




積分: 4183

發表於 07-10-26 22:13 |只看該作者


我想問你個囝囝返緊Anfield playgroup係唔係一,三,五,我個女今個月歲半了,想住同佢返anfield,不過問左唔可以現在join, 要等1月個個term,你下個term仲join唔join呀?




積分: 1443

發表於 07-10-26 23:50 |只看該作者
hi girls,
Come to think of it, Just want to ask you girls what is the different between a re-issue and a classic bag? =) I want to buy a metallic bronze/gold re-issue (really nice ar!!!) =) I think I have a new "huntung" target! (are there 4 size to this?) I think I really like to go with the large size! The problem is where to get it lei? Can someone help me?

Another out of the blue question, are you guys familiar with Prada, I am thirsty for a Prada Vernice Bucket, anyone know the price and where I can get one? I went to the Prada shop all sold out! Even My friend who is a VIP cannot get any!!! =( See if someone here can help me.... thanks! :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

[ 本文章最後由 angfun 於 07-10-26 23:58 編輯 ]


積分: 1571

發表於 07-10-27 13:52 |只看該作者

I will definitely vote for the white distress!

Congrat on your new love! The navy patent jumbo is my current favourite. The size is perfect and the color is just so different from my other Chanel.


積分: 777

發表於 07-10-27 18:39 |只看該作者
Go for a WHITE bag la..... you'll love it ga... all black clothes matching with white bag looks absolutely CHIC ga!!!!!

also, you don't have a white bag ga ma, right?

wow.. another new bag?? hee hee ... exactly how many new bags you got this year??? heehee??? show us pics?

yeah..... way to go, girl! so Sin mo you can lose so much weight ar.... good to hear those sliming program actually works!!!!
only white bread? wow.... but what do you do when ur really hungry ar??

It has been a very tiring week... didn't get to leave the office till 9 each night... plus the trip this week and next....

Also, things always happened when I'm NOT home....
my girl was locked inside her room... and lock broke so the key didn't even worked.... so finally had to call the fire fighters!!!!!!!
then, the next day she has HIVES.... all swollen and red and itchy!!!!
i can't explain for the 2 years I stayed home, NOThing like that happened to my kids.... and now I went back to work for 1 week... all these things happened to my kids...

Man, It' s hard... coz I don't have any parents helping me ga.... I only have to depend on maids..... my 99 doesn't live in HK.. and my MOM... well, my Mom is a drama queen and she has a very very busy social life ... and she made it clear to me from day 1 that she can't watch my kids ... anyway.... that's why I worried lor and that's why I had to stay home for 2 years .....

[ 本文章最後由 Kalani 於 07-10-28 01:43 編輯 ]


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-28 00:03 |只看該作者

The classic flap is with CC logo for the lock and the 2.55 reissue is with the mademoiselle lock (rectangular lock) and chain without leather... i think there is no more gold metallic color 2.55 reissue available la... i saw there is 2.55 reissue croco in fabric in purple, black, red color in LG... u can look look so u know what's the difference between reissue and classic flap....


U are so busy in your work ar.. i guess your kids might want to get attention and get nervous when u are at work, that's why your girl had HIVES after u started work... after a while things will get better, don't worry so much.... if things still cannot turn out right, u can decide if u want to be full-time mom again, don't push yourself too much in short time...

I really bought too many bags this year, more than the total of bags i had bought in past 3 yrs.... i guess i had bought over 10 chanel bags ar, too crazy, must STOP before i borrow $ from "big ear hole"...

[ 本文章最後由 fatping1 於 07-10-28 00:05 編輯 ]


積分: 1443

發表於 07-10-28 00:47 |只看該作者

oh great! thanks for your answer lu, I think I know what you mean la! thanks! =)
I checked my closet ar, and actually I got 1 brown re-issue but the small size that I bought about 6 months ago! (hehe... ) Actually I did not know it is called a re-issue, the SA just told me that it looks good! (of course it does!) haha...
I really like the large size re-issue ar... must need to check with the SA again sin!
Thanks thanks!

By the way do you think it is trust worthy to buy from XX station? I saw a Gold large re-issue and they want $28XXX is this price fair?

Can't wait to get one in hand! haha...

[ 本文章最後由 angfun 於 07-10-28 00:52 編輯 ]


積分: 1443

發表於 07-10-28 01:22 |只看該作者

I really feel for you. It is sometimes really funny why certain things happened the way it did.... :-| so what ever it is try to relax and let it work itself out la!

I am on the reverse side of the situation, I wanted to be a full time mom and quit the job. Exactly becasue I think I can do a much better job in taking care of my son compare to my maid. But my friends all told me not to be so certain about this!

Besides I really enjoy the satisfaction from work and I am sure you will also?

So just go with the flow la! good luck ar!

原文章由 Kalani 於 07-10-27 06:39 PM 發表
Go for a WHITE bag la..... you'll love it ga... all black clothes matching with white bag looks absolutely CHIC ga!!!!!

also, you don't have a white bag ga ma, right?

wow.. anot ...

