



積分: 597

發表於 08-7-12 14:20 |只看該作者

oh poor andrew!!! what's his biggest love for HK?
tony has joined us since late June ... Terence BB adjusts well to HK's life, especially sleeping late ... the sleep research done previously was totally right ... haha ... he's happy ar, as so many people play with him and he has met so many new friends ... we could have many play dates if staying in HK ... hehe

原文章由 ALISONLI 於 08-7-11 21:41 發表
i could totally understand why you r extending your trip in hong kong haha.. we would luv to do the same...andrew was crying and asking why we couldnt live in hong kong..
has tony joined you yet ...


積分: 3787


發表於 08-7-12 23:02 |只看該作者
仲有check下唔好過90日(i mean his passport入境), otherwise, 你地要去一去macau再入先得架,唔係就要去申請postpond visa.

原文章由 jstn 於 08-7-12 14:20 發表

oh poor andrew!!! what's his biggest love for HK?
tony has joined us since late June ... Terence BB adjusts well to HK's life, especially sleeping late ... the sleep research done previously ...


積分: 253

發表於 08-7-13 12:22 |只看該作者
All Moms
Thank you all ar! 生完到依家差唔多2個禮拜﹐ 身體幾好。 Pallas 都大得唔錯﹐ 多謝關心。 Pariis 好錫細佬﹐ 不過佢動作粗魯﹐ 我唔敢俾佢抱住細佬影相﹐ 所以合照有拖冇欠。

另外想請問有冇人知道點解BB對人奶敏感﹖醫生話Pallas 對人奶敏感﹐ 依家我地mix similac sensitive 同人奶俾佢食。 我都唔明點解人奶都會敏感。 如果我冇辦法餵佢全人奶﹐ 我會好唔開心呢。


積分: 222

發表於 08-7-13 12:40 |只看該作者
I am living in Los Angeles


積分: 597

發表於 08-7-13 17:50 |只看該作者

thank you ar ... daddy has brought over another 10 can of powder for Terence BB, so should be good enough ... i can also buy Gerber baby food here in HK, only that there are not as many flavors as in USA ... just started to introduce chicken baby food to Terence BB, he likes it ar ... previously grandma cooked some very soft rice for Terence BB, he didn't quite like it but still ate half bowl ... probably he's not used to the new texture

thanks for the remark ... we will go to Macau next weekend (if weather permits), so Terence BB could have another 3 months =)

原文章由 Carrie210 於 08-7-12 23:02 發表
仲有check下唔好過90日(i mean his passport入境), otherwise, 你地要去一去macau再入先得架,唔係就要去申請postpond visa.



積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-13 20:46 |只看該作者
因為你嘅飲食直接影响BB.. 你係咪有食"坐月補品"..? 高protein 食物造成allergy 主要成因... 當我生完gabriel, 因為BF allergy, 我停哂啲補品, 連薑醋都冇食...為咗俾好BF佢..
啲產後28方, 我窒埋一邊, 掂都唔敢掂.. 過2-3日..Gabriel就冇事lu
原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-7-12 11:22 PM 發表
All Moms
Thank you all ar! 生完到依家差唔多2個禮拜﹐ 身體幾好。 Pallas 都大得唔錯﹐ 多謝關心。 Pariis 好錫細佬﹐ 不過佢動作粗魯﹐ 我唔敢俾佢抱住細佬影相﹐ 所以合照有拖冇欠。

另外想請問有冇人知道點解BB對人奶敏 ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-13 21:32 |只看該作者
巳收到Gerber 寄喇嘅party package! Hooray!

有3隻唔同favor嘅 organic baby food同紙袋. 今年佢唔送碗碟+spoon, 有啲失望.. 但佢sponsor 我哋攪活動, 算係唔錯lu.
party 到下午6時.. 所以你哋可以早啲嚟俾BB喺我喥nap!


原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-13 07:46 AM 發表
因為你嘅飲食直接影响BB.. 你係咪有食"坐月補品"..? 高protein 食物造成allergy 主要成因... 當我生完gabriel, 因為BF allergy, 我停哂啲補品, 連薑醋都冇食...為咗俾好BF佢..
我當時只係用鷄煮一日六餐.. ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-7-14 21:57 |只看該作者
having fun with his cousins and friends & food is delicious =) they went swimming bowling movies & play video games..u r right, it's easy to have playdates in hk cuz everyone live so close together. btw, good luck in macau!

原文章由 jstn 於 08-7-12 14:20 發表

oh poor andrew!!! what's his biggest love for HK?
tony has joined us since late June ... Terence BB adjusts well to HK's life, especially sleeping late ... the sleep research done previously ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-7-15 00:34 |只看該作者
I have bagsss of kids clothing and a play pen...please advise if I should deliver to your house on sunday or wait till fat bear to come pick up ? thanx

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-13 21:32 發表
巳收到Gerber 寄喇嘅party package! Hooray!

