




積分: 906

發表於 07-10-19 13:31 |只看該作者
The panda is getting friendlier to me recently too!! Used to be a once a month thing :-( Try try the corrector and let us know if that works well for you.

Your son looks cute! The picture was taken in your GZ home? Say happy birthday to him please. Are you taking him anywhere to celebrate?

Errrmmm.... did I make you feel like selling the 33mm?
Melrose vinyl's color looks much nicer than the satin one. I really don't know about that blue...especially for a big bag. The small Hollywood gold's color, shape and size is nice, the only thing is the CC logo is too big. That's good though! Can save bullet for S/S and have time to use the bags bought.

[ 本文章最後由 arayako 於 07-10-19 13:38 編輯 ]


積分: 4701

發表於 07-10-19 22:35 |只看該作者
hi all sister,

today 忽然一周副刊有一大部分講chanel ar,買來看啦~



積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-19 22:37 |只看該作者

Of course it is nothing to do with your message, after i bought the 33mm and know there is 38mm auto existed, i felt a bit regret of buying 33mm so rush, but as i don't want to sell it at very low price, i will use it la...may be no 2nd hand watch shop wants it though... 33mm white is still pretty, but 38mm is much better la... haaaaaaaaaa

The Cruise collection is quite strange looking and not too tempting, i only thought Melrose vinyl might be a choice as it is a fun bag and the price is acceptable compare to other bags...


The Melrose vinyl is in PVC material, so it is quite different from dark silver baby cabas, the size might be a bit larger than baby cabas... i haven't ordered the bag yet, just post here to share with u gals first!


積分: 1443

發表於 07-10-20 00:22 |只看該作者

Wa thanks for posting the pictures, it so nice the have a preview of the coming collection. I also like thet Melrose you talked about.

Howcome you can see the new collection so quickly and take the pictures gar? (just curious!)


積分: 591

發表於 07-10-20 06:39 |只看該作者

原文章由 arayako 於 07-10-19 13:31 發表
The panda is getting friendlier to me recently too!! Used to be a once a month thing :-( Try try the corrector and let us know if that works well for you.

Your son ...

[ 本文章最後由 happychu 於 08-1-23 11:42 編輯 ]


積分: 780

發表於 07-10-20 10:53 |只看該作者
Hi all sisters,

琴日同媽咪去咗半島間shop行, 原本睇中一個袋, 但媽咪又話鍾意, 惟有讓比佢啦(coz佢睇唔啱Cruise Collection)~~ 但我都買咗一個cardholder, 當作自我安慰吧!

就係呢個喇!! 我覺得襯jeans會好型, 或者等我向媽咪借用下先...

原本想同銀包配套, 但果款太細, 放不了太多咭片, 所以買呢款!


積分: 1246

發表於 07-10-20 11:12 |只看該作者

Your new bag for mom is absolutely gorgeous wor!! the colour and style is great! and I never see that one in HK ga!! is it heavy? It kinda look heavy, but ok la....very pretty!! and great choice!!
your cardholder is cambon style? very nice ar..i once thought to get a cambon wallet ga..but they dont have the long wallet style so i ended up got a classic red one.

I just received my navy patent jumbo this morning!!:-P it's very pretty to me and since its patent, it's a little bit stiff for using the 1st time...and it looks bling bling when wear under the sun. anyway, I love it!!:-P and its gonna be my last chanel this year...
I'm not into the new cruise collection..like everyone said i can save money!! haha

原文章由 雲妮媽媽 於 07-10-20 10:53 發表
Hi all sisters,

琴日同媽咪去咗半島間shop行, 原本睇中一個袋, 但媽咪又話鍾意, 惟有讓比佢啦(coz佢睇唔啱Cruise Collection)~~ 但我都買咗一個cardholder, 當作自我安慰吧!

http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ ...