[ 本文章最後由 angfun 於 07-10-28 01:29 編輯 ]


積分: 777

發表於 07-10-28 01:51 |只看該作者
thanks.... but whatever happens, I will always be GLAD that I spent 2 yrs with my kids...
with Career, perhaps opportunities may or may not come back later,
and I know the moment I return to work, I'll get those satisfaction anytime...

but my child's childhood won't stay.... they'll never be 1 and 2 years old again... so that's why I decided to quit and stayed home for the past 2 years lor.

Anyway, you have to trust your gut feeling.... if you feel that you really wanna become FT mom, try try for a few month sin la....

and trust me, FT mom is never a boring job.. you'll be suprise I busy it could get. ... but you just need a lot of patient and some friends to go lunch with sometimes... hee hee

fatping, check pm pls.


積分: 5664

發表於 07-10-28 16:57 |只看該作者
i agree with fatping....may be yr little one wants attention.....
coz in her memory : mommy was always around!!! but now, u won't back home till 10 pm
it is a BIG change for her (yr son is too young to notice)
u better talk to her....hope she'll understand (after u told her 100 times)

Everytime i go to work, i told my girl: mommy will be away fro 3 days............" - at the beginning she didn't understand, now she's ok la.

try try la

[ 本文章最後由 peepee 於 07-10-28 17:00 編輯 ]


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-28 22:55 |只看該作者

I had a gold 2.55 reissue in 227 size (similar to jumbo flap size) which is around $20K, so xx station had over-charged a lot ar... u better think twice before buying from xx station... may be u ask your SA to look for u, but i think there is no gold color reissue release for fall/winter ar...


積分: 5300

發表於 07-10-29 09:23 |只看該作者
Hi all,

I am back. I have been to Sing for two times in the past week. So busy.

The suitcase I am talking is: It is HK$4900, very worth for work bag for A4 doc.



積分: 4701

發表於 07-10-29 12:47 |只看該作者
原文章由 angfun 於 07-10-28 01:22 發表

I really feel for you. It is sometimes really funny why certain things happened the way it did.... :-| so what ever it is try to relax and let it work itself out la!

I am on the reverse ...

i also like the 2.55 gold , but I ask my Sa, no more stock in this winter....


積分: 46748

趣教勳章 畀面勳章 貢獻勳章 大廚勳章 遊學勳章 冬日勳章 春季勳章 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 月餅勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-10-29 16:31 |只看該作者

I am not feeling well today ar ~~ AND.........seems we've all been actively @ another land wor ~~
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie.


積分: 591

發表於 07-10-29 16:51 |只看該作者
fungwongphie, 你咩"樹"呀? 我今日都勁頭痛, 唔知關唔關埋頭苦幹 睇股市有關 而家要休息吓, 遠離個電腦先! take care!

原文章由 fungwongphie 於 07-10-29 16:31 發表

I am not feeling well today ar ~~ AND.........seems we've all been actively @ another land wor ~~


積分: 46748

趣教勳章 畀面勳章 貢獻勳章 大廚勳章 遊學勳章 冬日勳章 春季勳章 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 月餅勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 07-10-29 20:25 |只看該作者
I have a sore throat ar ~ but am getting better now. Thkx. Rest more la ~~

原文章由 happychu 於 07-10-29 16:51 發表
fungwongphie, 你咩"樹"呀? 我今日都勁頭痛, 唔知關唔關埋頭苦幹 睇股市有關 而家要休息吓, 遠離個電腦先! take care!
Please do not quote any information posted by fungwongphie.


積分: 4157

發表於 07-10-29 22:24 |只看該作者
Hi sisters,

I just started to get addicted at another web zone... so i think i have no time to visit BK so often la... haahaa!!!


See u there too!


積分: 777

發表於 07-10-30 00:11 |只看該作者
YEah.. me too.. it's more fun over there ar... hahahaah...

Come la come la, sisters!!!


積分: 1007

發表於 07-10-30 11:42 |只看該作者
原文章由 fatping1 於 07-10-29 22:24 發表
Hi sisters,

I just started to get addicted at another web zone... so i think i have no time to visit BK so often la... haahaa!!!


See u there too!


Would you mind tell me where is the "another" web zone ar? Let me know and we can chit chat again la


積分: 4183

發表於 07-10-30 14:42 |只看該作者




我下個星期去威尼斯人住一晚, 唔知同美國個間似唔似呢?

近日唔知做咩, 好頭痛, 食左藥都仲好暈, 無咩心機上綱, 唔知係唔係無食野攪到個人無哂精神, 個個見到我都話做咩廋左.


積分: 2137

發表於 07-10-30 15:32 |只看該作者
Hello sisters.

I m a new comer. Would like to get some suggestions from you all.

I planned to buy 2 bags, but I still not decided to buy which one

1) Astrakan Flag or Caviar Classic 2.55
2) Caviar Baby Cabas
(pls suggest the size, large or small ?)

Thank you

[ 本文章最後由 lamzy 於 07-10-31 14:07 編輯 ]


