




積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-23 21:58 |只看該作者

回覆:媽媽妹 的帖子

Hello 媽媽妹,


積分: 1609

發表於 12-6-27 12:10 |只看該作者
Hello cutecutetown,

I am disappointed to claim that my two blastocysts transfer also failed...disregard the assisted medicine I got from the clinic (aspirin 80mg). Without a good recent and help from the current doctor, I have decided to leave and go for a completely new doctor and a new cycle. Do you believe the lab is a very important aspect for IVF? When I consult my new doctor last week, I told him my existing doctor told me for my case he cannot perform "laser hatching" but he said this is "not true" when he was reading from my embryo report. I know its hard for you to advice if I should change doctor but if the complete IVF cycle has failed (inclusive of using all frozen blastocysts) then there's no point to waste time and effort to stick with the existing doctor.



積分: 897

發表於 12-6-27 12:28 |只看該作者

回覆 回覆:kakakaju的帖子

sorry to hear about it. which dr u r using if u would not mind sharing. i agree with what u said especially u have no confidence in him now.



積分: 3885

發表於 12-6-27 14:06 |只看該作者
Hi cutecutetown


请问 cutecutetown,如果我要再次接受IVF,我应该在做之前做些什么准备?

问题很多,麻烦你了 cutecutetown



積分: 3885

發表於 12-6-27 14:29 |只看該作者
Dear cutecutetown



積分: 9958

BK Milk勳章

發表於 12-6-27 15:22 |只看該作者
本帖最後由 derrian 於 12-6-27 15:23 編輯

我想問下要儲幾多先為之夠? 同埋一般要儲幾多次?


積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-27 17:01 |只看該作者
回覆 kakakaju 的帖子

Dear kakakaju,
These embryos all came from the same cycle; so, the success/failure could be the eggs rather than the care. Nevertheless, I support your decision to find a doctor who suits you the best.

A note on assisted hatching on blastocysts. It is possible to hatch blastocysts, but indeed, most labs prefer to hatch early-cleavage embryos (i.e. day 3) because it is more risky to perform the procedure when the shell of a blastocyst is most often stretched very thin already.



積分: 1609

發表於 12-6-27 17:17 |只看該作者
回覆 cutecutetown 的帖子

I would think so Cutecutetown. If I have no luck with the IVF fresh cycle and after two times blastocysts transfer is not succesful, maybe it's more of the egg nature then anything else. But seeing the doctor with no confidence in sharing my failure give me so much negative force and discouragement therefore I have decided to leave this doctor and start with a new one hoping the new doctor can help more. I personally do not feel comfortable working along with the existing doctor!


積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-27 22:37 |只看該作者
回覆 selenalim 的帖子

Hello selenalim,

What was your 1st IVF like, e.g. how many eggs collected, how many embryos, transfer on day 2 or 3?

Also, how poor is your hubby's sperm? Do you have polycystic ovaries, insulin resistance, or overweight / underweight? Your doctor will certainly take these into consideration when adjusting the stimulation protocol for you, although I don't think he will explain all the details of his medical decisions (which is ok). While trusting his medical expertise, if you don't mind describing the above info here, I may be able to give you some suggestions (if possible) so that you may have a better ivf cycle to come.

Let's see if I can answer some of your questions....

1. 雄性激素/Androgens (medically called hyperandrogenism) can have a negative effect on egg quality.
2. If it is purely a sperm issue leading to incompetent embryos, then it doesn't matter whether it is fresh or frozen embryos.
3. If an embryo does not implant, most of the time the embryo is incompetent. Suppose you "glue" this embryo onto the uterine lining, it will still miscarry somewhere along.
4. Practically, nothing can be done during that 14-day wait. All you can do is to try NOT to stress yourself. If your doctor gives you medication (vaginal support) and instructions, do them on time; otherwise, simply relax or do something that can distract your mind from thinking too much.
Compare this 14 days to the time waiting for exam results; you are done with writing the exam, but the teacher needs to mark the exam paper before giving you the final result. So, all the hardwork is done already; and while waiting for exam result, I suppose we all go about enjoying a little, meeting friends, etc. etc. to spend the time until result day.