有3隻唔同favor嘅 organic baby food同紙袋. 今年佢唔送碗碟+spoon, 有啲失望.. 但佢sponsor 我哋攪活動, 算係唔錯lu.
party 到下午6時.. 所以你哋可以早 ...


積分: 171710

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-7-15 04:07 |只看該作者
原文章由 BabyRnC 於 08-7-13 12:22 發表
All Moms
Thank you all ar! 生完到依家差唔多2個禮拜﹐ 身體幾好。 Pallas 都大得唔錯﹐ 多謝關心。 Pariis 好錫細佬﹐ 不過佢動作粗魯﹐ 我唔敢俾佢抱住細佬影相﹐ 所以合照有拖冇欠。
另外想請問有冇人知道點解BB對人奶敏 ...

Congratulations! How about individual photos of Pallas? Take care.


積分: 171710

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-7-15 04:34 |只看該作者
After checking out 5 different preschools, I enrolled Spencer into 3 of them in the past 2 months. We were told that all the them do not have vacancy in this Sep and Spencer'll be 2.5 years old by that time.

1st one: gov't funded and under PFA program, big backyard with no public access, the classrooms are a bit packed, high ratio of chinese as it's in Chinatown, teachers speak mainly English with supplement of Chinese (for those kids come from China and the parents do not speak English), good mix of food (funding and assistant from gov't), at least I saw the milk guy sending a lot of milk to the school, extra discount on tuition when Amanda and Spencer go to school at the same time together. Only drawback is that some kids come from low income group and some of the parents do not teach manners. I heard a case that some kids were not having baths everyday and the teachers discovered that they had bugs in their hair. And, it's a bit far from my home, need to take 2 buses. Spencer has to be 2 years 9 months old and needs to be fully potty trained, no pull up.

2nd one: 4-5 blocks away from my home, walking distance. Definitely, it's a very small schools, small classrooms and small yard outside the school (everybody can see the kids and it's at the corner of the block), very strong academic curriculum, teach phonics and the older kids can go to kindergarten with no difficulties on being able to read and to write, accept kids from 2 years old onwards and need not to be potty trained if admitted before 3 years old. No vacancy now.

3rd one: in between the 1st and the 2nd, not convenient, need to take bus and walk. The school is very safe, everybody needs to call the school outside a gate; very big school, montessori type of school, safe and big outdoor backyard, accept kids without being potty trained before they turn 3, also under PFA program but a very very long waiting list.

Last Friday, my hubby received a call from the 1st school saying that there's a vacancy for Spencer in Sep but he needs to be fully potty trained. I'm sort of happy as we like this school but how can we get him to be potty trained in a month? He's not able to tell us before he poos or pees. He will let us know after that or when he wants the diaper to be changed. Also, I wonder why the school want to accept Spencer in Sep, he will not reach the minimum age by then.

[ 本文章最後由 rose-mag 於 08-7-15 06:02 編輯 ]


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-15 05:47 |只看該作者
because they have to prepare for the census.
It is nice that they give Spencer a chance. Therefore, in this month, either you prompt him pee every time and also, prompt him poo everyday.. for a month, it should be some sence for Spencer to know what is toilet training.
after a full month, day and night prompt! as Spencer is 2year 6 months old, he is ready to be trained both of those.
Try it.. rose-mag, time to do it.

I like the second school.. which is close to home. also, because of "no communication problem to pre-k and kindergarten", that got my attention.

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-7-14 03:34 PM 發表
After checking out 5 different preschools, I enrolled Spencer into 3 of them in the past 2 months. We were told that all the them do not have vacancy in this Sep and Spencer'll be 2.5 years old by th ...


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-15 06:04 |只看該作者
last sunday (yesterday) we went to greenbelt park to ride canoe (the boat) with Amanda and Gabriel.. guided by the park ranger.. woo.. all coming weekends from now on.. we have all different activities occurs every weekend.. if any of you interested and would like to join us. let me know.
next week will be bugs exploration.. but we have a BBQ event, so forget about it..
they are going to have free miracle ride, face print, and all different activities in staten island at the parks.
for more information.. let me know, I will post it here.


積分: 1013

發表於 08-7-15 11:51 |只看該作者
did you bring spencer to chk out the schools and see which one(s) he likes?

maybe you can let spencer to go to school #2 and see how you/ he likes it, while putting his name on the waiting list of school #3?

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-7-15 04:34 發表
After checking out 5 different preschools, I enrolled Spencer into 3 of them in the past 2 months. We were told that all the them do not have vacancy in this Sep and Spencer'll be 2.5 years old by th ...


