發表

Do you know some Malaysian Chinese?

There were some in my work places years ago and none of them are 'good people'!!! So I don't have good impression to this country! (sorry!)

I worked with Malay-Chinese b4, and most of them were not good too


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-23 06:34 |只看該作者
原帖由 cissie 於 09-2-23 06:18 發表

Ho ma

he checked your e-mail la, but don't think he replied you as he just concentrated on games only.
Yes, we had Chinese school today~no half term ar.
I like shop in Croydon's Ikea too, ...

i dont think siuwa has received Trevor's email wor.. coz i knew she checked email this morning but she didnt say received any mail wor (i didnt tell her trevor emailed her.. but now she likes to check n check email..seeing miracles )

O.. the film is so boring.. i even fell asleep la but siuwa & marcus said good wor...(not really la coz i saw marcus was a bit impatient.. but the ending part a bit better lor)

how far fm yr place to wingyip? we wl go there tomorrow too..


積分: 2270

發表於 09-2-23 06:39 |只看該作者
原帖由 almaly 於 09-2-23 05:29 發表
I think I will! Probably try pak choi and sunflower but need to check with hubby where to put the pots as we won't have the space inside the house.
Let's do a new post on Growing Our Own Veg and Flow ...

yes , sunflower very easy even marcus can growhe had a baby plant last summer fm school and grew even taller than him, very nice gar!