有医生跟进或到医院检查度进 within the 14-day wait is just another way a doctor charges you for consultation yet there is not much to consult. I think you may make better use of the same amount of money to watch a movie, have a few good meals, or enjoy some shopping time. However, remember that if you truly experience any sickness, you can always phone the clinic for advice.



積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-27 22:52 |只看該作者
回覆 derrian 的帖子

Hello derrian,

要儲幾多次depends on a few factors such as the volume of the specimen, the number of motile sperm present, and whether your hubby has difficulty in giving sample on the day. If the purpose of this freezing is for back-up only (in other words, to prepare for the worst just in case there is no sperm in the sample on the day of your egg collection), then probably 1-2 times of freezing should be ok. The lab will often give feedback to the doctor after the 1st freezing; sometimes, a 2nd freezing may not be required.



積分: 897

發表於 12-6-27 23:34 |只看該作者

ivf Q & A

hi cutecutetown, regarding the assisting hatching, any side effect? does it increase the success implantation rate? whats the process? can i request it from queen mary?



積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-28 11:56 |只看該作者
回覆 pigsmoomoo 的帖子

Dear pigsmoomoo,
With any "extra" procedure, there is always a risk of damage to the embryo.

Assisted hatching is a procedure that either opens a hole on the shell of an embryo or makes a portion of the shell thinner, usually with the use of a laser. The belief is that sometimes embryos may have difficulty getting out of this shell (imagine a little chick hatching out of an egg). By creating an exit hole or a thinner area where the embryo can break out of its shell, we try to help competent embryos to implant. Notice that if an embryo is incompatible with life, then it does not matter whether we help it to hatch or not.

You may request it; however, I suspect QM has a policy on who should be offered assisted hatching. There are certain indications which suggest the embryos may need assisted hatching,
e.g. a few embryo transfer procedures with good-quality embryos and yet no implantation
women of advanced age (depends on how the centre defines "advanced age", usually >38)
embryos with thick zona pellucida (shell)



積分: 897

發表於 12-6-28 12:01 |只看該作者
a few embryo transfer procedures with good-quality embryos and yet no implantation
women of advanced age <<< hi cutecutetown, it means it has to be for the 2nd time of ivf......due to the first time failure of implantation.....:;pppp:


cutecutetown  Different centers may have different policies. Ask QM in your case   發表於 12-6-28 16:24


積分: 304

發表於 12-6-28 12:02 |只看該作者
Hi cutecutetown,

I am 36 and I have tried 3 IVF. FSH is around 10.X and I only bingo-ed once (but the BB didn't survive in 2 months time) for the first IVF. I have 2 ectopic pregnancy and my left tube was cut. My right ovary has undergone operation and no longer function. I am now undergoing the 3rd IVF and have 6 frozen embryos. For my prior IVFs, I have stimulated 15 - 20 eggs from my left ovary, but none from my right. For the first 2 IVFs, 3 - 5 out of 15 are grade 2, and remaining cannot survive at all. For third IVF, there are about 11 embryos (2 x cell 8, 2 x cell7, 1 x cell6, 1 x cell5, and others forget ~3-5cells) First 2 cell 8 failed, and I am waiting for the result of next 2 embryos (with 1 died during unfreezing)
I will place the remaining 6 embryos by 2 batches, but I am wondering if I should have fewer stimulation next time under my conditions? Given I only have 1 ovary, and choose between quality Vs quantity, should I reduce the stimulation to improve the quality of embryo to increase the chance of bingo?