積分: 729

發表於 07-10-20 11:29 |只看該作者

各位好呀,見大家對chanel咁有研究,小妹有啲野想請教嘐,我想買新出嗰隻j12 GMT,大家覺得好吾好呢?定買返basic款好?另外係咪只有專門店有得買?會吾會有discount?
同埋我見到你地post出嚟嗰啲Baby cabas好好好靚呀,攪到我都想買,我想問下係咪專門店有得買定要訂貸嫁?幾錢呢?係咪吾同colour吾同price嫁?



積分: 780

發表於 07-10-20 11:34 |只看該作者
你話果條LV shawl香港有喇... 但我試嘅係深灰色mix金線, $3,400. 我都幾like架!! 但我try過Chanel shawl, 佢係茄士咩質料, 好暖好舒服, 但價格係LV嘅一倍, 好似唔係咁值得, 宜家我仲係15/16, 俾d意見我吖...:-(

我都覺得蝴蝶結形個袋好得意, 但太細喇... 同你有共同想法, 應該幾貴囉!!!

Poor girl!!! 仲等緊, 希望你快d收到啦!!! 原來果個袋叫 watch glass bag 咩?? 係呀, 我幾鍾意呢個, 若唔太貴都會考慮一下嘅...

係呀! 個 Hollywood large silver 要成 $3,750, 太貴喇!! 一定唔會買囉... 個Melrose vinyl我都覺得幾型, 但PVC料我又覺得唔太值得!!! 或者等08' S/S吧!!!

Done with Chanel??? 今年吧!!! 可能到時 08' S/S 有D款啱你呢!!! White J12, good choice ar!! Buy la buy la!!!:evil:

Happy birthday both to you & your son.


積分: 780

發表於 07-10-20 12:07 |只看該作者

Congrat of your patent jumbo arrived!!! Remember post picture here ar....
Thanks for your admire. I must tell my mom later. Actually, the bag is not heavy. I think it's just similar as a jumbo!?! Maybe the chain of this bag is short, so it reduce some weight la.

原文章由 kadie 於 07-10-20 11:12 發表

Your new bag for mom is absolutely gorgeous wor!! the colour and style is great! and I never see that one in HK ga!! is it heavy? It kinda look heavy, but ok la....very pretty!! and great c ...


積分: 5662

發表於 07-10-20 13:19 |只看該作者
yr mom's bag is soooo beautiful...i love that colour ....it's perfect for fall/winter......

i am sure i am DONE with chanel this yr la.....now i use blk cabas everyday... don't want to switch bag tim (haha, i love cabas)........and thinking about should i sell the others chanel bag?????

for J12...i don't think i'll buy it la.....too expensive for me la, esp. if i don't wear it very often

O that melrose vinyl looks great!!! buy la buy la.....
and show us how big it is!!! coz we can swap with cabas ma

i didn't buy GA corrector/concellor...coz there were sooooooo many ppl in ELEMENTS !!!!!! and those sales are super busy.....i better go there during weekday la

[ 本文章最後由 peepee 於 07-10-20 13:21 編輯 ]


積分: 777

發表於 07-10-20 16:26 |只看該作者
hello Winniemama,
I like your mom's bag wor.... you're right, it's good with jeans too... not too mature looking... you mom has good taste like you!

good to hear your patent leather jumbo has arrived... show us pics...
I'm leading towards buying a larger size classic, don't know what yet,
I think it's because it's good to have one that goes well with my work clothes la...

what? you wanna sell your pretty white J12? don't la.... it's a fabulous looking watch .... since you have a larger wblk one, it's good to keep a smaller one ma.... don't even think about selling ar...

are you going to Disneyland today? I was there last night... OMG!!!!!! too many people.. can't even breath!!!!
the parking lot was full tim... they had to divert us to the bus parking lot.... I've never seen so many people in HK Disneyland ar...
I couldn't even use baby stroller... too many people!!!! all the lines were over 90mins wait... we only saw the parade, had dinner and went for the " car-driving" and left. by the time we left, it was already 10:45.... so exhuasted!!!!!


