



積分: 3787

發表於 09-6-19 22:44 |只看該作者
原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-19 14:42 發表
咁妳而家有幾間學校揸手呀? KINGSTON好似comment麻麻咋喎, 得個貴字, 當然英文方便應該幾唔錯啦!

我仔以前有個同學日頭讀kingston, 晏晝讀keen mind, 佢最後都係gave up kingston, 而唔放棄keen mind呀. 不過k3就 ...

我而家決定比慧喬留係tutor time, 因為係am class, 而且覺得慧喬返得開心唔想轉, 同埋諗住讀一年, 之後都想轉傳統幼稚園, 無謂為一年轉校喇...


積分: 13639

發表於 09-6-22 10:07 |只看該作者
你既決定係啱, 因為nursery 都係至在有個地方比佢過群體生活. 到出年考幼稚園至決定都唔遲. 不過我都係覺得幼稚園階段一定要愉快學習, 因為上了小學真係忙到終老, 所以起碼有6年時間都可以開心. 千奇唔好讀只係抄寫的學校.

原帖由 cyl299 於 09-6-19 22:44 發表

我而家決定比慧喬留係tutor time, 因為係am class, 而且覺得慧喬返得開心唔想轉, 同埋諗住讀一年, 之後都想轉傳統幼稚園, 無謂為一年轉校喇...


積分: 2346

發表於 09-6-22 10:44 |只看該作者
hi all mum

we will be going abroad to celebrate GAbriel first b'day so I am wondering how u gals bath yr young kids in hotel?


積分: 13639

發表於 09-6-22 12:49 |只看該作者
識企未呀, 如果識可企係度, 如果就用手hold 起佢, 叫老公淋花曬, 你又可帶吹氣的bb bath tub. 不過就痳煩些.

原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-6-22 10:44 發表
hi all mum

we will be going abroad to celebrate GAbriel first b'day so I am wondering how u gals bath yr young kids in hotel?


積分: 2346

發表於 09-6-22 15:36 |只看該作者
he can stand but not very stable and need to hold on to thing.

I am worry that the bathroom in hotel is small and cannot allow both me and hubby to bath him together.

I had one 吹氣的bb bath tub in uk but it very small one so I gave it to someone when we move to Sg. is it worth to buy one just for few days holiday

原帖由 wawa 於 09-6-22 12:49 發表
識企未呀, 如果識可企係度, 如果就用手hold 起佢, 叫老公淋花曬, 你又可帶吹氣的bb bath tub. 不過就痳煩些.


積分: 11547

發表於 09-6-22 17:28 |只看該作者

妳地去咗邊度旅行呀? GAB仔一歲嗱? 佢識叫妳地未呢?

如果係我, 我會有兩個方法幫小朋友晌HOTEL沖涼, 1. 就係自己洗一洗&消毒個浴缸比BB浸浴. 2. 就係大人同埋佢一齊沖, 既方便又能親子, 幾好呀!!!

原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-6-22 15:36 發表
he can stand but not very stable and need to hold on to thing.

I am worry that the bathroom in hotel is small and cannot allow both me and hubby to bath him together.

I had one 吹氣的bb bath tub in ...


積分: 11547

發表於 09-6-22 17:30 |只看該作者
GOOD, 諗掂就好喇, 唔駛再煩!

而家小THOMAS佢乖嗎, 相比起家姐仔, 邊個易湊D呢?

原帖由 cyl299 於 09-6-19 22:44 發表

我而家決定比慧喬留係tutor time, 因為係am class, 而且覺得慧喬返得開心唔想轉, 同埋諗住讀一年, 之後都想轉傳統幼稚園, 無謂為一年轉校喇...


積分: 11547

發表於 09-6-22 17:32 |只看該作者

我最近同我FD傾過, 原來佢地幫仔仔轉校係有另外原因的, 有時間妳CALL我, 我再話妳知啦!
原帖由 wawa 於 09-6-22 12:49 發表
識企未呀, 如果識可企係度, 如果就用手hold 起佢, 叫老公淋花曬, 你又可帶吹氣的bb bath tub. 不過就痳煩些.