積分: 897

發表於 12-6-28 12:03 |只看該作者
heee one more question, this morning i tried to use RED D, i found that there is no mark and nothing shown on the RED D, is it normal? I have had my injection, today and the 7th injection i had.....i am worrying


積分: 8819

發表於 12-6-28 17:28 |只看該作者
Hello cutecutetown, 我做左ivf 十數天了。 昨天是放胎後的 day 12, 我用紅d綠d驗時, 出來的結果是紅d深色, 綠d是淺線。 到了今天, 即 day13, 紅d的結果是比昨天淺色, 而綠d 就只剩下一個印。 原本醫生吩咐我明天 day14 才驗的。那麼現在的情況樂觀嗎? 有什麼可能的情況呢? 我看到今天的結果時很擔心哩。敬希能回答,謝謝。


cutecutetown  This website did not work yesterday and I could not reply.  Did you check again today?  發表於 12-6-29 14:11


積分: 1601

發表於 12-6-28 18:55 |只看該作者

ivf Q & A

Hi! Cutecutetown How r u? 我第一次既ivf 失敗! 連植入都唔得! 開頭照的時候有7 卵泡!可是取卵時只有一粒! 最終全部都係empty! 個一粒都唔好! 不能受精! 醫生話到呢一刻先知道我Amh 得1.0 好低!所以先知要用勁藥! 我想問我其實再做ivf 還有機會嗎?今次醫生用了其他藥給我! 我想問下我還可以做d咩?有咩可以改善我amh 低?同埋係咪唔可以係取卵前知道是否空心??


cutecutetown  Nothing to predict if there will be an egg inside a follicle; usually there is.  發表於 12-6-29 14:39
cutecutetown  Low AMH means a low ovarian reserve; also implies poor response to ovarian stimulation.  發表於 12-6-29 14:38
cutecutetown  Your age?  發表於 12-6-29 14:37


積分: 897

發表於 12-6-29 10:16 |只看該作者
Dear Cutecutetown,

I was just back from QMH, doctor said my response to the injections is so so only. Today is my 8th day of getting injection, as i mentioned that they prescribed me 300 IU for the first 2 days, 150 IU per day during the third to seventh day. Doctor mentioned that my biggest egg is about 10mm for now, the rest are about 8-9mm..... does it mean my response is really bad??

Doctor increases my dosage to 225IU per day from today till next Monday, and asked me coming back for another ultrasound next Tuesday.....when i asked her how many eggs do i have now, she said cannot see for the moment as some of them are too small.

I am so worried and unhappy


積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-29 12:40 |只看該作者
回覆 parker123 的帖子

Dear parker123,
I really hope that you won't need another cycle of IVF; however, based on the quality you mentioned, the chance may be lower.

Sometimes, quantity is difficult to control. Given your high FSH and only 1 ovary functional, any doctor will rather be aggressive in stimulation to get "enough" eggs. If you will continue IVF with the same doctor, you may communicate with him/her of this lower-dose stimulation idea. I am certain he/she will think about it and even explain more of the pros & cons to you of reducing stimulation. Other than the stimulation dosage which the patient is most aware of, the hormonal levels during the cycle will give clues to the doctor as well.

Embryo quality can also be an intrinsic problem, but you managed to have a few good embryos each time. This road of ivf is somewhat bumpy for you, and what you need is not just a chance of bingo, you need a healthy live birth.

Good luck & best wishes,


積分: 9223

發表於 12-6-29 14:09 |只看該作者
回覆 pigsmoomoo 的帖子

Dear pigsmoomoo,
You are on injections and why would you use RED D to check anything? (By the way, does RED D check for ovulation?) You don't want ovulation to occur naturally because we want to take control of when the eggs should be collected.

As your dr said, your response is so-so; not bad, not excellent, but about average. I don't think you should get frustrated so soon, and it is still early to see the no. of eggs. Just continue your injection till Tuesday and see, I think you are doing fine. And it is a blessing that you have just avoided an egg retrieval this weekend, because the typhoon and stormy weather may cause huge inconvenience in nearly everything.

Don't worry and be happy



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