



積分: 419

發表於 08-2-27 12:59 |只看該作者
oh, 原來你去過幾次0架, 咁你應該好清楚裡面啲格局啦, 咁你覺得啲嘢食如何呀?
原文章由 kacharles 於 08-2-26 22:46 發表
一講話外面有個紅燈籠, oh, 原來我去過幾次食 dinner 的, 哈哈. 不過今次 join 唔到, 唯有等下次啦!
My little angel


積分: 390

發表於 08-2-27 14:59 |只看該作者
Crazy Shopping Day Trip on 3/5

MonMonBB, thanks for yr arrangement. I would change the leave to 3/5. It's so exciting for the crazy shopping trip.


(5)kacharles (不過要知幾點出發.... 不如去埋上下九路..... 咁就可以買 snoopy襪 及 斷碼童裝鞋... 我所知, 好似未有夏天衫, right ?)


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-27 16:29 |只看該作者


Hi VedWong,
I made a big mistake in fixing the crazy shopping day - March 5. March 5 - we need to quene up for JP course!!!!!

Thanks for your support to join our shopping. But you told that you were not free at that morning for meeting, right??

原文章由 VedWong 於 08-2-27 12:54 發表
Crazy Shopping Day Trip on 3/5

MonMonBB, thanks for yr arrangement. I would change the leave to 3/5. It's so exciting for the crazy shopping trip.

(4)didishek ...


積分: 419

發表於 08-2-27 16:56 |只看該作者
係喎,係喎, 你千其唔好忘記工作呀, 開會緊要呀, 仲有你晚上有program跟添.
quote]原文章由 MonMonBB 於 08-2-27 16:29 發表
Hi VedWong,
I made a big mistake in fixing the crazy shopping day - March 5. March 5 - we need to quene up for JP course!!!!!

Thanks for your support to join our shopping. But ... [/quote]

[ 本文章最後由 didishek 於 08-2-27 16:57 編輯 ]

My little angel


積分: 390

發表於 08-2-27 18:40 |只看該作者
sorry, 你係講緊 5月3日, 定係3月5日呀......... 我以為5月3日呢!

因為逢星期三早上我都要開會的, 係每個星期的例會.....

原文章由 didishek 於 08-2-27 16:56 發表
係喎,係喎, 你千其唔好忘記工作呀, 開會緊要呀, 仲有你晚上有program跟添.
quote]原文章由 MonMonBB 於 08-2-27 16:29 發表
Hi VedWong,
I made a ...

[ 本文章最後由 kacharles 於 08-2-27 18:41 編輯 ]


積分: 703

發表於 08-2-27 19:31 |只看該作者
EE....you got March version already? I need to wait till early March to get a copy cuz I joined yearly ordering.

March 5 is too fast la! I can't get a holiday that soon cuz one of our staff is going to leave and there's lots of work to do.... Hope I can join next time la. I really want to go to Guangzhou cuz I have never travelled the train directly.

原文章由 kacharles 於 08-2-26 22:44 發表
因為我復活節假可能會帶埋 bb 返去祈福玩, 所以, 就順道約大家去 shopping, 我現在問緊是否有夏天衫賣, 有消息再約大家.

另外, 今日在 bb 雜誌見到 snoopy123 一家, 哈哈, 好 sweet 呢!



積分: 227

發表於 08-2-27 20:18 |只看該作者
原文章由 didishek 於 08-2-27 12:59 發表
oh, 原來你去過幾次0架, 咁你應該好清楚裡面啲格局啦, 咁你覺得啲嘢食如何呀?

Sorry, I can't join you this time as I've to take Matthew to playgroup on my own this Sunday.

For the crazy shopping, pls fix a date and I would try my very best to arrange for a day leave. Hope I could join this time.


積分: 390

發表於 08-2-27 22:33 |只看該作者
我都係訂一年的, 你不用等換書劵的日期, 你月尾都可以去 7-11 換下個月的雜誌的!

原文章由 snoopy123 於 08-2-27 19:31 發表
EE....you got March version already? I need to wait till early March to get a copy cuz I joined yearly ordering.

March 5 is too fast la! I can't get a holiday that soon cuz one of our s ...


積分: 703

發表於 08-2-27 22:48 |只看該作者
Oh...really...let me try tomorrow!

原文章由 kacharles 於 08-2-27 22:33 發表
我都係訂一年的, 你不用等換書劵的日期, 你月尾都可以去 7-11 換下個月的雜誌的!


積分: 390

發表於 08-2-27 22:49 |只看該作者
你地去的時候, 可否幫我看看有沒有 snoopy 男仔恤衫 ? 謝謝 !
如果係禮服的恤衫就更佳 !