積分: 3787

發表於 09-6-22 20:00 |只看該作者
原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-22 17:30 發表
GOOD, 諗掂就好喇, 唔駛再煩!

而家小THOMAS佢乖嗎, 相比起家姐仔, 邊個易湊D呢?

thomas同家姐一樣, 都係訓唔耐, 唔知係咪d人奶唔夠飽呢....不過thomas跟工人, 所以我就舒服好多!


積分: 2346

發表於 09-6-22 22:40 |只看該作者
hi Yat

Many thanks for yr advice.
we are going to an island in Indonesia which near Sg called Bintan (u might not know as its only popular among Sg people)

its just a long holiday weekend for sun and beach.
we will be staying in a resort.

he will be 1 yr old next monday and he only say "nai nai" , "dada", "mum mum" and etc.

he really like music and whenever he heard music he will shake his bottom.

原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-22 17:28 發表

妳地去咗邊度旅行呀? GAB仔一歲嗱? 佢識叫妳地未呢?

如果係我, 我會有兩個方法幫小朋友晌HOTEL沖涼, 1. 就係自己洗一洗&消毒個浴缸比BB浸浴. 2. 就係大人同埋佢一齊沖, 既方便又能親子, 幾好呀!!!



積分: 10518


發表於 09-6-23 06:20 |只看該作者
Yes, agree with yatjeh as both methods are convenient & safe. Especially when the hotel only has a fixed showerhead over the bath on the wall as the water tends to run quickly from a height and babies would feel the hitting of the water on them too strong. You can try a slow running shower if they have handheld showerhead in the bath but still babies would feel the chill from the water splashes more easily and they might not like it ga!

原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-22 17:28 發表

妳地去咗邊度旅行呀? GAB仔一歲嗱? 佢識叫妳地未呢?

如果係我, 我會有兩個方法幫小朋友晌HOTEL沖涼, 1. 就係自己洗一洗&消毒個浴缸比BB浸浴. 2. 就係大人同埋佢一齊沖, 既方便又能親子, 幾好呀!!!



積分: 13639

發表於 09-6-23 08:41 |只看該作者
如果個浴缸細, 你可抱起佢一齊用花灑沖, 我唸沖澡都係想沖走o的細菌, 唔係一件難事.

原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-6-22 15:36 發表
he can stand but not very stable and need to hold on to thing.

I am worry that the bathroom in hotel is small and cannot allow both me and hubby to bath him together.

I had one 吹氣的bb bath tub in ...


積分: 3787

發表於 09-6-23 10:04 |只看該作者
原帖由 wawa 於 09-6-23 08:41 發表
如果個浴缸細, 你可抱起佢一齊用花灑沖, 我唸沖澡都係想沖走o的細菌, 唔係一件難事.

我試過直接由bath個水喉度沖, 高度岩岩好, 同沖shower差唔多.


積分: 13639

發表於 09-6-23 10:50 |只看該作者

你講起我都試過, 因為有一些酒店個花曬係fixed, 不過係洗頭煩些, 要老公幫手用毛巾拿水. 因為水喉太底.

原帖由 cyl299 於 09-6-23 10:04 發表

我試過直接由bath個水喉度沖, 高度岩岩好, 同沖shower差唔多.


積分: 2346

發表於 09-6-23 21:55 |只看該作者
almaly, wawa and cyl

many thanks for all the advices, I will see how the bathroom like in the hotel and work out how to bath Gabriel

can't wait till this sat as this is the first proper holiday after gabriel was born


原帖由 almaly 於 09-6-23 06:20 發表
Yes, agree with yatjeh as both methods are convenient & safe. Especially when the hotel only has a fixed showerhead over the bath on the wall as the water tends to run quickly from a height and babie ...