積分: 1246

發表於 07-10-20 18:34 |只看該作者
This is the navy jumbo i received this morning..i put next to my caviar black for comparision and my red classic wallet (got it last week)


積分: 1348

發表於 07-10-20 20:31 |只看該作者

I've eventually got the charcoal shawl with golden thread and the black classic shawl in Paris with my friend's help la....I can see them later when she return..he.he..


The Chanel shawl is very soft and warm, but I had the same feeling as Sams that it looks more like a blanket lor thought the deep purple is my favourite color...

Nice handbag for your mom wor...it's a bit of vintage feel tim, good for every day use..


Don't think too much la, you've got the best J12s from the white diamond bezel and black diamond dial collection already.....


Sounds like you really "love" the Botanical Garden a lot wor, I'd better go next time with my kids...


Congratulations on your new navy patent jumbo, I'm sure it's another timeless collection that you've got...

[ 本文章最後由 Threetoone 於 07-10-20 21:53 編輯 ]


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-21 01:14 |只看該作者

Your navy patent jumbo is so YUMMY!!! your picture of both jumbos put together makes the bags even prettier.... can seduce more sisters to buy tim! hee...congrats!
Is the weight of both jumbos about the same?


Your mom's new bag is very pretty & easy to use for work & causal... good choice... i haven't looked at Chanel boutique for few weeks la, don't know they have such new handbag... should go and 88 sin... of course i won't buy any winter bags la..

The only cruise collection i am interested is Melrose Vinyl, other than that, will wait for S/S 2008 la...


Today i went to Disneyland after lunch, so we arrived there quite late at 4:00 p.m., the parking lot is not full today wor... still okay when we entered Disney and we just played at Fantasyland, shopped & ate something inside Disney, watched the Halloween parade, then left at 8:00 p.m... as my girl had some cough these days, don't want her to stay too long at Disney.... the parade is good, but my girl is a bit scared, i am sure she loves the normal parade more as her main purpose is to see Mickey etc... :-P


I copied the pictures from somewhere else, not that i have seen the handbags IRL...


積分: 777

發表於 07-10-21 02:04 |只看該作者
were there a lot of people when you left?
I should have gone today instead of last night then... last night was a NIGHTMARE!!!!!!

wow.... so you bought 2 shawls???
good for you... show us pics later... I don't know.. perhaps I've been spending too much on clothes this past week... that's why I couldn't bring myself to buy the LV shawl...oh, you know, I ended up doing most of my work clothes shopping at THEORY at Elements... bought a few suits, dress and pants... very nice.. I 've forgotten how much I loved their clothes....!!! I used to buy all Theory work clothes when I was living in the States... nice cutting and material...but just a bit too expensive....


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-21 16:55 |只看該作者

There are many people during and after parade, everyone went to the Main Street... other than that, not very crowded at the rides...

I will never go to Disney during public holiday as it will be crowded like hell ... normal weekends are better, not too many people...


積分: 1246

發表於 07-10-21 17:59 |只看該作者
Winniemama, Fatping, Threetoone, Kalani,

Thanks for your compliment! they actually weight the same..and Im loving it becoz the colour varies from day and night..I try to get the classic before price increase.
Just heard from Chanel SA in hk that price for classic piecewill go up by 20% effective Nov...:-(

I'm just back from Elements, and it's quite a good place to shop..it's crowded today and we have to wait for half an hour in Full Moon...I think I will go next time!! thanks for sharing this good place.

原文章由 fatping1 於 07-10-21 01:14 發表

Your navy patent jumbo is so YUMMY!!! your picture of both jumbos put together makes the bags even prettier.... can seduce more sisters to buy tim! hee...congrats!
Is the weight of both jumb ...

[ 本文章最後由 kadie 於 07-10-21 18:01 編輯 ]


積分: 1246

發表於 07-10-21 18:14 |只看該作者
Dear friends,

BTY, Caxxx has one navy for me, are you interested?


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-21 18:17 |只看該作者

Is it the same as your navy patent jumbo flap??? I am TEMPTED to get ar!!! How much again?


原文章由 kadie 於 07-10-21 18:14 發表
Dear friends,

BTY, Caxxx has one navy for me, are you interested?