如果你地去上下九路, 有個唔起眼的商場, 二、三樓係賣童裝的, 二樓就有間專賣 bb 鞋, 仲有 snoopy 襪, 你地可以去看看找不找到!
下次再夾時間 join 啦!

原文章由 VedWong 於 08-2-27 12:54 發表
Crazy Shopping Day Trip on 3/5

MonMonBB, thanks for yr arrangement. I would change the leave to 3/5. It's so exciting for the crazy shopping trip.

(4)didishek ...


積分: 419

發表於 08-2-28 09:40 |只看該作者
Oh, 報JP mami's, 唔好意思, 因時間安排唔到問題, 我決定唔報JP 喇, SORRY .
My little angel


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-28 11:24 |只看該作者
As bbgbbgin told VedWong that she would not likely to enrol the JP course in TST. I have called her to discuss the situation last night. She expressed that she would arrange another music playgroup for her daughter instead of joining JP again in TST. I am totally agreed with her as my daughter also shows her interest in music and songs. I am also looking for a music playgroup for her as well.
bbgbbgin also told me that she had asked Bravo Kid, which is a toddler training centre that offers baby music playgroup to have our own Snoopy mami group. The training centre is in progress now. WE might have a trail class for this music playgroup later. Thanks to bbgbbgin!!!!
Before then, I am prepared to bring Monique to Kindemusik on coming April. So, wanna to abandon the JP course!! Sorry for the trouble caused!!!!

Right now, 3 of 8 babies were abandoned the JP course, only 5 left - it could not form a group and quene by one preprsentative. Our group might not be enrol in this JP course. I am looking forward for the music playgroup togther coming soon!!!

原文章由 didishek 於 08-2-28 09:40 發表
Oh, 報JP mami's, 唔好意思, 因時間安排唔到問題, 我決定唔報JP 喇, SORRY .


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-28 11:30 |只看該作者

Snoopy baby clothes at 天河城

Hi all,
I have emailed (to your own account) the photos of new buy Snoopy baby clothes to you all. Please check!!!


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-28 11:31 |只看該作者

Snoopy baby clothes at 天河城

Hi all,
I have emailed (to your own account) the new buy Baby clothes. Please check!!


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-28 11:57 |只看該作者

Music Playgroup

Hi all,
The below information are provided by bbgbbgin.

Regarding the musical playgroup for babies, I called Bravo Kids at TST this morning, I am quite interested at their playgroup, I would like to go for a trial class on Sat.

Here's their weblink

Please take a look. They offer playgroup 1-3 which include musical moment, baby gym, bible stories time (all in english) and their class roughly one hour + one hour free time for parents to play with they kids at the playgym for another hour free.

In the meantime, they mentioned around $200-$250 for trial depends on what class to attend. Also, I asked about private class for ourselves, they verbally confirmed they do provide this, need further conversation and confirmation, let you know later.

Since Bravo Kids at TST, seems quite convenient, if you think OK, we can also invite others, hows that.

BTW, I chatted with Littleribs and Vedwong, they both also interested especially gathering all our snoopy babies.

Anyone interested??


積分: 533

發表於 08-2-28 14:55 |只看該作者

Our website briefing

Just spoke with Hugomapa about our website. As most of us are not familiar eith how to log-in, post and upload at our website, I asked Hugomapa to offer a free briefing to us. She is so nice to agree my suggestion.
The propsed date is March 6 (6/3 next Thur.) 7:00pm at her office - Mongkok.

Trainer : Hugomapa
Trainee : (1) MonMonBB


積分: 659

發表於 08-2-28 17:41 |只看該作者
Hi MonMonBB,

Thanks for your help and follow up, I would love to join this briefing session for our website too, please count me in. BTW, where should we have dinner afterwards?

Our Briefing Session

Trainer : Hugomapa
Trainee : (1) MonMonBB

(2) bbGbbGin


積分: 390

發表於 08-2-28 22:12 |只看該作者
sorry, 我出席唔到....... 當晚有會議 !

原文章由 bbGbbGin 於 08-2-28 17:41 發表
Hi MonMonBB,

Thanksfor your help and follow up, I would love to join this briefing sessionfor our website too, please count me in. BTW, where should we havedinner afterwards?

Our Briefing Sess ...


積分: 124

發表於 08-2-29 08:38 |只看該作者
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積分: 533

發表於 08-2-29 12:18 |只看該作者

Sunday Lunch

So, have you made the reservation? How many of us will go? When will we meet?
Love to see U all soon!!

時間 : 2/3 (sunday) 12:00 - 2:30

地點 : 黃埔海逸酒店日本廳即爐端燒
(面向正門左手邊, 門口掛有紅燈籠)
1) Didishek 1a1b
2) MonMonBB 2a1b
3) Snoopy123 2a1b
4) Vedwong 2a1b
5) Hugomapa 2a1b
6) BabyTVB 1a
7) Little_ribs