積分: 13639

發表於 09-6-24 08:30 |只看該作者
Good! Have a nice trip! Where are your going?

原帖由 pigpig78 於 09-6-23 21:55 發表
almaly, wawa and cyl

many thanks for all the advices, I will see how the bathroom like in the hotel and work out how to bath Gabriel

can't wait till this sat as this is the first proper holiday afte ...


積分: 11547

發表於 09-6-24 14:40 |只看該作者
我聽過呀, 晌HK都有去架, 係咪中文叫民丹島呀? 妳去完話我知好唔好玩啦, 預祝妳旅途愉快!

妳有無帶仔仔返過HK呀? 佢識唔識講中文? 妳平時用咩語言同佢傾計?

原帖由 wawa 於 09-6-24 08:30 發表
Good! Have a nice trip! Where are your going?


積分: 2346

發表於 09-7-2 11:13 |只看該作者
hi yat
yes its the island.
to be honest, its nothing much there just the resort. if u come to Sg then this will be one option for sun and beach but if u are in HK no point of going there if not pass by Sg as there too many option to choose from in asia la.

but the beach and sea is really nice and one good thing is that there not many people like bukit or other popular island. u there no more than 20 people in the beach so u are enjoy it all.

the trip wasn't as enjoyable as I imagine as we went with my 6299 and u see when u are travelling with old people, they are quite hard to please lor

anyway, overall the trip was ok and it was quiet and peaceful.

I saw few HK people there too so they must have advertise it in hk too

原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-24 14:40 發表
我聽過呀, 晌HK都有去架, 係咪中文叫民丹島呀? 妳去完話我知好唔好玩啦, 預祝妳旅途愉快!

妳有無帶仔仔返過HK呀? 佢識唔識講中文? 妳平時用咩語言同佢傾計?



積分: 10518


發表於 09-7-4 06:08 |只看該作者
we went to hk for 2 weeks for my bro' wedding in May. It was so hot!!! and we really didn't know how to dress him the first few days when we were there! carlos was a bit shy to see so many ppl around him all the time but towards the end of the holiday, he started getting used to have his cousins around ~ but we didn't have time to let them know each other better...
carlos is still saying kakaka, dadada, mommommom and a few babytalks only ~ so I'm not sure if he is speaking chinese english or spanish... but in general he is more receptive to Spanish. Hubby and I spent 50-50 our time with him but still he understands Spanish better. I speak to him mostly in spanish (as I want to practice it myself as well), and more of less the same amount of chinese/english. But I'm very surprised to find out recently that he actually understands 拍手 & 燈 in cantonese as I haven't said it to him for a long time! The helpers at the toddlers' group finds him not very receptive to english as he ignored her when she speaks to him and she asked us what languages do we use at home! Anyway, I'm not too worried about his English as I can see that he is picking up a few things from his favorite Cbeebies programs as well.

原帖由 yatjeh 於 09-6-24 14:40 發表
我聽過呀, 晌HK都有去架, 係咪中文叫民丹島呀? 妳去完話我知好唔好玩啦, 預祝妳旅途愉快!

妳有無帶仔仔返過HK呀? 佢識唔識講中文? 妳平時用咩語言同佢傾計?


[ 本帖最後由 almaly 於 09-7-4 06:11 編輯 ]


積分: 11547

發表於 09-7-8 14:45 |只看該作者

嘩, 妳真係叻, 識講spanish, 妳以前係咪學過架?

我個細仔巳經兩歲, 有個哥哥陪佢都係識講好少嘢咋, 男仔真係學乜都慢d...唉!

妳有無帶carlos返playgroup? 妳會唔會追多個b陪佢呢?

原帖由 almaly 於 09-7-4 06:08 發表
we went to hk for 2 weeks for my bro' wedding in May. It was so hot!!! and we really didn't know how to dress him the first few days when we were there! carlos was a bit shy to see so many ppl ...