積分: 171710

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-7-15 13:06 |只看該作者
原文章由 babygigi 於 08-7-15 11:51 發表
did you bring spencer to chk out the schools and see which one(s) he likes?

maybe you can let spencer to go to school #2 and see how you/ he likes it, while putting his name on the waiting ...


I have brought Spencer to school #2 already. He behaved good there and he sort of like the place because of the various toys there. Actually, I put his name in all 3 schools and the #1 called us last Friday. If #2 or #3 call me, I would glad to let him go to either one of them as they do not require him to be potty trained if he enters before he turns 3. Too bad for #1 requires him to be fully potty trained - that means no help from the teacher there for both pee pee and poo poo. The teacher would help at the first 2 weeks for transition such as wipping but after that the school may consider sending him back home if he's not ready. So, I wonder if I should let him go in Sep; I don't think that he can be fully potty trained by then. Instead, I would see if the school can delay his entry. In fact, I put down Jan 2009 as the expected entry time. Just wondering if the school still has vacancy so they want it to be filled soon.


積分: 616

發表於 08-7-15 22:25 |只看該作者
if u really like #1, potty train spencer now. alvin did it in a week and he's 2 1/2. by september spencer should be if not fully,partly potty trained. admit him to #1 in september, kids r allowed to have ACCident . if he really didnt do well in the 1st 2 weeks u r still on the waiting list on #2 right?

原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-7-15 04:34 發表
After checking out 5 different preschools, I enrolled Spencer into 3 of them in the past 2 months. We were told that all the them do not have vacancy in this Sep and Spencer'll be 2.5 years old by th ...


積分: 616

發表於 08-7-15 22:27 |只看該作者
please post date and time of greenbelt activities. thanks!

原文章由 Nillie_Mami 於 08-7-15 06:04 發表
last sunday (yesterday) we went to greenbelt park to ride canoe (the boat) with Amanda and Gabriel.. guided by the park ranger.. woo.. all coming weekends from now on.. we have all different activitie ...


積分: 184

發表於 08-7-16 00:33 |只看該作者
原文章由 rose-mag 於 08-7-15 04:34 發表
After checking out 5 different preschools, I enrolled Spencer into 3 of them in the past 2 months. We were told that all the them do not have vacancy in this Sep and Spencer'll be 2.5 years old by th ...

I like the 2nd one too. But the 1st one accept Spencer first, so give Spencer a potty training. Maybe he can do it in one month. and then Spencer has a chance to be familar with day care environment. Once 2nd one has vacancy, you can transfer Spencer from 1st one to 2nd one. Can you do that way?


積分: 7794

發表於 08-7-16 08:18 |只看該作者
who needs to go to LOWE'S, we had those purchase $25 for $10 off cards. if you need it, let me know.

原文章由 pauline83y 於 08-7-15 11:33 AM 發表

I like the 2nd one too. But the 1st one accept Spencer first, so give Spencer a potty training. Maybe he can do it in one month. and then Spencer has a chance to be familar with day care ...


積分: 171710

2024年龍年勳章 2024勳章 虎到金來勳章 牛年勳章 15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 親子王國15週年勳章 2018復活節勳章 畀面勳章 有「營」勳章 好媽媽勳章 醒目開學勳章 環保接龍勳章 大廚勳章 親子達人勳章 王國長老 BK Milk勳章 hashtag影視迷勳章 最關心BB問題熱投勳章 開心吸收勳章

發表於 08-7-16 13:08 |只看該作者
I have a talk with the school counsellor of school #1 on the issue of potty training. She told me that since we are paying full fee (2/3 of the students are of low income group whose parents pay nothing), she can accept Spencer at the age of 2yr6mth. She told me that Spencer needs to be potty trained when he admitted to the school but the school allows a transition period of 2 weeks. The teacher will monitor him and see his progress. They understand that some kids even though fully potty trained may have some accidents when they are in a new environment and a lot of the kids are just so busy on playing or other activities, they may forget to go to toilet. The teacher is willing to remind the kid and bring him to the toilet but if accident is somewhat consistently happen everyday, the kid will be sent back home. The kid can come back after potty trained but depends on the vacancy at that moment. So, Spencer maybe need to wait until next year if he cannot meet the requirement. The counsellor suggests us to wait and try, she can allow Spencer to start in mid-Sep hence, we have 2 months for training.

We need to pay 1/2 month of tuition as reservation in next month and we have to meet the counsellor for a 15-min appointment to discuss the parent manuel. She also said that the reservation fee can be deducted from the tuition fee later on. Even if Spencer (touchwood) needs to be sent home, the balance will be refunded in pro rata. It sounds fair. I possibly will let Spencer try and wait for the vacancy in School #2.


