



積分: 6247

發表於 09-10-23 12:53 |只看該作者

r u going to renew the contract of your old maid ar?


積分: 4007

發表於 09-10-28 09:34 |只看該作者
yes ar, my old maid have a fd finished contract now and looking for a job wor

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-10-23 12:53 發表

r u going to renew the contract of your old maid ar?
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 6247

發表於 09-10-28 10:30 |只看該作者

so, u r going to keep 2 maids?

let me talk with my husband whether he wants a Filipino maid... i was quite upset at my maid last night ... she broke 3 plates in 4 days (one enoch's , one ours, one my cats')............and one of them was my favorite plate..... I went into my room with enoch after she broke my plate......when I came out, my husband said she told him, she broke my cats' bowl................. and she told him she was upset about this, too .. and had tears in her eyes.... I was even more upset when my husband told me this.................... I didn't even say a word after she broke my dish (same as her... she didn't even say 'sorry') and she 'cried' in front of my husband and said she was upset?! Really made me mad'

well, I didn't talk to her aftewards and I just act normal this morning... but then by the time I was about to leave home for work.. she said to me her elder sister died in thai (60-year old).................... I'm not sure if it's just her excuse of her? or it's real.... but either one would be 'trouble'........... sigh

原帖由 fion2504 於 09-10-28 09:34 發表
yes ar, my old maid have a fd finished contract now and looking for a job wor


積分: 6247

發表於 09-10-28 10:39 |只看該作者
enoch is teething .. one of the big tooth at the back is coming out... and he is having fever these two days... no school again!!

he always put his fingers into his mouth.. and also dripping..............


積分: 4007

發表於 09-10-30 21:36 |只看該作者
我俾左個電話號碼俾我另一個朋友, 佢打去問個僱主, 個工人成日問佢借$, 又多電話, 所以都唔係一個好工人啊. 遲D我再問下個工人有無介紹先. 我諗都可能會KEEP兩個工人多一年到啦. 工人真係幾煩. 我個新工人都幾好, 不過就無個舊工人咁醒, 不過佢都肯做唔怕辛苦, 又聽話, 所以如果唔要佢時我再問下你啦.

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-10-28 10:30 發表

so, u r going to keep 2 maids?

let me talk with my husband whether he wants a Filipino maid... i was quite upset at my maid last night ... she broke 3 plates in 4 days (one enoch's , one ...
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-5 11:43 |只看該作者
"借$, 又多電話" <-- really not a good maid ar.... this is another reason what makes me 15/16 whether to keep my current maid, too .. sigh....

honestly, my maid's work performance is below average.. but at least has no problem of "借$, 又多電話".....................at least while I'm home, she won't even listen to the phone if it's ringing la (or she couldn't hear it rings..)

If both babies are not sick, I can tolerate her performance (like can't remember things... sometimes will blame on others on mistakes... acting slow.... not sensitive enough in adding / putting off clothing for babies according to the whether.... )... but when BB are sick... just make me quite mad...............

well, good thing is at least she won't steal our valuable stuffs (note : not honest... she lies on small things, too), won't hurt the babies (except that she won't be able to stop any dangerous act and can't act fast if there is accident.......)..............................................

I don't know even if I hire another one.. would there be any better than this current one?!?!

原帖由 fion2504 於 09-10-30 21:36 發表
我俾左個電話號碼俾我另一個朋友, 佢打去問個僱主, 個工人成日問佢借$, 又多電話, 所以都唔係一個好工人啊. 遲D我再問下個工人有無介紹先. 我諗都可能會KEEP兩個工人多一年到啦. 工人真係幾煩. 我個新工人都幾好, 不 ...


積分: 4007

發表於 09-11-10 14:32 |只看該作者
真係無人可以保證O架! 都係試試下咋. 你今年有無去in k1啊. 我都有帶小叭去, 如果入到就讀多一年k1, 如果唔得就上k2.

小叭5號正日開生日會啊, 3:30-5:45pm, 係九龍塘會, 睇下你得唔得閒來玩啦.

