




積分: 100

發表於 09-3-6 00:14 |只看該作者
My c6 sell our digital camera to my maid last X'mas without my agreement! Last week, when my parents come to my house, my mom told me my maid take some photos of my son when he is toileting, my son is 1.5year now, I was very angry at that time! When my maid come back from home ( her holiday on that day ) . she gave me to see the photos laughing but at that time, I looks very serious and my face is black, she know I am angry and she said after my c6 see the photos, she will delete the photos!!! How do you feel if your maid do like this?


積分: 127

發表於 09-3-6 00:26 |只看該作者
I will take back the camera and delete by myself. I will also warn her that she is NOT allowed to take pictures of my son and any of my family members and any places in my home. This is a matter of privacy. My maid did the same to my two girls and she answered me she got the permission from the girls (6 years old and 6 months old). I asked her how will the baby reply, she said becoz when she takes the picture for baby, she smiles!!!!

You can explain to her even we go out to work, we will not take picture with boss or boss' family members. Of course, she may say she takes it becoz she wants her hubby or her daughter/son sees....but I guess this is a matter of principle and privacy. You won't know when she will go bad and make leak the picture out to bad people....very dangerous!!