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-11-5 11:43 發表
"借$, 又多電話"
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 1195

BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-11-13 18:30 |只看該作者


蔚蔚就黎做家姐喇(我同C6都有D意外,仲考慮左好奈要唔要好,但最終我都係唔捨得,同埋多個人陪蔚蔚,對佢既成長我會覺得係好D)... 蔚蔚仲話︰我唔鍾意妹妹,我鍾意細佬,我而加有左四個月了,亦都比蔚蔚講中,呢個係細佬(因為10月尾去CHECK唐士,醫生話係囝囝),我都好開心,可以湊夠(好)字。預產期係明年4月尾,早排無乜胃口、又成日好累,體重都輕了少少,而加好左好多了,個肚開始大,公司同事都唔係太多人知,知個D都話我唔太似大肚,另外我公司會計部都有1個同事大肚,佢會早我一個月生(佢個個係囡囡,她已經生左個仔,同我一樣可以湊夠"好"字)。

我仲未諗到蔚蔚5/DEC生日去邊(我個日要返工),而加考慮緊 6/DEC 同埋蔚蔚表哥、堂亞哥一齊去BBQ。


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-16 12:52 |只看該作者

congratulations ar !! what a big surprise .. hehe.. but it's a happy one!! hehehe

good that you've settled down in your new home already~ remember to rest more and be careful as it's getting cold (and the weather is not too stable). Be prepare with two, you will be much much busier la... so, enjoy the time now :)

took the babies for flu shot yesterday... sigh.. enoch cried even louder than mui mui... (but mostly he was just pretending ... ) hope they won't have much reaction la~~ Husband is on b.trip again.. so, tired to take care of 2 at night and on Sunday by myself~~~ But so fun that I took them to church and to the mall on Sunday... haha... they had fun :D


積分: 1195

BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-11-16 15:20 |只看該作者

THANK YOU AR~~ 當我知道個時真係好開心架。


原帖由 eshiro 於 09-11-16 12:52 發表

congratulations ar !! what a big surprise .. hehe.. but it's a happy one!! hehehe

good that you've settled down in your new home already~ remember to rest more and be careful as it's getti ...


積分: 5986


發表於 09-11-16 17:34 |只看該作者
小夢星 ,
congratulations. I just pass by. I'm preg too. and my EDD is also the end of april. such a conincidence. My big boy is 0612 and the small bb is april 10. However, i can't make a "好" Mine is a boy AGAIN. :)

Add oil :)


積分: 1195

BK Milk勳章

發表於 09-11-17 13:37 |只看該作者
hi xogogo,


原帖由 XOGOGO 於 09-11-16 17:34 發表
小夢星 ,
congratulations. I just pass by. I'm preg too. and my EDD is also the end of april. such a conincidence. My big boy is 0612 and the small bb is april 10. However, i can't ...


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-23 15:14 |只看該作者
XOGOGO, congratulations ar!!!

wow... two of your babies are in the same year and same month arrr... so happy :D


so, any different this time ? rest as much as you can la ... for me, the 2nd pregnancy was quite tired as need to take care of enoch~~ but 蔚蔚 is already in school... should be better la :)

原帖由 XOGOGO 於 09-11-16 17:34 發表
小夢星 ,
congratulations. I just pass by. I'm preg too. and my EDD is also the end of april. such a conincidence. My big boy is 0612 and the small bb is april 10. However, i can't ...


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-23 15:18 |只看該作者

not sure if enoch can come to 小叭生日會yet... as my husband might have plan for enoch that day ar. but i really want to bring enoch over to play with 小叭 ar.... so happened that they were born in the same date & year + same hospital bor.. I want them to know each other more and be good friends if can~~

yes ar.. i also applied 2 more kindergartens for enoch this year... but no interviews yet... one in dec & one in jan ar...... actually, i'm still 15/16 ar even if enoch got accepted by either of them... coz' I like Cannan so far... but I don't know what kind of primary school Cannan can connect to ... kind of frustrated.

原帖由 fion2504 於 09-11-10 14:32 發表
真係無人可以保證O架! 都係試試下咋. 你今年有無去in k1啊. 我都有帶小叭去, 如果入到就讀多一年k1, 如果唔得就上k2.

小叭5號正日開生日會啊, 3:30-5:45pm, 係九龍塘會, 睇下你得唔得閒來玩啦.



積分: 4007

發表於 09-11-23 21:32 |只看該作者
恭喜晒大家啊. 有2個BB, 佢地成長都會開心D啊. 休息多D啊.

原帖由 小夢星 於 09-11-17 13:37 發表
hi xogogo,


小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 4007

發表於 09-11-23 21:38 |只看該作者
小叭生日會當日應該有好多小朋友同大人, 因為我都有請佢D同學去, 發左十幾張咭,有8個都會去, 老公D同事好多都有咁幾個小朋友, 加上來都有100個人以上(大加細), 都諗緊個場好似唔夠位咁, 不過唔緊要啦, 大家迫少少都OK.

小叭已經IN左2個K1, 12月5號同10號就知到結果, 希望OK啦.

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-11-23 15:18 發表

not sure if enoch can come to 小叭生日會yet... as my husband might have plan for enoch that day ar. but i really want to bring enoch over to play with 小叭 ar.... so happened that they were ...
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-24 11:02 |只看該作者

wow... 100個人以上? haha.. it's like another 1-year bday party bor!!

so, had interviews already la? are both international school or traditional ar? I applied 2 traditional schools ar.. one pui ching and one alliance... pui ching is close to home mar...

原帖由 fion2504 於 09-11-23 21:38 發表
小叭生日會當日應該有好多小朋友同大人, 因為我都有請佢D同學去, 發左十幾張咭,有8個都會去, 老公D同事好多都有咁幾個小朋友, 加上來都有100個人以上(大加細), 都諗緊個場好似唔夠位咁, 不過唔緊要啦, 大家迫少少都O ...


積分: 4007

發表於 09-11-24 22:45 |只看該作者
我就in左2間, 就係st.catherine同根德, 仲有宣道就12月中in, 希望st.cat收佢啦. 迦南開始每日都有功課喇, enoch做得開唔開心啊. 小叭都好開心, 最近佢就成日唱刷牙普通話歌, 之前就唱我愛爸媽普通話歌, 好得意啊.

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-11-24 11:02 發表

wow... 100個人以上? haha.. it's like another 1-year bday party bor!!

so, had interviews already la? are both international school or traditional ar? I applied 2 traditional schools ar.. on ...
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


積分: 6247

發表於 09-11-25 10:42 |只看該作者

enoch都好開心做功課.. but I'm not lor... haha.. the time at night is already so packed.... now, mui mui didn't want to sleep until enoch sleeps bor... so, i have to make enoch sleeps earlier... and now gotta squeeze time to do homework tim~~

I asked enoch if grandma can do it with him after school.. but he said 'no la.. mami do it with me la..' it's sooo melting and sweet... so, i guess I will do it with him until there are too many homework and can't really get done at night la.

原帖由 fion2504 於 09-11-24 22:45 發表
我就in左2間, 就係st.catherine同根德, 仲有宣道就12月中in, 希望st.cat收佢啦. 迦南開始每日都有功課喇, enoch做得開唔開心啊. 小叭都好開心, 最近佢就成日唱刷牙普通話歌, 之前就唱我愛爸媽普通話歌, 好得意啊.



積分: 4007

發表於 09-12-9 00:21 |只看該作者
小叭佢st.cat同根德都收左佢, 我有幾個朋友都係, 諗緊邊間好d. 終於都完左個生日會啊, 好開心, 細叭都好開心, 全程都無喊過無扭個計, 好叻仔, 小叭都好開心, 如果明天佢good good boy, 就可能會帶佢去買單車做生日禮物. 佢收個d禮物只俾佢開左兩份, 其它個d keep住, 等玩到咁上下才俾佢開多一份.

原帖由 eshiro 於 09-11-25 10:42 發表

enoch都好開心做功課.. but I'm not lor... haha.. the time at night is already so packed.... now, mui mui didn't want to sleep until enoch sleeps bor... so, i have to make enoch sleeps earlier... ...
小叭係06年12月5日出世時重3.23kgs,1個月4.55kgs,2個月6.40kgs,3個月7.72kgs,4個月8.20kgs,5個月8.80kgs, 6個月10.00kgs, 7個月9.55kgs, 8個月10.00kgs, 9個月10.16kgs, 10個月10.45kgs, 11個月10.91kgs
(4個月第一次反身, 5個月坐, 8個半月爬, 9個半月出牙(上面兩只),10個月出牙(上面兩只)12個月7只牙, 11.81 kgs

細叭係09年1月26日出世, 體重6磅半.
4個半月轉身, 5個月識坐, 7個半月出第一只牙(下面)


